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He wrote in Bernie on the ballot. He is an ultra hypocrite pandering pile of fucking shit. The absolute epitome of an empty suit, saying whatever needs to be said to further the agenda even if it contradicts what he previously said.

a bit late now you fucking dingbat

I remember campaign Obama
>legal weed
>gay marriage
>close guantanamo
>no more wars
>end current wars
>universal healthcare
>internet privacy
>government transparency
>immigration reform
Boy did he deliver

Doesn't help when you got a shitty GOP controlling the House for 6 years of his term.

literally who?

He had a filibuster busting super majority, its not the Republicans fault democrats bungled it when they had their chance.

>legal weed
>gay marriage
He was against both of those things when he ran in 08, he made some flippant remark when someone in a town hall asked him about weed

>He had a filibuster busting super majority,

For a couple days.

Me, before the Obama era
>M16s are cool
>rock music & Mustangs, hell yeah
>F22 most aesthetic jet ever
>Americans spreading democracy and pushing Russia further back into Siberia *thumbsup*

Me, after the Obama era
>Mujaheddin are trying to keep their land clean of homos and cheap strippers
>Iran is based
>original MiG 29 sexiest airplane ever
>Sukhoi for the win
>AK rifles are the tools of LIBERATION
>Hohols are being useful idiots again

Who the fuck cares? I don't go ask Jimmy Carter what his stance on anything is because he's fucking irrelevant, just like this stupid nigger who hasn't figure it out yet.

Theres some kid in Libya who is literally a slave, and he is a slave as a direct result of Obama's policies and the policies of zionist occupied government: the funding of islamic terrorist groups with taxpayer money

Actually two years

>Actually two years

The super majority was only a few days. Look it up. Franken didn't get his seat until June. Kennedy died, special election happened.


He had a year of filibuster proof majority, he should have made FDR's first hundred says look like half assed shit

The time for this was 8 years ago

What the fuck that nigger sippin on for those two years the GOP didn't?

How will it be paid for?

Americans are too self-centered and brainwashed by consumerism to ever vote for medicare for all. A pathetic people.

You seem to have a very very short memory of how Republicans treated Obama for 8 years and McConnell saying he wanted to make him a one term president.

Raising taxes.

>Raising taxes.

You are already paying "taxes" to insurance companies.

By how much?

>By how much?

If you factor in co-pays and premiums getting rid of by single payer, you would save money.

Medicaid is government issued healthcare all Americans get at 65. So medicaid for all means the insurance companies are bypassed.

>actually believing what a rich person says
He "likes" it now that it has little chance of happening, thanks to his work on behalf of the neoliberal jew wing of the Democrat Party.

Also layers of management, people paid just to argue with other people, people paid just to keep tight inventory on those $10 cough drops...

Single payer is socialism. Interesting the democrats are running on it.

Four years of Trump will lead to Sanders getting the presidency, obama will campaign for him and we will finally make America great again when we finally tell the insurance companies to go fuck themselves.

Amerilards call themselves a first world developed nation yet can't provide for their weakest.

Healthcare for all is a hallmark or advanced civilization yet you obese hicks care more about your guns and video games.

Your nation is a trailer park among the greatest and most humans of civilizations. Even African tribes would care for their sick.

>Single payer is socialism.

I suggest you look up what the term socialism is. That term actually does have a meaning. And look up what single payer healthcare is as well.

Give me an original thought fatty not something you read in a right wing newspaper.

Government issued healthcare is socialism.

>Amerilards call themselves a first world developed nation yet can't provide for their weakest.

It's because America is the world's empire and has had decades of red scare being imposed on it to say anything that isn't hyper capitalist bullshit is socialism. It's brainwashed the average Amerilard into being this poor fuck

>Give me an original thought fatty not something you read in a right wing newspaper.

I'm agreeing with you. I'm not a right winger.

did you not just read that he told you that Obama had both the house and senate during his first term?

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Obama is actually still in control
That's why the economy is so good
DRUMPF is just riding his coattails

America has socialist programs like min wage, medicare at 65 and social security for retirement.

All government issued.

I refuse to pay for deadbeat niggers, juanita and her 22 kids, drug addicts, and lard asses that can't take care of themselves.

>did you not just read that he told you that Obama had both the house and senate during his first term?

That doesn't change the fact There was a fillbuster, there was blue dog democrats. It's very hard to get legislation passed by Congress, especially when you have a Republican Party that votes zero percent with Obama, calling him a Kenyan socialist Muslim terrorist!

You fucktards are playing into the division of the classes that was seeded by the Red Scare. If you were as poor as Liberia this would be a moot point. But being so wealthy and powerful and mostly white it is a crime to not care for someone who is sick. Its basic humanity. The (((Red Scare))) split society into hardened libertarian tards or pink haired leftist morons. While the majority in the middle would love a balanced approach. Any country worth living (keyword Living ) in needs basic healthcare needs met. Otherwise you are just another slave in a shinier workers paradise.

>America has socialist programs like min wage, medicare at 65 and social security for retirement.

Aspects of social democracy isn't the same as socialism, which is workers controlling the means of production. What you are thinking of is a mixed economic system, where the worst excesses of capitalism are done away with.

>obama will campaign for him
>the neoliberal wing of the party will ever support the socdem wing of the party
Not on your life.

>minimum wage is the government providing public goods and services
You should really kill yourself, boomer.

checked and necked

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The president isn't king. He can't do whatever he wants.

Turn off the TV retard. You're an American and helping other Americans is a patriotic duty. Not just dying for Israel. For every Juanita there is a Karen and her children Suzy and Bryan who need cheaper healthcare too.

You're going to pay for them anyway, one way or another. Better to pay for Juanita's IUD.

You don't think the ACA was exactly the policy he wanted in the first place? When he would meet daily with AHIP but not even meet with single payer advocates? Partisans are fools.

Exactly. You shouldn't have to pay for some elses mistakes.
You are conflating socialism with communism.
Min wage is welfare.

>caring for niggers and illegals
fuck off, leaf

1 thing no one can dispute. Fuck black drone boy

Nope, and kys.

>>close guantanamo
hes gonna wish he actually did this one because thats exactly where him and his friends are going.

Worry a boot Cananda. I will never accept socialism in America until demographics are 90% European. The people hurting are not my kin.


>You don't think the ACA was exactly the policy he wanted in the first place?


We would have gotten a public option if it wasn't for Joe fucking Libermann. Thats just a fact, look it up.

>Gets the flu
>Pays $80000 for treatment
>Relies on (((Corporation))) for healthcare which it legally isn't obligated to provide

You Amerilards are animals larping as humans.

And then Reid changes the filibuster rules for federal judges. They could have changed all the procedural rules to simple majority and passed everything

>I will never accept socialism in America

Because you are a jack jawed retard. Good thing you are dying out.

The Jew has trained you well goy.

>And then Reid changes the filibuster rules for federal judges. They could have changed all the procedural rules to simple majority and passed everything

That would be pretty nice user. Hope Dems abolish the filibuster once in power again and make the Republicans an extinct party.

Libertarianism is rising not falling. Turns out people don't like taxation without representation.
Jews have nothing to do with this.

>setting a floor price for labor is the same as government paying for it
Go back, boomer.

>it's a fact
Which means you made it up out of whole cloth. You have to go back.

KYS Eyou faggot. You’re ran by brainlets in Brussels.

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Socdem is rising quicker. Turns out people don't care about faithless representation and they don't like gladiating for a bunch of rich lolbertarian (formerly neoliberal) assholes.

The government is indirectly paying for it by forcing companies to pay workers min wage.

Ill say it again brainlet. Win wage is welfare.

Whom do you think controls the Healthcare, onsurance, and health litigation industries. Why the fuck is a surgery that costs $5000 max in other countries costing $100,000 in the US? The fuck is wrong with you idiots? Of course it's the Jew. In the US they win either way.

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>Libertarianism is rising not falling.

Libertarainism is fucking dead ideology.

I'm tired of caring for the weak. It's not even natural.

Libertarianism isnt about the rich its about the free. People don't like taxes. See you in mid terms loser.
Stop the Ad hominem attacks you are embarrassing yourself. The reason healthcare is so expensive in the USA is due to monopoly. Still the best healthcare in the world if you can afford it.
Proof? Americans just elected a tax cuts and jobs president. A capitalist not a socialist.

>getting the flu

I've been in shape since I was like 10 and I've never been sick once. All these "people" who are sick all the time are fat slobs who eat like shit or drug addicts. They are the reason healthcare is so high, not people with genetic disorders like diabetes or CF.


Reddit bait

Literally American capitalism

he had his chance

Based Obama. Love how he triggers right wingers so hard.

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>muh freedom
The only freedom you give a shit about is the ability to take others' freedom away.
People who align with either US party should be killed.

They blew it on ACA, even threw DACA out the window and ended with an EO of it

How is it bait? Tell me why I should pay even more taxes to save people who mother nature and death are trying to cull?

>a nigger wants gib me dats
Stop the fucking presses!

Huh? I support the individual freedoms of life, liberty and happiness. Again taxation without representation is slavery which your economic philosophy imposes.

I think Trump does a better job of doing that with those on the Left


Because taxes don't "pay for" spending. A currency issuer is not subject to the same restrictions as a currency issuer.

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hes just trying to gaslight you. most people are tired of paying for it and thats why Democrats are losing.

Go find an ER nurse and ask them how they feel about the lower rungs of society and if they should be coddled.

>he supports whatever freedoms a bunch of dead oligarchs said he deserved
Cuckoldry levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>hes just trying to gaslight you
>most people

They suck that faggots dick anyway
Hero to black people who made black peoples lives worse

No shit - the government is out of control and bought and paid for. So why are we giving them healthcare again? So fat fuck diabetic Sally with manic depression and schizophrenia can always have access to the care she needs 5 times a week? Fuck off, you and her both need to die.

You really, REALLY need to go back to leftypol.

>two terms

PAHAHAHAHAHA not with that approval rating

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>free shit paid for by others is real freedom

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>le medicaid for all
>no I don't know what bridge insurance is
gullible fucking rube

>hurr durr so about my narrative and talking points I've been paid to repeat every single day
All of you half-dicked neoliberal jews need to be put on trains. Why? This is the same shit-tier argument your think tank shills EVERY DAY. Pic related.

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Libertarianism is the ideal society as it works. Socialism only functions long as the society remains moral, racially cohesive and hard working. It's shocking to me democrats want to take the demographics of the USA and slap huge governmental programs on to fix problems Darwin can deal with.
Those men gave us this republic of free speech so we can work through ideas peacefully. The separation of powers. The bill of rights. Are being abused by communists like you who attack both parties for not being authoritarian enough. The election of Trump was a response to Obamas insane unconstitutional overreach. Americans are moderate stop creating a monster out of mice.

Fuck you and your safe space, kike.

>free shit paid for by everyone isn't real freedom
Amerifats are incapable of understanding anything that doesn't have a coinbox attached. They know nothing but to consume, while they pretend that their shit-tier ultra-specialized jobs serving some lord are "producing".
All of you neoliberal jews need gassed.

You still have yet to tell me why I should give a fuck if genetic dead ends die. So either tell me before you die of your uninsurable diabetes or fuck right off back to leftypol.

Keep hoping and wishing faggot. DNC is broke and leaderless. Even kids are laughing at you virtue signaling queers and laughing. Rest in piss nigger

I've read the studies; the problem is that they don't (and can't) factor in the intangibles like shaniqua running her kids over to urgent care every week when her niglets get a common cold. Whites and Asians can manage socialized healthcare, browns can't; that's partly why Obama didn't pass it, it would have fucking flopped and the Dems would look like colossal fucking clowns. That and the insurance and pharmaceutical donations.

Medicare for all is government issued healthcare.

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>All of you neoliberal jews need gassed.
who's gonna do that, you and your antifa buddies? lel, the heart disease will get you first before you can even start up the chamber

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and yet he just penned niggerdom through executive orders all the time

They're very tangible and very easy to predict - expect it to be abused with blatant disregard just like everything else whites gave these dumb apes.