Ugh. I'm visiting my sister in law and her ex husband, who realized after fathering 3 boys that he was a woman, is here with his "girlfriend" who is also a fucking mutant. It's like a literal demon is sitting on the couch across from me.
Other urls found in this thread:
10 speed best tranny
Post demon tranny pictures, faggot
send pic
Burn them all.
Not sure how to do so without starting shit in front of the kids, but I think I have its Facebook. Hang on
i am really starting to think these people are not mentally ill but posessed by demons
im becoming a religious kook by the day
If she's your sister in-law, wouldn't her ex-husband be your brother?
My brother is engaged to her. The ex is there to visit his kids
Mfw op just posted a selfie
I am woman hear me roar.
Ha yea you got me there.
Do they happen to have a talking great dane and go around solving mysteries?
... it's anime in the flesh
> I'm visiting my sister in law and her ex husband
I already dont understand
Wait wait wait
>I'm visiting my sister in law and her ex husband
This got me good
>who realized after fathering 3 boys that he was a woman, is here with his "girlfriend"
So a divorced couple is there and one of them has their current partner?
you're lawfully recognized sister through the institute of marriage to one of your siblings...
one of left is a singer.
No dipshit. If he is visiting his sister in law, she is currently married to ops brother. She was previously married and had kids with her ex who is now a tranny.
So ops brother is not a tranny, ops brother is just a retarded cuck who married a severely degenerate whore.
Someone is only your sister in law as long as they are married to your brother. Once they divorce, they are of no relation to you.
why is this picture so unsettling
Satan in the Garden of Eden?
this is just how visual association with happy merchant started, great now there's gonna be niggers and kikes in my subconscious
Then op would be visiting his brother.
Yeah dog. Op is just being a fucking mysterious faggot. It's a bretty basic word broblem benis.
So he's visiting his ex sister in law, who:
>was formally married to his brother
>married a guy
>had kids, then divorced a second time and the 2nd husband became a tranny?
So he's there to visit his brothers ex-wife, and her 2nd ex-husband (who isnt his brother).
So he went to [place] to see his brother and then decided to stop by his brother's ex-wife's place to see how she was doing?
It's not like she has custody of his neices/nephews. They have nothing to do with each other.
The question becomes why would you visit this person?
his wifes sister's exhusband is a tranny.
You wouldn’t go there if you knew you would be uncomfortable.
okay what the fuck is going on here, who is who in this shit? I didn't come to this thread to solve a fucking murder
>who is OP
>who is whore
>who is tranny
>who is fucking everyone
I hope you get raped.
yea...this is what i was wondering
None of this makes sense. OP is probably a fag about to take his first tranny cock.
Fuck, I'm retarded. We're retarded.
It's this.
It has to be.
Or this.
He might be deflecting fucking hard right now.
Remember, even if she penetrates you, you're still a virgin.
The natural inclination would be pic related, but wise advice is to not go anywhere near such a delusional pair of mentally-ill freaks.