Poland is going Sweden mode on steroids ! Some journalists report under each Polish major city huge CAMPS are build where muslims and other asian migrants are being learnt Polish language. What took 20 years in the West will happen within next few years in Poland. Poland is going to be flooded with migrants in millions. According to Polish people number of migrants in Polish cities is growing in geometrical number. Poles report huge groups od darked skinned men about 10-20 which were typical for the West are starting to roam Polish streets. Poles are in panic and rage.
I don't understand European women. If you want to live around niggers, just immigrate to the US. Why ruin a nice white country?
Jonathan Bailey
They are spoiled brats. They have security, wealth, men, money all provided by white men, so why not fucking some exotic men promoted in all movies and music clips ? They can fuck niggers because white men created such advanced and rich world it made 80% of them obsolete. We are victims of own success. We made agriculture and made it possible for blacks to multiply and we invented planes and travelling which allowed them to transport.
That's what I'm saying. If they traveled her and witnessed our niggers it has a way of making people racist on their own. Americans are more racist on average because we actually live with them, basically.