Is he next?

Is he next?

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Are the kikes just killing random people now because thye know they're losing?

His Jiu Jitsu method/system is trash, I hope so.

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Israeli shills are all going to either die when Israel gets cratered or in Guantanamo Bay. You don't have much longer left.

I'm not a shill, I just do Jiu Jitsu and rubber guard is wack yo.

You're an Israeli shill and you're actually gonna get blown up when Israel gets cratered.

Haha no I'm not my man. I seriously just do competeive Jiu Jitsu.

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You won't make it out of 2018 alive. Israel gets wiped off the map too.

And who exactly is wiping out people like this?

Youll find out

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I fucking hope so, just because I used a picture of a hot chick for those sweets (you)s does not make me a shill.

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Don't capitalize the I in isreal

He did a Rogan Show a few days ago didn't he?
Did he go into any Conspiracy stuff? I only saw a few minutes and it all seemed about their MMA stuff.
I wondered if he'd been asked to stay of the conspracy stuff because of the Musk interview coming up.

I'm only curious because Rogan is almost the new Mainstream at this point and this Bravo is the only one I've seen at that level not to grab his petty-coats and start running away at the first mention of 'conspiracy'.
Which gets him Kudos.

Also 'israel'

t.stiff legged faggot

Nah son I'm flexible as fuck, just small feel like I'd get killed trying to use rubber guard in a fight, or in competitions where slamming is aloud.

You can reach through and grab their leg to prevent them from slamming you. I forgot what they call it. I don't train at 10th planet, but like anything else there's flaws. The system is legit though.

I fucking hate that bitch, that kike should be publicly hanged.

Train at an rga school been working a lot of Ashi so it's a bit counter intuitive, I can work it though I just try not to make rubber guard a habit, Eddie is also just cringed and is into entry level conspiracies and never brings up the JQ which kinda just puts him in the dietwoke category f my mind. But also he's just a fucking Sj and Jiu Jitsu coach he needs to just shuttup sometimes he's not that smart.

I think it would be a fun campaign for /pol to try and redpoll him on that.

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Jesus Christ the typos, I think it would be fun to redpill him on the JQ, because I think he might be too lazy or preoccupied or whatever to do it himself. Either that or he chooses not to talk about it. Sorry had to clarify, my last post was horrifying.

Destroys grace 2x

>be Pres. Trump
>pretends to be pro-Israel and pro-Jew
>his adult sons and daughters are married to jews
>he secretly hates jews
>when he said an ally will no longer be an ally he was referring to israel
>he's gonna bait Iran into nuking Israel


You train with Danaher? Or RGA in FL? Yeah, Eddie is too far fucking gone with the conspiracy shit for me. I just remember seeing Korean Zombie catch Garcia in a Twister and wanted to learn, then seeing Eddie catch Royler in that crazy leg lock at Metamoris. I just ignore his stupid conspiracy shit, dude is a legit JJ wizard. I don't disagree though, I think Eddie could pick up the JQ really quick, or maybe he already knows, just won't say it. With 10th Planet, EBI, that new combat JJ he's doing, he's got a lot to lose.

He's good and it works for him. Just don't think it's super effective for everybody, he's pretty flexible and has some wild dexterity. But come on let's redpill him, Me you and the other two people in this thread.

Fuck, I just realized how all over the place that reply is. Lol

I think we'd have to redpill him irl. Go to a seminar, or go to the 10th Planet he's most at and drop subtle hints and give him links to look at shit.

Eddie Bravo is a fucking coward. How can he go on Joe Rogan's podcast and drivel endlessly about flat earth or fake dinosaurs or false flag school shootings but we hear not ONE thing about the fucking Jews? I mean, you KNOW he has come across the fucking JQ, you know he has probably seen holocaust denial. He believes every single conspiracy theory he sees so I fucking doubt, given the stacks and stacks of evidence, that he didn't get even a little redpilled about the Jews, and yet not a fucking peep. He's a coward.

Brooklyn, from time to time in the city.
I think it's nuts he was able to put on a good performance the second go with royler. Just really don't think his system is meant for the masses. I'm honestly very flexible and I dislike rubber guard and most of all the way his system is implemented, it seems very "step one step 2" like I dunno, sorry this is real nigga hours on the east coast. Also forgot this /pol. Anyway, yeah likely he knows about the JQ or at least holohoax , but he also doesn't seem to into reading. He literally said " did they make a documentary on it" when joe referenced some basic shit, I don't remember the exact wording but I'm pretty sure the guy doesn't like to read. he may not know, long story short.

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I can't keep up with all these academies and gyms popping up anymore. Lol Yeah, his second performance vs Royler was really good, I thought it was funny when Ryron and Rener were on damage control after. It's something that people have to test to see if it works for them. I personally like it, I'm very flexible as well, I can hold someone in rubber guard forever if I wanted. I'm on the East Coast too, no worries. I know what you mean though. Yeah, you're right about not reading. He always talks about YouTube videos. He also seems like the type of dude that doesn't want to learn anything other than what he feels like the Rogan podcast with Alex Jones, Jones Eddie would always interrupt and ask to talk about chem trails or some shit. He's got to know something about it though, he's got to know about Jow Forums, etc. Is there a short and sweet holohoax video? I doubt he'd sit for 6 hours and watch TGSNT. I could recommend dozens of books, but the videos get shoah'd so fast.

Hmmm I will try and find a short one and make a fresh bread about it, see how many of us we can get to tweet it at him.
And yeah ryron and Rener made a 17 minute video breakdown that was pure damage control completely forgot. Alright sweet prince I need to catch som Zzzzzzzs.
Kind of funny how thought I was a shill.