Tells woman its not her place to talk - I'm with Al Franken - Its 2018, women lie

Ohhhhh boy... is there gonna be a field day tomorrow. Did you guys watch Real Time with Bill Maher tonight? his big New Rules finish that he does, today he suggested Al Franken run for President, that he doesn't believe the women who accused him, that his actions were fine, and then when a woman on the panel interrupted politely to say "But there was also many ass grabbing accusations" he shushed her and told her thats not her time to talk now.

What did you think of it?

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im hoping Maher stops being a globalist new world order puppet and wakes the fuck up to whats really going on

>Did you guys watch Real Time with Bill Maher tonight?

uh no, i didn't watch MSNBC either

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she had some big titties but maher shut her down proper

>Did you guys watch Real Time with Bill Maher

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>Did you guys watch

dont even own a television anymore

so what programs you now?

He said "as if these playboy playmates hadn't got worse from the people at the mansion parties" as if that makes any of his sexual assualting ok. Like.. the disconnect this guy has.. He was barely received well by the studio audience.. I think the show just redpilled their entire fanbase.

They also shouted they wanted socialism, over and over and over prior to this segment

interacting with other humans in public.

god damn is it abrasive and aggravating.

Full ep - last 5 mins all you need

He’s a kike, he’ll get away with it.

I'm hoping the kike swings.

its important to see what all sides think, so you can shit on them equally

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>Jew defends other Jew
Odds of him getting in any real trouble for it are basically 0

>He said "as if these playboy playmates hadn't got worse from the people at the mansion parties" as if that makes any of his sexual assualting ok

it's even better when you consider the fact that Bill is known to have attended those mansion parties countless times over the years

The Public Space on YouTube is pretty great

Michelle Goldberg is dumb as fuck, it's incredible how persistently MSM shills her

>>Did you guys

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big titties? you have sauce friend?

>bill maher
His only redeeming quality is his defense of free speech. Ultimately the new left will remove him from a position of power because he has a modicum of edge.

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Thanks user. That jewess who interrupted is on like every 3rd goddamn week.

I don't think much will come of it. Though this might come back to bite Maher in the ass.

I linked the video, watch the embed - you can shortcut to 54 minutes if you wanna hear bill tell women they mean nuffin

innnnsaaannnity... I just cannot believe that he chose this hill to die on. Al Franken had like 40 accusations, and he goes on to say "he never admitted it" and "I believe Al"... very cringey... then when the woman comes in to say well there was a lot of ass grabbing too - and its like.. whoa didnt rehearse or run this past anyone did you?

Maher has that thing going for him where lefties apologize for him because he makes them laugh by saying mean things about people lefties are taught to not like.
He can get away with anything. He can tell his crowd to attack X while doing it himself because they don’t understand how to criticize the guy they have been taking orders from.

Bill Maher literally said that he's "a house nigga" on his show last year during a one on one with Ben Sasse and nothing happened to him but cuck boy Sasse apologized.

>What did you think of it?
With the leftists constantly pushing our culture further and further towards madness, anyone who stays in the public view long enough will inevitably start espousing what are considered to be right-wing views.

A person who started out as a liberal 20 years ago will be seen as a conservative today if he stays true to the values he held back then.

>What did you think of it?
For being a lefty and a 1/2 kike, I'd still put Mayer in the anti-feminist camp somewhat. I've saw a few lefties that I would say the same about IRL. So rather than be invisible to all women at least they have their choice of obese and fugly chicks....I suppose it's better than being a total incel, pussy worshiper cuck..

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he'll stop when he's dead
doesn't matter who shoots the bullet, but it's probably going to be the globalists he's supporting who shoot first

> implying /tv/ is Jow Forums even political shows
talking heads being useful idiots

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lol al franken

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