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More like this is another stupid mossad false flag trying to blame Jow Forums. It's getting worse and worse now chaim.


Infinite if intrinsic

hmmmm, so (((they))) planted those black guys at the starbucks then released "free coffee for people of color" coupons. Really gets the ol'noggin joggin

This is why the QR verison is obviously the nervous chief on duty sperging out

Of course.

Well well well a far-leftist snopes editor, who'd a thunk it.

wait, would the QR code even work? wouldn't it just be rejected by the system?

That's really racist of him to assume blacks are dumb enough to use those fake coupons.
Racist Twitter NPC shill..

This is a board of peace. These coupons do not represent Jow Forums inshallah

Leftist creates fake coupon and postz it online for himself to find in an attempt to demonize the poor innocent Jow Forums.

>4tards aren't brainlet soibois who get mindlessly manipulated by (((current events)))
>it's da joos false flagging
Let's face it, user.

sometimes I almost wish them being on to us actually changed anything..

There are traitors on Jow Forums they must be brought to heel !!!

There is no "us" you fag

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Reddit up to their biggoted tricks again

Jow Forums didn't do it. this is an outrageous accusation!

This guy is obviously fluent in Jow Forums, we're done.

Memeflags were a mistake

I love these Jow Forumssmokers thinking they can stop the inevitable. People on the left still think the OK sign is a white power gesture.

It's those Reddit fags that are doing this Bullshit.
They are fucking useless little bitches with zero creativity and leech off shit Jow Forums Jow Forums does or attack shit Jow Forums Jow Forums does.

Reminder: We are watching you at all times. You will never plan another act of domestic terrorism like It's Okay To Be Wh*te again without us knowing and blowing your plan within hours.

if they don't want to be killed, they shouldn't chimp out

This hoax is a little too obvious because no shoe store would ever offer niggers 75% discount. Shoes are like GOLD in the nigger community, they can be sold or bartered for drugs and bling. If you offered a 75% discount your shoe store would become a zoo instantly.

SBUX acts like retards
Coupon gets released giving POC free shit
Coupon gets altered by SJW to have hate message
News article goes up about hate message

Now Nike... exact same thing. Rinse wash repeat.

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Lol good luck

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>You will never plan another act of domestic terrorism like It's Okay To Be Wh*te again without us knowing and blowing your plan within hours.
By "blowing your plan within hours" you mean whining about it like a butthurt liberal only for normies to see through your doublethink bullshit and get redpilled? And seeing support increase exponentially and having it spread to multiple countries?

The wait a for flood or other natural disaster, and then load up all they want. They do not need sales.

You people are less than dirt

>trying to get blacks killed or arrested
>when you’re such a cuck, you unironically tell your fallowers that blacks are violent killers that are quick to chimp.

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>it's da joos
>how to spot a redditfag in 1
get the fuck back

Its a pity niggers cant read

In case you have not noticed we have the POTUS, are locking down the SCOTUS for the next 30 years (tic toc Ginsberg) The deep state is running scared, the media has completely outed itself as garbage and the country is finally waking up the dangerous path we were on. All you will see here is celebration pranks. So I hope you watch them all - closely.

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god damnit guys this was supposed to make nike go broke not trick niggers into commiting crimes
i blame the cia for ruining this

How would you get arrested or killed by having a fake coupon? Is she admitting blacks have a tendency to chimp out?

these are just Jow Forumslacks that have hijacked the message
Jow Forums is bored of peace

Having a fake coupon gets blacks killed? Guys! Come on you should be doing this everyday/

That ID tho.

Thanks Dan, we had no idea that every alphabet agency + “non profit hate monitoring” groups ran a 24/7 shill and monitoring campaign here.
Really nice of you to make one post about this, dan.

Haha when did this happen? I'm here all the time and I never saw it.


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Is Dan a jew?

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In the Starbucks case. Blacks knew full well the coupons were fake they just used white guilt and minority power to get their way

Some blacks will sure as fuck use these 75% and get whatever piece of shit shoes they want at discount. Some stores might reject it but still offer a huge discount to get them to fuck off before they chimp out.

That's just how the minority power relationship works in modern America

Soon the general public will come here.
Tell them everything; right or wrong. We can figure things out together.

At this very moment we a w backtracing your IP and devising ways in which the consequences will always be different.

the same day of the nike hire...


And to assume the several layers of escalation necessary for anyone to be arrested killed instead of saying "I can't get no free shit? Ok." The eternally tolerant left

Right. Like anyone would believe niggers would be capable of coding a message into a barcode.

We know you're watching basedcuck progressives, and it amuses us

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It was one thread earlier today.

this guy is definitely an NPC. just look at the way he talks

its a liberal newspaper warning libs about Jow Forums how retard are you son

Some days I think they come up with and execute brilliant psyops in out favor just to blame it on us

Omg this shit is so funny!!!!!

>potentially dangerous
do they fear the niggers chimping out when they find out at the register that the coupons are fake?

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From being on here all the time, let me tell you how this happens so the next time you miss these obvious false plant threads work.
>write a article about the ebil 4chins.
>get high on crack. Get writers block. Go to ebil right wing drumpf supporting forum.
>make threads about how to get them ebil nazi cops to kill the darkies.
>write a “article” about how the drumpf loving ebil nazi darkie hating people wrote an article on an anonymous forum for shrimp fishing in Wyoming wrote about (insert your topic here) and they are ebil. Even though you fabricated everything. Call it news. Post it on the same shrimp fishing forum you made the fake news on.
Post if you want an example.

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I come on Jow Forums everyday.
I have never seen a single thread about this.
But yes, the code wouldn't register because not every system is the same. It would scan and just send back an invalid code.

top kek. i hope some nigger does try this

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Progressives racist enough that they think blacks are dumb enough to use these coupons...
Don't quote me on that they could actually use these coupons...

casually trying is an oxymoron

I see a thread about the op topic in the catalog but that's the only one of it I've seen all day

Can't tell if bait, or just a retarded shill

>trying to get people killed
How? They show the coupon, which is fake, customer gets told it's fake, has been pranked, the leave feeling a little silly.
How does anyone die from this?

Im pretty sure when the cashier scans it it comes up with a message on the screen saying "this is a robbery. Put money in bag etc" or something to that effect. Same as last time with the fake starbucks coupon


That QR code better say “nigger”

>trying to get black people killed
They know blacks have no self control and will immediately lash out. And that's our fault.

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Lmao you’re gonna be so mad November when your blue waves is more of a ripple and congress goes even further right

This. The weeping faggot limp dicks and/or unfuckable hamplanets who all can’t get laid, but write editorials online for attention, have finally figured out QR codes.

did it work?

typical right wing racist incel fuckshits. hoping each alt right dicksnot is raped and murdered
im pregnant now with my 5th black child. doing my part to erase whitey for goood. i hate being white so i know im doing gods work

Thanks Joan!

Just so you know I'm backtracing your IP and contacting the cyber police

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Who fucking cares if this is a psyop they're just funnier than we are.

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Tacit admission that the poster acknowledges a nigger will get uppity, feel entitled and embarrased they've been duped, and make a scene until cops are forced to be called, and will further spiral into baboonery until shot dead.

If only we lived in such a perfect world.

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Dan dun goofed.

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officer ronny, arrest these men at once!

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Pffft kek
O-oh you're totally cereal

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so this is kill a darkie with a coupon week,
next week kill a commie with a tampon?

>trying to get black people killed or arrested
They do that on their own, they don't need our help.

you niggers make us look bad.

>it's Jow Forumss fault that niggers are stupid and violent

Ok fag

in reality they created it themselves to make a story about it. Jow Forums isn't what it used to be and the true shitlords have moved on elsewhere. too many shills here anymore to take anything seriously.

there were a ton this week

based and true pilled

I like it how nike calls us racially charged when all we're doing is aiming at the same demographic they are

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It's shit like this that makes me love coming here
Like that prank on /b/ years ago where people posted these on McDonald's Drive Thrus

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>thinking niggers follow a far left blogger on twitter

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>In a potentially dangerous twist, the QR code on the second coupon reveals a threatening message when scanned with a QR reader: “This is a ROBBERY, Move slowly and put all the LARGE bills in the shoe box OR everyone DIES.”

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obviously, after it worked so well with the starbucks coupons, it will never happen again. Too many faggots here now

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I still thought that was a stupid idea. Niggers steal shoes, so why would they need a coupon?

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Hello kike.

We were all there when we made the funny Starbucks QR codes. We didn’t make these.
Nice try though.