Black men decide they like fat asses

>black men decide they like fat asses
>white women start growing their asses

how do white men live with themselves?

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How do you grow an ass?

Knowing we're not niggers.

By being angry incels that can do nothing

this is why Jow Forums is so obsessed with telling people to do squats
its full of faggots

Most white women I know keep their asses small because they aren't niggers.

great political discussion OP

In Arab cultures men prefer fat asses too and curvy/thicc bodies in general. What does it mean? Are the white women trying to attract me?

Squats don't grow an ass, don't listen to Jow Forums fags.
An ass can only get but so big. What you see on instagram whores are tight pants that are tailored to make it look bigger than it is.
OP's pic isn't a big ass, it's just the way the pants are shaped.

How do you build quads? You one of those soibois who uses machines lol?

>media tells women they should have fat asses
>they listen because femoids are drones

>growing asses
You mean plastic surgery or eating hella ig macs?

This, and the camera angle from the lower so the ass looks big. Thots contort their bodies to unnatural position to snap the pic, if you remove the pants, the blubber loses its form

>Sal go stick your finger in her ass

There's one instagram whore that got famous for ass pictures
Turns out she gets fat injections.

You must be new here

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Of course, this is the way the world is now

>Canada legalizes fucking dogs
>American women start pretending to be dogs
How can anybody take American men seriously? They're probably due to lash out and invade another country soon.

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white women evolved wider hips because white aryans have larger heads than niggers because we are a higher lifeform

I decided big butts were superior years ago and I am a white male

>(((black men))) decide

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Beans and rice

>Black men you son of a bitch

this user knows his thot trickery

No because blacks take 9 months to take a shit.


>Squats don't grow an ass
Resistance based exercises increase the size of the muscle group being worked on, when combined with a good diet and good sleeping habits. Somehow this doesn't apply to the ass?
You are fucking retarded.

By being the only ones who get pussy without the use of violence presumably.

Point and laugh Aussiebro, point and laugh.

t. whiteoid beta bitch cuckold

I am 100% white and have been objectively attracted to ass since 12 years old without the corruption of porn or anything

Get your test levels checked you pathetic soiyboy pussy

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>black men decide they like fat asses
black men don't decide anything. the jews push ghetto nigger culture thru the media they own and women follow the current trends. Its part of the master plan.

Do you really think women are putting in actual effort to get something?

>im a nigger im the sun.

>jewish media promotes sticc women for years
>some white retards buy into it

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huwyight women always had fat asses and huwhyatt men always liked it like that.

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he is a retard, my GF grew her ass to handle my MASSIVE HAWGGGG

More like
>Jewish-owned music industry noticed a large market for nigger music
>What are nigger women best known for? Their fat asses
>Create a nigger r'n'b rapper with a fake ass and fake tits (Nicki Minaj) and make her go viral
>Media Jews also make Kim Kardashian go viral by paying for, and pushing, her sex tape
>Manufactured female "rappers" and "reality stars" now all have huge asses thanks to plastic surgery and overeating
>Women are stupid and social creatures and are more inclined to follow the crowd so as to not be left out
>This happens as BMWF pairings are pushed increasingly hard

Notice how the guy on the television is facing and staring at her ass.
People usually like to look in the same direction that other people are looking at.
this is another tactic to make you stare at the ass.

>You are fucking retarded.
This is what lots of squats actually looks like
Very thick thighs that match the muscle growth in the glutes
If you see a picture of a woman with a large ass and tiny thighs, she is tricking you.

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White women always had big asses, the difference is that they used to have low body fat and women with big asses weren't fashionable, so they weren't showcased in the media. White women have the largest breasts compared to any other race, but you couldn't tell if you looked at the 1920s when being flat was in.

no homo

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ngh. don't get me started on preggos


>pic related.


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Big ass and small tits
I'm a luminescent white

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Me too, I wanna breed a big ol baboon butt

If you don't like big asses you are a fag. Nothing is more natural than a man's infatuation with wide hips.

I always forget that Jow Forums gets a lot of newfags that are unaware of the psyops that occur here. Thanks for raising awareness, Perubro.

I'm not attracted to pregnant women, but the only way I can get off nowadays is thinking about impregnating women.

>tfw no big booty gf because i'm a white manlet

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How can the japs compete?

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I would drop my gore pics but the (((mods))) ban you for that.

yes but you wont even know for weeks so it's all the same, 8mo pregnant isn't especially appealing but it's adding permanent mass to her hips and tits

thats one ugly trap

there are so many obese white women to drive you around and buy you newports and hennesey

we're all going to make it, jamal

Through Lamarckian evolution.

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White men preferred curvy women, and always have. Don't get blinded by a bunch of fags in the 60s pushing the standard of beauty as women looking "androgynous" (re: like 12 year old boys)

also insemination is the most natural "fetish" in the world. Your brain is working at the highest order in that regard m8.

Wrong, no surprise.

>Wrong, no surprise.
Care to articulate an argument?

I'm white

And I doubt we'll all make it. Hell we're posting on Jow Forums on a friday night, what does that tell you?

Besides, women are the real eugenists, and manlets are at the bottom of the genetic barrel.

>t. noodle armed baldcel manlet

>ass farm subsidies

You know I like big butts and I cannot lie. It signals they are healthy and ready for mating.

Look cheng not everything revolves around black people. Alot of cultures love big ass's

Everybody likes fat asses.

women have always been fat

Your entire premise is wrong. Kim Kardashian made juicy buts popular and ALL men started liking them not just blacks. Then and only then did it become a trend.
>more cushion for the pushin

>everyone posting on /pol is an incel loser w/o a family or gf

this is one of the only places to debate on the arpanet, unfortunately

No amount of exercise can define a Woman's tits. Ass on the other hand

What are you, gay?

ass size is very genetic

puss feels the same no matter how the woman looks anyway

I think the white woman ass growth is a real time evolutionary change. As women breed with BBC’s they need more buffer area so the 9” BBC average doesn’t destroy their insides

>Look cheng

i resent the implication that australia and canada have already been annexed by the chinese. people should realize they don't have to accept demographic changes, nor are these changes irreversible.

>Lamarckian evolution
That pic is misleading. Lamarck postulated that short necks simply fell into disuse, not that the tree and giraffe grew together

Fucking underage. "I like big butts and I cannot lie..."

30% a most nigger. a tons of "niggers" out there aren't even majority nigger.

Average nigger dick size is only a quarter inch longer than whites. Also.... MUH DICK

neck yourself nigger.

jews made kim kardashian and her stupid degenerate family popular and stupid thots tried to imitate her stupid look.


obviously you have a tiny dick. chicks have WAY diffrent pussies, i had a gf with a pussy that was no deeper then my pinky and another that i could never find the end of. dont marry a whore unless shes a virgin or your cock can hit her cervix.

This thread proves my contention that the biggest generational difference between millennials and gen x is that millennials prefer these asses that look like 50 lbs of chewed bubble gum and gen x prefers tight fit asses

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They have to psyop because nigress' are so attracted to white dna that the majority of niggers in america carry white male y chromosones and not african ones.

The things they don't want to tell you...

This is unironically the source of problems between american blacks and africans. The africans can fucking tell they mostly have white y chromosones.

*male niggers

You don’t actually believe this right?

Try not to give us ideas. You never know where we will lash out.

hood culture defines the sways and swings of society. has nothing to do with what black men like it has to do with what's considered "in". try living your life through a perspective other than cuckoldry

Blacks control the culture. Well, Jews control the culture. They just place Blacks at the forefront a culture.


squats don't give you big hamstrings, and there are lots of exercises that target glutes almost exclusively. It's pretty much 80% of what you see women doing at the gym.

everyone loves some degree of fat asses except the worst kinds of people

Get her ass out of the way, I wanna see what that madman Joe is doing!

White women been had asses, Crocodile Dundee

that is fucking disgusting holy shit