What is causing the increase in the incel epidemic?

And how does one get out of it? Asking for a friend.

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women are trash and low T and no sunlight makes you ugly. add in rubber-soled shoes and blue light from telescreens and man, it's no wonder the european men are fucked.

maybe if women would be more nice, men would be more nice too.

its a two way street.

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Just be yourself

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No jobs, garbage tier women, feminism, video game "culture", boomers, inflated house costs..hmm I wonder..

It will take enlightenment of the human race which is a state of degeneration and decay

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What's wrong with rubber soled shoes?

Rubber soles insulate you from charge recycling through the naturally flowing electrons that come out of the earth's surface. These negative ions heal oxidative damage and slow down the aging process, along with preventing you from getting inflammation-based chronic illnesses. They sell the plebs shoes with rubber soles to disempower you and make you sick. Houses are built wrong too, and insulate you from charge recycling.

>sounds very woo woo

volcel here, who wants to stick their dick into a worn out whore who's had 20 men inside her cunt?

Did you not take chemistry class, genius? This is pretty basic stuff.

>Asking for a friend
Only a basedboy reddit cuck would use that phrase. Please kill yourself.


>volcel here

thats adorable. I have no doubt you'd just be swimming in puss if you simply just decided to.

>Only a basedboy reddit cuck would use that phrase.

i want to improve

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Another thread on here now had a reference about old roasties being like pandas that only eat alpha bamboo.
Young women see this and emulate
Young men see it and feel hopelessness.
Jewish media.
It’s that simple.

I abandoned chemistry and physics upon deeming it to heavily influenced by Jewish scientists who played fast and loose with the rules. I call it Judenphysiks

if earths population was 80 billion there would be 20 billion incels and NEETS and the same number of ((elites))) as today. we could claim israel in one day becase they would not have enough ammo to gun us all down in one zerg rush.

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It's not your just retarded. Incel is just the new neckbeard

Immigration importing the incels from other nations that women find exotic, thus causing a congestion of surplus males in the host countries. These host males are going to inevitably end up in nationalist groups, and you'll likely see amazing levels of violence breaking out in the near future.

Maybe the leaders of these countries should've consulted psychologists and sociologists beforehand instead of just following whatever their vizir economists whispered in their ears.

>no sunlight makes you ugly
fuck that.
sunlight is the number 1 cause of aging skin, especially for whites.
in your 20's you might look cool and trendy being bronze for a few years, but you'll look 50 when you're 30.
avoid that shit like a vampire and you'll be forever young.

This isn't string theory here, moron. Unpaired electrons are very reactive and if you aren't picking up the electrons that come off the earth's surface then your atoms will steal electrons from neighboring atoms causing oxidative stress which is the cause of not only wrinkles but a number of diseases. Rubber doesn't conduct, so when you go outside wearing rubber-soled shoes, you are insulating yourself from creating a circuit with the planet which ends up aging you prematurely and making you chronically sick. Or stay retarded and never replenish your body with the electrical charge it requires to function. Not my problem. This isn't crystal magic or something LOL

Vitamin D improves bone development.

yeah, and never walking is good for your knees
fuck off lmao

>incel epidemic

Your guess is as good as mine. Incels basically learn to do without much intimacy and empathy until the roastie has the time of her life. Even the twice a year sex is much appreciated. The roastie also appreciates that as she doesnt hurt herself by doing more for someone that she barely finds attractive.

What specifically are you referring to?
Bone development and in turn ugliness are caused by the amount of sugar that pulls calcium away from our bones. Also hormones are manipulated against us. This is a fact no one talks about. I would also argue that our unnatural state of sitting in class all day contributes to poor bone density.

Now with regards to female behavior, this is a byproduct of feminism and nothing more needs to be explained.

Tell your friend to stay strong. We're with him and don't let him get bitter. Dedicate yourself to the National Socialist Revolution.

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Don't be a wimpy blue pilled Manlet. The incel phenomenon is indeed a psyop, it must be understood that there is a stark difference between reality and the media driven perception thereof.

Be excellent at what is good. Be innocent of evil.

For sure
I have no problem with women.
They are whorish now and I only care about creating a family with good values.
Having a used up condom of a wife is no interest to me.

I'd rather fight in race war 2020 than ever sleep with these girls we have now again.

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Charge recycling is a shit.
If you want to equalize charges with the earth, just stick a metal rod in the ground, and touch it. Done.
You were just earth-grounded.
Now if you really want more current to flow you, ya know, really cycle through those nasty ions, you just need to hold up a metal rod, outside during a thunderstorm. Physics garuntees, that you'll be recycling many ions that way.