What is causing the increase in the incel epidemic?

And how does one get out of it? Asking for a friend.

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women are trash and low T and no sunlight makes you ugly. add in rubber-soled shoes and blue light from telescreens and man, it's no wonder the european men are fucked.

maybe if women would be more nice, men would be more nice too.

its a two way street.

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Just be yourself

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No jobs, garbage tier women, feminism, video game "culture", boomers, inflated house costs..hmm I wonder..

It will take enlightenment of the human race which is a state of degeneration and decay

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What's wrong with rubber soled shoes?

Rubber soles insulate you from charge recycling through the naturally flowing electrons that come out of the earth's surface. These negative ions heal oxidative damage and slow down the aging process, along with preventing you from getting inflammation-based chronic illnesses. They sell the plebs shoes with rubber soles to disempower you and make you sick. Houses are built wrong too, and insulate you from charge recycling.

>sounds very woo woo