Ever noticed how everyone is getting burnt out these days?

This last few years has been a bit much right?

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Tim Pool has really lost his edge lately. He should take a break from youtube for a while. He is shitting out 5 videos a day like MundaneMatt.

>getting tired of winning 1 year in

>this last few years has been a bit much right?
Not really. It hasn't been enough. Not nearly fucking enough.

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I'm not going to waste my time on a Sargon video if that's what you mean.

Don't worry about it, it's time for sleep. I've looked over all of it and it's nothing, how about we all just get some rest?

I'm sleepy, are you sleepy too? You look sleepy. Time to sleep

trying to hold up western civilzation is tough

they should just go full accelerationism, and enjoy watching the world burn

Yeah he might be a bit tired.

It's the constant bullshit form the left we are tasked with deconstructing I think.

It's like the left is endlessly spewing bullshit and we are constantly proving them wrong, and winning at every stage but it is so tiresome.

It reminds me of having an argument with a woman lol. Even when they are blatantly in the wrong it is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.

I just want to say to leftists, fuck you fucking rats. Your whole political purpose is to be a cancer on humanity. Get in your place and stop trying to impose yourself on the rest of us.

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It's not the same anymore. They've lost their public support.

Who lost their public support?

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Look at Sargon. Once a week recording for hours on how dumb people are.

>Gradually, I began to hate them

Yeah, people just tire after a while. New people will come along to fill the vacuum and old ones will return when they are rested. There are very few people capable of carrying the burden at all times throughout their lives, especially when they are under constant siege.

One can only drone on-and-on about SJWs and feminism so much. Those that are keeping up with current events and analyzing them are doing fine. It's the likes of sargon, bearing, et al, whose bread and butter were SJW/feminist cringe that are really struggling. And frankly, I'm more concerned with what's happening here in the states. Tired of watching eurofags piss and moan.

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>I just want to say to leftists, fuck you fucking rats.
What do you even mean by leftists. Your western political discourse is so cancerous as a whole that you completely lost me.
Here I was thinking that "stop trying to impose yourself on the rest of us" is a traditionally left-wing position.
People need to start saying "economic left/right" and "social left/right" or something so that us normal people can understand what the hell you're even saying.

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Its typically the people putting out daily 10-minute youtube videos
Totally not for the money though

styx has been doing this for years without a hitch

Tim is fucking hilarious. All this shit hapenning and he still sticks to his fence-sitting position. One of his recent videos even hit 50% likes/dislikes, think it was a one about trans

Somehow only based civic nationalist fence sitters like sargon are getting jaded. No more low hanging fruits to pluck from the sjw tree and the right hurt his fee fees

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its kind of fascinating seeing Tim dragged kicking and screaming to the right. he was the same OWS skater bum from 2011 to 2016 but now in 2018 he seems a few months away from going full 14/88.

Never going to happen. He's too set in his ideals and even the left goes full communism and starts a war he'll still be on that fucking fence.

That halfling is so visibly butthurt about being mixed and knowing he is an abomination. He is more than aware that the right is the good side but can't admit it because there is no place for mutts.

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nothing is real

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I think its just people are starting to realize that ethno nationalism is the only cure, but dont know how to deal with it without mistreating non whites that didnt do or want any of this shit.

His fence sitting is the most annoying part of his videos. He obviously leans left, but is playing the neutral centrist to retain the young right audience.

>sargon is struggling
But aren't his collective channels bigger than ever before and growing? I wish I could "struggle" like that.

>full 14/88.

>that delicious hunk hiding behind some statue avatar all this time

Would do, amirite, boys?

Jesus Christ, imagine that voice reading the news to you afterwards, as you drift off to sleep...bliss.

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Are you kidding me? This ride is amazing.