Are we getting dumber?

for politics i can see how that could be bad but are we really getting dumber though.

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>beliveing what cnn says

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straight off i'm probably smarter then both of you

>a study reported in cnn is cnn
yeah striped flagged hues are obviously getting dumber

As a direct result of third world immigration. The more shit skins the dumber we get. See how easy this is you fucking NPC beta faggots

getting browner which equals getting dumber.

White birth rates have been falling for some time. Meanwhile more and more shitskins are being imported into the west from third world shitholes.

I wonder what could be behind these falling iq scores.

>He reads CNN
>He thinks he's very smart

Checks out. How does it feel to be a living caricature?

even with falling brithrates & immigration you would expect that people would increase in IQ


>IQ falling for decades
Well, whadaya know.

Attached: population projections.png (602x452, 87K)

Pic related is why

Attached: Yearly Share of World Population by Race.gif (684x784, 612K)

no, you wouldn’t. Race is the most valid determinant of average IQ.

Africa needs to get fucking nuke if we care about humanities future.

For the most part the west is just getting browner. But low IQ whites are outbreeding high IQ whites as well.

>We're seeing the same difference within families
Read the damned article, plz. It's not very long.
In any case this should be good ammo for all these Millennial / Zoomer SJWs and their "we're better than those stupid old people who are racist and religious because we're younger and smarter and it's [the current year].

surely IQ is not based on race, my Doctor is Indian, my care is German etc.

Just end immigration and cut off all foreign aid and their population will decline fast.
Africa will descend back into pre-colonial tribal societies and Europe can finally reach its potential.

my car is german
start it

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>same difference within families
Miscegenation is a thing.
Either way it sounds like ad hoc reasoning to preemptively deny racist responses.


And yet you try to rationalize that which you don’t believe.

Gee, I wonder why?

>Food stamps

What happened to survival of the fittest?

Reason 1

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>import the third world in the millions
>non-white nigger orcs are definitely recorded in the stats
>suddenly average IQs in the white Western world are collapsing
Really makes you think!

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Reason 2

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