>the gradual process in which Democrat and Republican voters from across the country shifted interests and strategies from the late 1800s to the mid 1900s >just a stupid libtard myth
>the shift over the last ten years from a neoliberal Republican party to a populist nationalist one >YAAAAAS! down with cucks xD
I wonder what mental gymnastics Dinesh of (((benji))) would have to preform to rationalize this
Donald was unable, at this time, to respond, but rather sat there with his mouth open, staring at his daughter's sweaty cleavage, and praying he would not cum before she wrapped her mouth around his cock.
Ivanka pulled his pants to his knees as he sat there, and quickly went back to massaging his cock. She was working it fully--stroking the shaft, rubbing the head, and even using both hands to cup his balls for full attention. Donald could not take this anymore and started to convulse violently. Ivanka, seeing that her daddy, the newly elected President of the United States, was about to cum, finally put her mouth over his cock and sucked it hard till Donald exploded buckets of incestuous cum down her throat.
"Oh my (((G~d))), Ivanka, I enjoyed that! Bigly! Jesus on a fucking stake, I needed that!" Donald exclaimed as he relaxed back into the couch.
Gargling with her daddy's cum, Ivanka stammered, "I haff d-do go spi giss in Ja-red's mouff! I be righ back!'