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blacks aren't people

>be American
>be comfy in own house
>get shot

So stronk, so independent...

His guy worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, they sent an email out today about it

Ok and?

you know tim had to say something

q predicted this

the eternal roastie

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How did she even get in to his apartment?

>Be black
>Go to college
>Become accountant
>Do your best not to be a nigger
>Stay home to avoid cops
>Cop comes into your house & kills you

Here’s my theory:
She was fucking the neighbor.
Comes home early.
Finds nigger fucking a hooker.
Cop kills him in fit of jealous rage.

P.S. Hooker body to be found soon.

You really think this guy had to settle for cop and hooker pussy?

Supposedly she was fucking with the lock and he opened the door.

yeah i really do feel bad for this guy.
he actually dindu

isn't that the same charge drunks get if they kill somebody with their car?
Isn't this a little more serious than that?

Women were a mistake

Also interesting how they're hiding her name

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Was she completely shitfaced?

yes its bullshit imagine anyone else doing this they would get charged to the fullest or maybe killed by police when they show up

fuckin hell


Umm didn't she break and enter, killing while breaking and entering is 1st degree, fire up the electric chairs bois

Yeah and I'm wondering the sequence of events here....

Does she normally open her door with her weapon drawn? One would think not.

So the door opens and she sees this guy there... and she just draws and shoots? Like no words exchanged or anything? Seems like quite the escalation.

It's pathetic how they are trying so hard to paint this as a race thing. The woman was likely on drugs and/or drunk out of her mind.

>killing while breaking and entering is 1st degree,

No and no.

Breaking and entering is only if you know it isn't a place you have a right to be before you do it.

First Degree Murder is murder that is premeditated without any mitigating circumstance. Like real wrongful intent.

"Self Defense" while being retarded and unreasonable is not malicious, but it is still a wrongful unlawful killing.

>Remember goy, always mention the race and sex of the perpertrator and victim.

yea it's really fucked up. the woman cop is now reported to be yelling "open the door".
seriously, women shouldnt be allowed to have guns. and this is coming from someone who is strong 2nd amendment supporter. just give women cops whistles.

Must be opposite day

So many things about this just don't add up. The guy was her neighbor so when she saw him inside didn't the thought cross her mind for a second that she's at her neighbors door instead of her own? She must have had the tiniest thought when her key didn't work and he opened the door. This is one of the rare cases where I actually feel bad for the black guy and I hope the woman loses her job and gets a very tough sentence. And the sad thing is that people will of course use this to push race issues.

like i said it was reported she was banging on the door telling him to open up. the whole story of entering the wrong apartment is bullshit.
they say around ~95% of homicides is someone you know

I legit feel bad for this guy.
Putting women in the workforce was a mistake.

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This is the funniest shit I've heard in a while. I love this fucking country.


This, something doesnt add up. I suspect there was foul play involved and the woman’s story is a cover up. How do you not recognize your own on neighbor that you see everyday?

the funny part is even if she was in her own home in most countries she still wouldn't be allowed to shoot the invasor legally

OP is a ShareBlue shithead

Roses in stein is a Moses with wine

Bitch needs to raped to death after seeing her mother raped to death.

Who the fuck thought given women authority was a good ideal? Oh yeah, the democracy loving sjw cucks

Death to democracy

My dad always said turn a nigger inside out you get a woman.

yeah.... he's black

What is your point?

wow that guy actually dindu nuffin and still got shot
such is life in america
she might not even go to prison since she is a cop and a woman

What kind of commie block does she live in to not know which place is hers?


Why make multiple threads about a dead nigger? Who cares?
Has nothing to do with the police, it was only a drunk coal burner accidentality shooting her pet nigger.

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more like the kike of genders. with their weasal words and emotional manipulation

can we ban women cops now?

they are too retarded to carry guns

the racism angle means nothing to me, but manslaughter? Come one.


How do you enter a hose and not notice the different furniture, doors, smell? I refuse to believe that McMansions are the same on the inside as well as on the outside.

He literally didn't do anything this time.

So fucked. You think we could change the narrative from White privilege to Cop privilege with this one? Even Jow Forums mostly finds this fucked up.

>Polish reading comprehension
It was an apatment. Besides, she was probably extremely drunk and irresponsible.

>White female
wow i guess it was racisms! she broke into that niggas house to shoot him cause he was black!

AmeriKKKa at it again, deez white devils be evil yall


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Should've realised it, like, years before this article.


Hes 26?

No joke if he said 46 id be miring. 26. Christ.