I wish everybody just believed my "facts" and let me get away with whatever I wanted

>I wish everybody just believed my "facts" and let me get away with whatever I wanted
Why do you love his hand up your ass as much as he does?

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he is furthering the divide rather than building bridges

why do you think people support him on here, it isn't because his policies are good

The guys been on reciorded on film for probably a decade of time and no one has a tape of him saying anything worse than a true statement about how groupies want him to grab them by the pussy

Why isnt there anything on tape like is in the book?

Why the FUCK do you continue to berate and attack Trump supporters with your false sense of superiority? Do you realize that people are walking away and are sick and tired of your kike bullshit specifically because you retards think that your opinions matter to other people?

>it isn't because his policies are good
and somehow they are still better than any previous policies of the last half century (or more)

If my opinions don't matter, why are you getting so upset?

I'm upset because 2 years later you still have this false sense of superiority and seem to imply that anyone who doesn't think the way you do or agree with your worldview must be a Trump cultist. You realize you're the one acting like slavemaster right? No wonder that #WalkAway is so popular. You people are truly evil.

>and seem to imply that anyone who doesn't think the way you do or agree with your worldview must be a Trump cultist
You seem to be projecting, because that is exactly how you treat any "shill" or "jew" that disagrees with your worldview. At any rate, I'm not going to be bullied into not calling out brainwashed followers when I see them.

Woodward is not only a jerkoff but an absolute failure for the left politically. A kike talking shit about Trump happens 7.5 times per second on average despite being less than 2% of the population. Millhouse tier

>I don't talk that way.
Yeah right. Just wait until the thousands of hours of tape are released that have you saying every slur in the world. Just wait. Just keep waiting. Just... keep... waiting...

"they're saving it for the election, the midterms, Trump's second campaign, as evidence for Mueller to finally impeach him, wait what tapes what are you talking about nobody ever said they had tapes lol you're paranoid"

You would cup his calls while your wife sucked him. Bow down to the emperor faggot

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the jews did both nixon and kennedy. all zionists and zionist collaborators must hang

>Jow Forums is one person
If anything this place should show that there’s is extremely sound logic behind Trump supporters, or at least valid reason for being one even if you disagree. There are empty headed cultists in every movenrnybbut they rarely call the shots. Do you not see rampant corruption? Do you not see all the illegitimate power that has been usurped? Do you not see how going after normal people as if they’re the KKK is obscene? Do you not see how censoring alternative opinions is way out of line?

You as in (You), you the person. I'm calling YOU out personally.

>Do you not see rampant corruption? Do you not see all the illegitimate power that has been usurped?
Yeah, do you??
>Do you not see how going after normal people as if they’re the KKK is obscene?
They're not though.
>Do you not see how censoring alternative opinions is way out of line?
You're not calling them alternative facts anymore? You may have right to state your opinion but networks also have the right to tell you to fuck right off.

Not going to be bullied? Yeah right...some leftist yid on Jow Forums trying to be superior. Just like another user said, you are literal slave owners, and come mid terms, this will only be more apparent. Fuck, you george soros kikes NEED the oven, and QUICK.

>My facts are totally real and shouldn't be questioned but the facts of a credible journalist that criticizes me? well that's FAKE NEWS!!!!!

omfg So based! MAGA!

Honestly, a lot of it comes from shill NPCs hating him. That’s an important cue for me.

What is it with you communists and your anal fixations?


>credible journalist
You glow so fucking much

He made American economy better. That's all you need to know. Now fuck off

That's now why anyone supports him though, don't be a liar like those kikes.
It's clear the only reason anyone supports Trump is to piss off the faggot neuters who have been chosen by (((society))) to represent the left. Politics is a worthless shit-flinging contest to distract people from where it all really matters: foreign trade, economics, and local government embezzlement.

noticed it too.

Attached: 7r557ree.jpg (850x570, 30K)

He’s right though. The way Trump is quoted in the book is all wrong. It sounds nothing like him. It’s painfully obvious. They didn’t even try to make it realistic. They obviously just worked down a list of bullet points they wanted to use against him.

this sounds like a fourth grader defending himself, is this 4D chess? unironically asking

Of course I see blatant corruption dude. I think weaponizing intelligence agencies and collaborating with a dishonest media is a far greater corruption than paying off a hooker with a legal payment.

The left absolutely does render anyone they disagree with a racist xenophobic Nazi who deserves to have their social lives ruined. Mainline liberals are all too happy to agree. Do you not see how this is what has created immovable faultlines?

Of course they have the legal right to. But would you support the Catholic Church iprisoning galileo for saying the earth goes around the sun? IF you allow an entity as powerful as Big tech - more or less the public square - to censor ideas for being disagreeable, you might censor ideas that will ultimately greatly improve the world. Do you not see that as a problem?

Every president gets books full of bullshit like this written about them. But for every other president, the books come out and get no attention or maybe a tiny article on page 28.

Only for Trump do these hack books get front page cover for days.

He might sound like a 4th grader responding to kindergartners, leftists are REALLY stupid. Dem party is 2/3 niggers and spics, average Dem IQ can't be higher than 90. They are vermin and need to be exterminated.