Anybody have a thought or two about Jones' permanent Twitter suspension?

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I can't stand him, but the ban is wrong.

i keep hearing all this talk about thinking what exactly is it?

Fuck Alex Jones. He banned me from InfoWars a couple years ago.


Alex Jones is a piece in Trump's grand chess board.

All part of the plan. He will be fine.

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Well I can't imagine twitter and youtube letting him back on

Wait until they are required to by EO

Perhaps he should have not fapped to trannies then?

>All part of the plan. He will be fine.
What plan is that, exactly?

[MOS] is False Flagging itself. hahahahah

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I think it's all acting and a coordinated effort to get his base upset. Alex is an actor as is Jack.


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(on the floor laughing)

Child Rape survivor speaks out. CPS abducts daughter. Jennifer Guskin Thread

Get in

No more NAUGHTY T BABES sliding through his DMS. How will he be able to carry on bros?

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He banned you from infowars so now you have to use a faggot meme flag? Or were you a faggot even then?

>(on the floor laughing)

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I don't care but I enjoyed seeing Marco Rubio call him a dumbass.

Lookin bad these days Wayne. Good to see you’re still around

whether you like the guy or not. whether you're left-wing, right-wing or centrist. it's YOUR rights that are getting trampled when people are deplatformed by silicon valley tech elites.

he banned me from infowars, so i guess he got what he preached

>Rubio, at another all male nude foam rave, laughing away...

He didn’t buy enough water filters

Your right to call Sandy Hook a hoax and trans people mentally ill, et al?

it's bullshit

Anarcho primitivism is the ultimate red pill. No Jews to censor you if you don’t use the internet

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Trump should start a new platform and go there.

You'll know soon enough, faggot.

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Discus probably banned you not Infowars you retard.

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It is evidence of our spiral towards the abyss. We should be fighting for his right to stay online or expose them as the hypocrites they are..

>Lookin bad these days Wayne. Good to see you’re still around

Thank you.

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Trick rural inbred hillbillies into voting for him so he can make even more money and con all these gullible schmucks

make your decision now not to speak up for alex jones because you're over-sensitive and offended by free thinkers who speak their mind. go ahead, make that decision.
and in 2020 when you have a presidential candidate that finally wants to tax the rich and implement all of these other policies that are inconvenient to the same silicon valley behemoths and tech elites, they'll censor you just the same as they censored us.

you make the decision. either stand up for our rights, or lose your own. that's the situation you're in right now. if you're too dumb and shortsighted to realize it, then i'm genuinely sorry because the entire human race will feel hurt from your ignorance.

>sliding with Mossad (((AJ))) thread
Checks out rabbi

>and in 2020 when you have a presidential candidate that finally wants to tax the rich and implement all of these other policies that are inconvenient to the same silicon valley behemoths and tech elites, they'll censor you just the same as they censored us.
Pretty sure Jones is all about Trump.

he can move to other platforms and make them more visible to the public

Alex Jones is too masculine for the modern age. That's why they want society to forget about him instead of holding him up as a role model.

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and this isn't a negotiation either man. either you set the precedent right now that it's ok, or you set the precedent that its not ok.
nothing you say is going to change the fact that you're setting a precedent right now that can ultimately be used to silence your own voice and your own ideas. you're willfully destroying your own right to advocate for yourself and your causes all because you're just so excited to see someone you viscerally dislike get shut up by our slave drivers.

>Daily reminder that disagreeing on the infowars forums will get you banned due to their terms of service agreement

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Be sure to catch his podcast at freegoldencasinos.somalia

how can you be this dense? are literally just too stupid to follow the comment that was made? do you literally just not possess the necessary reading comprehension? jesus christ, i always think of you people as being "pure evil" but when i see comments like this i start to really understand how much of a factor pure simple stupidity plays too.

the point is that if you set the PRECEDENT that its ok for silicon valley to censor people, then they'll turn around and censor YOU TOO eventually. get it? it's not a hard concept.

you either set the precedent that its right, or set the predecent that its wrong. but make no mistake, whatever precedent you set will apply to you as well in the future.

This is you, isn't it. youtube.com/watch?v=IufMXOpGNoQ

he's on bitchute right now.
you can watch his videos there.

I literally am. PS: Precedent.

no? how is this relevant? do you have any kind of intelligent comment at all to make?
look it's all really very simple. either you want silicon valley CEO's to be able to police your speech, or you don't. your interests arent always going to align with theirs. i don't know how that's not easy for you to see.
if you want to submit to a world where YOU PERSONALLY are ruled by corporate america, that's your decision. WHY you would want that future for yourself, i dunno. but that's the world you and dems and everyone who supports the deplatofroming of alex jones, david duke, jared taylor, evalion, daily stormer and many others is building for us.

huh? what does this even mean?
and did you just try to correct my spelling when i didnt even mispell the word?
wtf man? seriously. just wtf?
"I literally am" what? that doesn't even make any sense. you literally are what? can you be more clear? what the hell is the issue with you people?

You need to have a nice picture or a meme for anyone to take you seriously.

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The false flag is all going to plan. Tucker on Fox news and others are talking about Alex, which will draw more people to HIS sites instead of main street’s. Kikebook, jewgle, and twatter will be just fine. Congress may or may not pass legislation banning censorship or making these corps regulated like utilities, it doesn’t matter either way. Either these corps have the power to control speech or big government gets even more power to control, either way conservatives lose. All the while, this will make Israel’s Alex Jones more popular than ever. It’s all going to plan and the goyim are doing exactly what is expected of them.

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>taking 14/88 r8d leaf bait
>being this new
Fuuuug lad

Be sure to check his podcast at freegoldencasinos.somalia

i think you're completely wrong dude. if you think there aren't people like that out there then you're out of touch and spend too much time in this echo chamber. according to polls MOST people apparently do NOT believe that social media companies should be regulated. most people are NOT sympathetic to people like alex jones.
i hate to say it but you really are wrong. i actually wish you were right.
go outside of Jow Forums. go on reddit or something and see how "normie-tier" people think. this is literally their thought process. same as the leaf-anons. and when confronted with logic and reason they just skirt the issue or dance around it in the same way he's trying to.

and it blows because we're all going to suffer due to normie ignorance.

Legal user here. We have examined twitter/facebook/google ban, and we have come to the conclusion that the ban is unconstitutional. The commerce clause indicates that private companies can refuse to cater to folks that they disagree with except when there is no other equivalent service. This is similar to the gay wedding cake issue.

The "wont bake your cake" issue is only illegal when there are no other reasonably available cake bakers. Since Jones was banned from all Internet media, the commerce clause applies.

I don't know why Mr. Jones has not pursued this direction yet.

Another angle available to Mr.Jones et all, is the notion of, to whom the Internet belongs to. The Internet was created by the US government for communication during war or peace, ie: the tax payer, and that ultimately, the tax payer has access to it. This is admittedly harder to establish since the sites are privately owned- not including the commerce clause.

On a side note, Mr. Jones behaved completely out of the norm when he approached Marco Rubio this week. Civility will get you further than rudeness.

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continue with your argument, please.

Sane user here. We have read that post and we have determined the author as having a head full of fuck.