Is he the smartest person on the planet?

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Why did Peterson work at the UN for 4 years as an adviser to George Soros' protege Jim Balsillie?

Really activates the almonds.

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no, he is the biggest brainlet on this planet. but i must admit that he scamed all of you faggots like a pro

verbally he's up there. But that's just a part of being smart

pojebało cię? każdy humanista to debil, a dyplom z psychologii to awaryjny papier toaletowy.

Daily reminder that Polish isn't a language and the fact that the normal latin alphabet can't be used to spell it is proof that it comes straight from the devil's own throat.

well at least we have our own language. we didn't inherit it from bunch of pussy ass puritans, who sailed away from england

That's not where the glorious English language comes from, Stas.

They're aren't idiots. Their ideas are often illogical and backwards, but usually they're above average intelligent. Peterson is really smart verbally, he has the wits to use in real time discussion, which not many people have. But his abstract level intelligence probably isn't that high.

latin sounds better, german sounds better, russian sounds better than language used mostly by niggers

Polish sounds like somebody is too drunk to spit out his food before trying to talk.

anglos shouldn't shit on other languages. At least in Polish you read words how they are written so it's not some retarded game of guessing every time you see a new word.
Also the non latin characters are pronounced the same way every time.

He's smarter than anyone on this board, that's for sure.

It's how we separate out people who shouldn't be trying to speak the language and who don't deserve to pretend to be like us.

Smartest after me.

peterson always debates with people bellow his level, ergo he presents himself as the smart one. despite the fact that avrage non libelar proffessor of some kind of science would make him look like a retard

get of your high horse, bro

>he says in English

go fuck yourself brainlet. also new collosus in original sound really bad. unlike european poetry in their native language.

this is bullshit argument. Statistically he would encounter someone who would destroy him sooner or later. It still didn't happened publicly and cameras are everywhere
yeah, impressive, isn't it? Say something meaningful in Polish.

because you're to stupid to understand it in other language

Slavic has no meaning, whether you spell it like Polish or use Cyrillic runes.

look mate, he attracts korwin croud, a.k.a retards.

Peterson is a nutcase. It's too bad he's leading a lot of naive young people astray, but they'll figure it out eventually.

oooga bix nood white bread cracka booga, pendejo.

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muttland will also loose it'smeaning when chinks will become world's dominant power


>yeah, impressive, isn't it?
Not really, it's rife with grammatical errors.
>Say something meaningful in Polish.
Sorry, I don't waste my time learning irrelevant dead languages.

how avrage american will sound in 20 years:
ooga booga nigga nigga me need bitch to fuck

He's a 100% kosher Zionist stooge.

Aw HELL naw

The difference between English and Polish is that subhumans speak broken English because they want to try to participate in anglo societies because of our wealth and prosperity. No one even tries to learn Polish because no one wants to be part of Polish society, not even subhumans.

aka "I'm too stupid to learn another language"
kurwin has some good ideas tho

this language will never die, just like our nation. but your nation will self-destruct because of spics, niggers and sandniggers



The only reason I would bother learning Polish is if I wanted a bottom of the barrel mail order bride.

The reason he hasn't encountered anyone to call him out on his bullshit is because he runs away with his tail between his legs. Vox Day has written extensively on his blog exposing this hack.

jonasz koran mekka is out of touch, senile idiot who thinks that "muh free market" will be the best thing for poland. also Jaruzelski>Miller>Marianek>gówno>PO>Kukiz>zandberg>pis>korwin

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Meanwhile jews are openly discussing how to turn Poland into a multicultural jewish ruled hellhole and you are doing nothing about it:

and how many languades do you know tyrone?

He's just the smartest representative from his country.

we have avid defenders of our land and culture

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They made German death camps and then demanded Germany pay war reparations. Let's at least be realistic in our assessments of these people; there is still hope.

>I-I know m-more languages t-than you
>y-you're b-b-black!
kek, starting to get a little angry, user? I don't need to know other languages: You need to know mine. That's the difference between irrelevant Poland and the anglosphere.

fuck off michnik you limp dick piece of shit

north american continet is populated with retards. so if he's smartest among retards this is not acomplishment

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Fucking kek, spitting image.

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wrong person

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very right one you fucking roach

lmao, the discourse was civilized until now. Took me a while to realize I'm talking with literal retard.

at least they're usefull. niggers and wiggers would kill you without thinking twice about it. they would always beat a nigger in stead of pure blood polish citizen

wypiedalaj na wykop. a w 2020 korwin znowu nie wejdzie, chuju

>this cope

w dupie mam wykop, ssij pałę murzyna, pojebie. Jaruzelski i Miller, ja pierdolę, co za głąb

Bantz aside, I like Poland and every Polish person I've known throughout my life has been an upstanding individual.

Don't let those kikes recolonize Poland.

za Jaruzelskiego szanowano nas za granicą, za Millera był szybki rozwój gospodarczy. PO dawało dupy Brukseli, a Kaczyński daje dupy zarówno moskwie jak i watykanowi , i wypierdala kasę na patusów i krayny

oh we won't, but our current president is married to a kike. and if kikes try to recolonise poland i will be the first to do something about it

Za Jaruzela Polska była państwem osi zła xD. A sam Jaruzel dział w interesie "rewolucji komunistycznej", na pewno nie w interesie Polski. A Miller to sprzedajny kutas i część systemu który rozgrabił Polskę.
Nie było u nas dobrej opcji politycznej u władzy ani za komuny ani potem.

>butthurt in English.

That's a pretty good Terry Davis impression.

rest in piece you magnificent bastard

zawsze jest jakaś nadzieja na przyszłość. być może to jest jedyna słuszna opcja

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>projects in cuck

Average professor IS liberal

Well, guess spics skypes and nigs all deserve to speak your language.
Damn, why won't you kys. You are a brainlet and you will father brainless children, that will make things worse for us all.
Do mankind a favour.

No to co chcesz od kurwina, jak połowę jego programu tu zerżnęli?

>spics skypes and nigs all deserve to speak your language.
For some reason they chose to not speak it. Their loss, not mine.

It's not like Bergs and Steins write articles in your language and speak publicly about how your country needs more diversity.
Or how Sheeboon is asking for more gibs in your own lanuage. Makes me think senpai.

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mot in eastern europe

he is so dumb he is not even the dumbest person on the planet.

Clean your fucking room


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nadal nie mamy cyberpapaja

No wonder he gets to much exposure. Just like Alex Jones.

The real ones aren't allowed big platforms.

Take your Jewish antidepressants, Peterstein.

>This is why I'm the best philosopher to ever live.

No, in the very little research I have done. My nomination goes to....

>Inb4 death to phone posters

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