Why do Latinas in the US love black men so much?

You guys complain about white "mudsharks," but Latinas are on another plane - they ADORE black men, and will actually commit crimes for their black boyfriends. This is completely the opposite of Jow Forums's incorrect stereotype that Hispanics "hate" blacks. And yet, walk around any area with Latinos and blacks, and black male/Latina pairs will be quite common. Why is this?

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All racemixing is degenerate

The Negative canthal tilt on the first and second specimen from the left says it all.

Because they are both from the same class in the US : low. They grow up around each other dating each other etc.

I rarely see this and I live near lots of spics.

Even though Latinos and Latinas want whiter skin and discriminate against darker skinned...the Latinas are all about physical looks when looking for men, so naturally they like to get in the sack with big muscular black men

Sage. Women can get stokholm syndrome, shocking user.

Their aztec blood makes them attracted to brutality

Lantinas in the US love black dick and Latino men (especially dads) try their hardest to cover it up. White people don't know it because they're in middle class areas. They are the biggest virtual signalers in the world. They would actually preach about hating black men and dark skin but still go for black men. I guess it's just instincts. Latinas have fat asses and big dicks are compatible with that and can give them more pleasure than a Hispanic (who have smaller dicks than whites on average).

They grow up listening to da cool hihop music were the negro and niggerism is glorified. Pic related.

No worries, those women are walking garbage, the kind of drunk at 13, weed at 15 and methheads at 18 with 3 children to be future criminals.

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I can't get Latinas even when they've been used and abused by thugs
>cute spanish chick in school
>Dating a black guy who took her V-card
>Guy graduates and goes to another state
>Shes changing her hair every week
>I go all nice guy beta hitting her DM's like a mad man
>Never got anywhere and took it as a loss

>Found out shes pregnant by some other thug after she went home from school

Black incels are real Jow Forums
Don't hate us

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Latina's dream of a handsome white man like all other insecure brown and black girls.

The only reason they settle for a black is because they have no other option. Unlucky life circumstances, perhaps.


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It is. This board is full of little faggy twinks who couldn't get white women. I prefer all races stick to their own, race mixing of any sort is an abomination from hell.

Minority women think they're oppressed in the west if white guys don't want them.
That's what happens when you let entitled minorities move into white lands while they are being taken care of by the white man 24/7.

Hispanic woman throw themselves at anyone. They're massive sluts.

Also Latino men are like fucking 5'2 on average and fat as fuck. No shit They look elsewhere.

they're shitskins, so it's not like they're very different

Latinas who sleep with nigs are also called Mudsharks. I'm a Latino, & I won't go near a coalburner. They are abominations.

They don't. Nobody likes niggers

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60% black, that's why. +60% white people aim for other latinos or white people really.


Latina coalburners are just like white coalburners. They are usually fat, unattractive, have tattoos, peircings, is uber-Liberal, slutty, & are just-down right trash.

Trashy women date trashy men, & sleeping with niggers is as low trash one can get

>Latina's dream of a handsome white man
They're forcibly conditioned to and it has failed miserably since OP is dead on about half of them having black bfs. It's funny because I follow this Latina Instagram model who always posed with white guys. You can tell her parents probably tried to force that taste on her. Now she has a black boyfriend and is happy as shit. Her ass is big too so I guess she's now finally experiencing what actual sex deals like.

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They don't. Women of every race perfer white males. All dating app research shows this. Stop believing kike proaganda you retard.

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Sleeping with niggers is borderline bestiality.

I rarely see this and I live around a lot of both.

>black men
sub-saharan men

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Marriage is a failure in general so of course the virtual signaling stats are also inaccurate fails.

Hahahaha you should have made a move sooner instead of being a fucking "nice guy" you god damn scrub.

> Forcibly conditioned


>Stop believing kike propaganda
>believes in dating app stats
Some people actually go out and talk to others instead of using apps but whatever helps you sleep at night, friend.

who cares?

Latrineos have nigger in them, it is not wonder they want to be with their own kind.

You mean only Asians. White girls too but in their 20s they're fucking anything that's hot.

They literally have saying that translate to "bettering the race" for sleeping with a white guy. That's forcibly conditioned in every sense. And it's insulting their own people on top of it. I've never seen a white guy that goes specifically for Latina's either so "bettering the race" is a failure when there's not enough white guys trying to participate.

Sat on the student bus today, was on a row of four seats, next to a negro, an indian woman and an indian man. The indian women showed all interest to the negro, and constantly talked to him, while he barely responded back. The indian guy tried to talk to her but the conversation was quickly steered back to the negro, and the indian woman continued to ignore the indian man.

Black instagram models arn't representative of how blacks look in real life, this goes for models of any race for that matter.

not really .you do see them but its not very common. latinas tend to stick to their own or go with white guys .the only latinas who have a higher tendency to go with black guys are puerto ricans just like the girl in your pic is puerto rican.you probably cant tell but i can

It's only the ugly ones or the mentally challenged ones that like niggers. Normal white girls don't like niggers.

Bullshit. Everybody hates niggers except for the lowest scum imaginable.

"Latinas" are puerto ricans and Dominicans can be black too...

Literally only white passing latinas (aka the minority) are ever with a white guy. Otherwise it's rare as shit.

>normal white girls
Thread is about Latina women. But white girls won't hesitate to fuck a guy like Trey Songz. He's a nigger until he's not, then he's a "Tyrone" fucking your women and you're complaining online.

Go outside. You being in house all day is the only thing holding you on to your delusions.

man up and stop acting like a faggot

It seems like the idea of "mejorando la raza" is not as big as it used to be. At least not in the US.


>I've never seen a white guy that goes specifically for Latina's either
Jow Forums is full of guys like that who only go for minority women, the fags here are not an accurate representation of white men at all, but still.

They love the abuse!