Daily reminder that there are people with no inner monolog


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all Jerseycucks must be NPCs

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What do they mean by inner dialogue? do they mean thinking in general? I find it hard to believe that the majority of people can't formulate a thought. Also it's hard to describe that as an inner voice isn't it? Maybe it's more of a conscious? When I was a kid my mom told me not everyone had a conscience so maybe this is what she meant?

Daily reminder that a study of 30 students(read:morons) states nothing.

This is and always will be junk science pushed by people who can barely be called doctors.

Yeah, those people used to talk quietly to themselves.
Stop shilling this meme

Excuse me! Did you really just womp womp NPC!

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I didn't see the study at a glance and it's from 2011 so I assumed it was bs

Posted before but there are people who can't even visualize things in their mind

The phashia related neurological disorders are so interesting.

What was the sampie size again. Do we really need another reminder of this topic

I have aphantasia ask me anything.

No it is a legitimate question. Somehow people are only beginning to realize this now. That people literally don't even have the same cognitive ability. Not like ability as in a scale, some people completely lack certain functions

A guy I work with says he does too. How did you discover you had it ? A lot of people don't realize

They mean mentally vocalizing their thoughts. Like if you sit on the toilet in the morning and talk yourself through what you're going to do that morning, that's what they mean. Not everyone can do that, which is really weird to me. Like how do you read quietly if you can't do that?


I got sidetracked on Wikipedia and came across the page for aphantasia. I kind of knew since my dad and I had a discussion years before when he talked about "seeing" memories and I just couldn't understand what he was trying to say, but otherwise I had no idea.

Are all people who are born deaf NPCs because they dont think in "language"?

you're fucking retarded.

psychology: the most kiked of all medical fields
>you're an NPC in my open world survival adventure roguelike dating sim with only 1 life and no saves!
this is peak bugman

This whole study probably depends on what is ment by "conducting inner speech". Just because you can go over saying something in your head doesn't mean you're monologing all the time.

Sorry if I point this out, but isn't this the 10th time such a thread is posted?

Moreover, it seems to me there is a little confusion between inner speech and stream of consciousness.

The inner speech is the ability to internally rehearse statements and words... And to talk to oneself, so to speak, as if it was both a listener and a speaker.

But that's an ability. Not a permanent condition.

The stream of consciousness, instead, is whatever happens when you let thoughts roam freely in your head. You may quickly skim through memories, voices, impressions of sounds, smells, words, things said by others, etc.

Know the difference

Where the fuck did I say that?

Do blacks have inner voice?

See Some of the concepts used in science are just constructs or verbal artefacts used to grasp some natural kind

The more refined the concept, the narrower the shard of reality it points at.

It might indeed be the case the study leaves out a lot of phenomena that are closely related to inner speech yet do not qualify as a 100% inner shit

After working with niggers, I've replaced my inner dialog and gift for mechanical imagery with the sound of German Shepherds barking.

I visualize it more than talk myself through it.

Ahh classic Jow Forums - keep replying without saging to the same threads - and you people somehow pride yourselves on being "redpilled". Fucking retards.

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spotted the NPC

I heard that most serial killers, and mass murders had really good inner voices in their heads.

>Do blacks have inner voice?
yeah but its really loud and obnoxious and says "muh dick" "fuck whitey" and "daddy when you comin' back from da cigawett sto'"

>Sorry if I point this out, but isn't this the 10th time such a thread is posted?
But some of us work for a living, and are not on here perpetually.

What was the racial break down of that study? I have a theory...

>The Author is Russell T Hurlburt Ph.D
>Wrote The Splintered Mind mitpress.mit.edu/books/describing-inner-experience
>with Co author Eric Schwitzgebel who wrote a blog post also called:

The Splintered Mind
SEP Citation Analysis Continued: Jewish, Non-Anglophone, Queer, and Disabled Philosophers

Just sayin'

Does reading count? Everything I read I just talk in my head. Not everyone does that? Was there another way all along?