I hate Alex Jones, but they are coming for Jow Forums next

The boycott of Alex Jones is an organized attempt to shut him up. They will come for us next. Jow Forums defend him or you will be next! Ideas?

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Trump is going to take down the big tech comapnies and OP and his entire shilling firm will be arrested too

See you on reddid buddy

The next Jow Forums will be decentralized. Screencap this.


I will finally get to experience an upvote. Yay.

Jow Forums is the Alt Right's guerilla force. We got Trump elected to MAGA and to make the SJW's cry. Now we must use political black ops to take down the enemies of freedom and to preserve are ability to reek havoc. Hail Hydra!

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#cmonanon, this is only a Cambodian trap anime board

Yeah the amount of Porn on Pol is worrying. It only seeks to distract us from our true mission. Defending the Republic. Hail Hydra!

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>but they are coming for Jow Forums next.
>has been here for years

And we welcome as many shills as the fucktards will send! Like trying to fix a meat grinder only the grinder is self-sharpening and the meat is the will to endure another day.

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Please free me from this place so I can go spill my vile hatred across the internets. I beg you

They hate us for our freedom. Alex Jones is just a goofy entertainer. Shame on them for shutting him down.

But he represents free speech at its purest. Jow Forums is a free speech dream land. Once Jow Forums goes nowhere but the deep web will such an open and honest forum exist and that is inaccessible to most of the unwashed masses. Where else can you brag about your love for horse love, and also rant about how the Jews run the media. 4 chan.

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alex jones deserved what he got
enjoy drinking that bone powder mix
mmmmm delicious

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You cannot stop the corporate takeover of the internet. The internet gave people true freedom of thought, and they picked a complete retard named Donald Trump. You cant handle freedom.

They will take the internet, like radio, and TV and the printing press.

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>knocking over the bucket of ebola ridden AIDS infested radioactive cancer that is nu-Jow Forums so it spills all over the rest of the internet including their precious safe spaces
Snacks forgive them, for they know not what they do.

These things you compare, aren't alike. You're saying alex jones = 4 chan. Alex Jones and free speech aren't compatible and nobody has said the strawman you're trying to build.
You've made claims in your empty argument. Please validate them. Post proof.

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I don't get into this left vs right shit. But this whole thing is stupid and dangerous, no matter where you sit on the political scale. This affects everyone negatively. The justification for all this is entirely motivated by political opinion.

They are concerned that people with conservative ideas are neo-nazis. They genuinely believe this.

Hypothetically if this was real and if this sentiment was substantiated in anyway, what they have done is the worst possible thing. They have pushed their imaginary "nazis" further into imaginary echo chambers and giving them a call to arms.

Now, I'm not saying there are not people with radical political ideologies on both sides. It is just not consistent with the hyperbole being invented by the media and social media influencers.

These extreme ideologies need to be confronted and fought was facts and reason.

>inb4 Stormfront spams Jow Forums even more now

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Jow Forums getting removed from google searches would be the best thing to happen to this site in years. 2016 brought far to many normies and made the political sphere too aware of us. Just look at the state of Jow Forums for the effect this has had. Here used to be great at digging up dirt and researching a subject now most threads are batboy conspiracy tier. OC has dropped of dramatically as well.

Alex Jones represents political extremism. 4 chan represents a level of political extremism that is distasteful to the Left. From Nazism, to communism, to Jew supremacy, to jew hatred. From American supremacy to ANTIFA love. Jow Forums has it. The Left hates this level of freedom and must stop it.

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Jow Forums is a open forum. Anyone can post here. goot has plausible deniability. They know if they took down this website there are many others like it, They would have to regulate the whole internet. Besides I think that they are actually afraid of sites like this anyway. Its easier to just use shills.

Jow Forums is different. We drove Shia crazy and stole his flag. We create new stories, we troll the left and create false controversy that discredits the Left. We are a meeting ground a force that opposes them. HAIL HYDRA!

so what you're saying is, that life should be milque toast and nothing else? I don't even understand why you're wasting time here.
This is fight club
it was only fucked up, because someone told you
my nephew would fuck you up in street potery to classic music, If political extremism (by your definition) is outlawed, say goodbye to any news that the ruling party disagress with. I don't like AJ. I grew out of him before most of you could into computer. He's not free speech.
I don't fit your cookie cutter. I'm not who you think I am.

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>Alex jones and free speech aren’t compatible.
Wtff are you smoking, faggot? Go to a different country quickly.


Jow Forums is a containment site, if they shut down Jow Forums all hell breaks loose on the internet.

That's why they're scared. Decentralized movements are what actually works now. This is the beer hall where anons make plans like the "it's okay to be white" posters. The policies Jow Forums conjures up here, effect the real world one way or another.

And that ultimately is Alex Jones problem, he's running a successful centralized operation. They can't stand this fact. Alex Jones still has a shred of reputation. Jow Forums is anti reputation.

>If political extremism (by your definition) is outlawed, say goodbye to any news that the ruling party disagress with
yet you disagree that he was silenced for this very reason and that Jow Forums is next because they possess the same traits, are you retarded

They would never take Jow Forums down

This site is used to corral us into one place to be tracked and monitored.
If Jow Forums were removed, the FBI, NSA, ATF, CIA, United States Judiciary Committee, and all US Anti Terror groups would lose sight of us.

And that would mean bad, bad things.

Ugh I hope not, decentralized systems are always a mess to navigate.

chkd n kkd

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Why would they come here when this place is just as pozzed as Jones' show? They have this place pretty under control now with all the bullshit going on. (((THEPEOPLESCHAMPIONS)))

I am just going to spend more time on websites like Infowars. Social media as great because people could reach large audiences very quickly but it also has downsides. In the end it is the tech companies who lose out because they are making their platforms less interesting. I could be wrong but I believe once Twitter becomes a sanitary safe space for advertisers nobody will go there anymore.




first they came for dailystormer, but I did not speak out, because I was not a neon-nazi

they they came for infowars, but I did not speak out, because I was not a conspirtard

I'm honestly surprised gook hasn't sold this place out yet. I'm just riding the ride while it lasts which probably won't be much longer