Your database is racist

Quick run down:

> wop writes database
> releases source code and basedboys use it non stop
> start getting offended because the database uses the terms “master” and “slave” to describe database roles
> start twitter mob to force wop to change all his code to use less offensive words

Well Jow Forums, if he can’t use master and slave what words should he use to describe his antipasta db?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is this nigger really going after coding language?

These fucks are more than welcome to not use Redis.
They are also welcome to replace 'master' and 'slave' in the code themselves. Let's see if these frauds can manage to pull that off.

Oh shit, and here through the 90's I had a racist ISA hard drive.

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They can call it

>its not okay to use master and slave in tech
>but its 100% okay to use in bdsm
shoot me now

the only response to bullshit like this would be "you can fork the project and change whatever you like, if you do not like the way I run things then please leave"

>Well Jow Forums, if he can’t use master and slave what words should he use to describe his antipasta db?
Cracker and nigger.

>reading someone's code
>see the word "slave"
>die instantly

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>tfw they change master and slave to co-equal and co-equal and nobody can tell what the fuck is going on

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>social justice scientists pick apart programming languages and determine literally everything about them is oppressive and we end up having to code using 1's and 0's again
>still not good enough
>they protest the inequality of 1 and 0
>every program now must be written with a bunch of 0's

it's the future we deserve desu

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>1 and 0's

Just wait until a SJW get pissy that "Transbits" don't exist.

You didn't hear? Binary is on a spectrum.

Good Christ this is the most retarded thing I've heard today.


You will be raked last syrup nigger

Unironically redpilled btw
>Israeli murders are called "commandos"

>Unironically redpilled
He literally shits all over white people at 2:00

>Not only does it have some terrible legacy and connotations, it's also just a worse technical term.

wtf does that even mean? worse than what? you didn't offer an alternative

This. It is clear the distinction is consent, and given that slave servers willingly take the role and connect to master servers consent is implied, making it okay. Should the slave server choose to reject, it may boot up as its own master server if configured to do so.

>the only response to bullshit like this would be "you can fork the project and change whatever you like, if you do not like the way I run things then please leave"

The only proper response is, "Fuck off you fucking faggot. Get the fuck out of here with that crazy bullshit."

>Binary is on a spectrum

Is quantum computing SJW approved?

I heard Canon cameras are getting rid of master and slave terminology for wireless hardware. Also eliminating the term "shoot" for taking a picture. Cucks.

Better hope they never find out what a master and slave cylinder are, who am I kidding these faggots can't even change a tire.

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>give us control over the definitions of the words you use goy
I wonder why they'd want that kind of power? Words are what we use to communicate ideas and information about reality so why would they want power over that? Maybe its like a cheat code that will allow them to win any argument by just changing the definition of words? Lets see
>racism is defined as power + prejudice
>racism used to be defined as just prejudice or hating other races
Woops, looks like non whites can't be racist anymore since they "don't have power." Well the idea they have no power is a lie too but you get my point.
Lets try another one
>majority used to be defined as over 50% of something
>somebody comes along and points out whites are a mathematical minority in the world so we should protect their rights
>so sociologists change the definition of a majority to "the group that has power"
Seems to me like these guys want to control the definitions of words so they can control the way we think and interact with each other. Maybe if we allow them to do that they'll use that power dishonestly for their own benefit? No, they wouldn't do that. Changing the definition of "majority" from a mathematical reality to some bullshit that justifies their agenda against white people shows we can rely on them to be fair and objective.

Let's just give them the authority of a dictionary so they can change the meanings of words on the spot to suit whatever they're doing guys everything will be great.

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The resistance of TRANSistors have literally always been measured on a spectrum

Oh fuck, is David still relevant? I never hear about Ruby on Rails anymore.

Damn, that's some quantum shit right there

>what words should he use to describe his antipasta db
Goy and Chosen is obv the only correct answer

A right wing Republican invented Javascript and it's pretty much the only programming language basedboys can use other than python. Shouldn't they all stop "coding"?


Oh look, a bunch of "evangelist" normies shitting everything up.

Injection molding presses will outlast this