Why do people make fun of alex Jones when he is right all the time?

Why do people make fun of alex Jones when he is right all the time?

Attached: MarinaGagaOne.jpg (594x391, 48K)

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because they demand to be vanquished

He isn't right all of the time, he's right some of the time and obviously wrong most of the time to discredit the times he is telling the truth.

>defending a mentally ill tranny porn fapping furry

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Name one time he was right (with evidence).

>most if the time
List 10 things he's been wrong about.

They literally turned the frogs gay with atriazine pollution

Can someone explain this pic? Food art? lol

If you understand metaphor he is right 100% of the time

Normies btfo

Being pathetic excuse of a weekend shill.
Get a better script sweety.

Frogs are pretty gay.

Attached: Kermit_The_Frog_Equal_Gay_Marriage.jpg (340x280, 73K)

>gay actual bantu nigger turning frogs gay
Is this confirmation that niggers are the gayest faggots in the world... yet it is.

Before anyone complains
>muh tedx
Here he is as a cospeaker saying the same shit on big-boy Ted

Before anyone shouts
>muh ted
Here he is on PBS discussing the same fagfrogs.

Because being an immature little kid is fun user!

(((Mental illness))) Not real.

He comes across at casual glance to be a melodramatic retard. I couldn't be bothered checking him out because the advertising gambit is to tolerate large amounts of pepped up artificially created drama. Advocates could have done a much better job of justifying why he's worth watching. So without even knowing him I'm indifferent if not glad he's gone and the constant whining of his supporters only serves to cement that.

he is right? about what? about how you should buy his super shemale jew supplements to boost your testosterone you dumb faggot cuck? yeah you probably should you dumb nigger, start taking that shit and send him your money and yourself to an early grave.

I thought we could finally stop giving attention to this dirty faggot salesman.

Is that syrup she's lying in?

>Why do people make fun of alex Jones when he is right all the time?
Because of his tranny-loving degeneracy, obviously.

Attached: Alex Jones tranny lover.png (3380x3780, 3.57M)

Marina should be burnt at the stake for satanic witchcraft.

>Because of his tranny-loving degeneracy, obviously.
welcome to Jow Forums

The dick show proved his innocence


based trannyman

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It was wrong to censor Alex Jones, infact, it's dangerous to free speech. Right wing and conservative based news outlets and reporters are being censored en mass and Alex Jones is another victim of what platforms are increasingly doing - deciding what kind of 'free speech's is acceptable.

My personal opinion is that the guy is batshit crazy, I'm not a fan and I think he does damage to nationalist movement. Still, it doesn't warrant censorship.

Dangerous times.

I laughed when Alex Jones said that the Chinese were in control of Hollywood. Jones won't mention the Jew. That should tell you where he stands and who is paying him.

>My personal opinion is that the guy is batshit crazy, I'm not a fan and I think he does damage to nationalist movement.
Because of kooky Alex Jones, we can't even talk about 9-11 anymore. He's completely poisoned the topic with normies.


are those the chemicals that they put in the water that make friggin frogs gay?

Explain you faggot. What, you want me to google Alex Jones dick show? My girlfriend's boyfriend might see me and think I'm gay.

It's all an act and a very profitable one up until recently

It's WWF for blokes that can't get laid

Help him >

He's right most of the time, and gets it wrong sometimes.

Gamma wannabe intellectual types are the ones who generally make fun of AJ the most. They aren't comfortable with his brash, loud, over the top delivery because their insecurities force them to.

Most of these types need to get their info from people they view as academically superior. Peterson and Shapiro give them bones.

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>Why do people make fun of alex Jones when he is right all the time?

Because that is what he is being paid for. To play the crazy man and establishing a climate to ridicule and discredit anything and anyone trying to seriously talk about conspiracy theories.

He is one of the worst traitors possible.

Because he's right some of the the time. Truth mixed with lies. Alex Jones is a disinfo agent for the Mossad. Him getting banned off media was prearranged and he was in on it. It was done to give him credibility.


You don't need evidence to be right.
You can literally get the truth by random guesses and luck.
Or you can find truth with heuristical approaches of tiny bits of partial information (how humans actually work).

You use evidence to PROVE or VERIFY that you are right.

He literally spouts every conspiracy theory in the book short of Flat Earth. He's right some of time, as anybody would playing the trials and errors game.

He even parroted the Nibiru doomsday theories, for fuck's sake.

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shut the fuck up you dumb redditnigger, go back to your shitty fucking website and stop spewing false flag bullshit you fucking payed shill piece of shit.

Trying to sound edgy you paid shill?

did i hit a nerve?

The stuff he's right about, he's usually the only one saying it.

Because he looks insane to the normies and makes a joke out of the alt right. If he would speak like Ben Shapiro or Martin Shkrelli maybe people would actually listen to him.