What do non-Americans think of him?

What do non-Americans think of him?

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our puppet

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Jew puppet
cheeto man
dumb faggot
anime memelord

Actor doing a show for frustrated rednecks while their country is wiped clean by the mob.

I love him.

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Based poo

Not woke on the nogs but otherwise he is the best leader of any country since adolf hitler. Putin had that tied down until the great white hope got into office

>why bother, the elections are rigged anyway.
he's given me hope.

wig wearing nutter with a hot wife and daughter



Savior of the world

Over 90% hate him and think he is a crazy stupid racist sexist. European media is much worse than even US media and there are zero popular outlets who report about him in a positive light.


Trump will bring about the renaissance of humanity

>I love him.

>be me
>was 17 and at HS that day
>goes to school
>everyone is triggered and crying about Trump winning


He is the masculine Jesus

The people loves him, the media hates him

Our media hates his guts, but the average person thinks he's a cool dude.

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i think he's cool as fuck

I think he's great. A beacon of sanity it a maelstrom of madness.

I like him.

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I will hang a framed picture of him on the wall when all is done. He is God Emperor, period.


best president America ever had

Faggoted retard

American like American. Everything would literally be the same if he or Hillary won. I had a huge pleasure watching leftists cry tho.


Maybe one of the best of all time. Protector of humanity.

Most non-Americans think of him the same way leftists do. Rational non-Americans think of him the same way we think about past presidents - i.e. just another president.

Honestly he does seem very unintelligent and uninterested in improving the lives of anyone except fellow Boomer businessmen.

But he was by far the best choice of all the candidates that year.

indians have been good goyem haven't they? we will let you live for our entertainment once we take over the world.

He's grit in the mechanism. A irritation to the rulers of the earth. The elite don't like him because he's interfering with their plans.
People are not supposed to question them. Whole school systems have been set up to avoid the system being questioned.
He disturbs the farm animals and upsets the farmers.

Your country needs to be eradicated.

Jesus, how more unimformed can you be

Hes great

Kang of kangz

Rather disappointed, another ZOG President. But leftists crying over about it still hilarious. Has had a positive impact on nationalism overall.


>Donald Trump, age 1 1/2, lives in Kabul. He enjoys playing ball and pounding on his dad's computer.
>His father, Sayed Assadullah, chose the name because he was impressed with the future U.S. president's books.
>But his relatives were less than pleased to have a Donald Trump in the family.

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hes a twat just like theretard may

but i suppose he hasnt caused ww3 yet so he is doing ok

The fact other countries pay such close to attention to our elections and get emotionally involved is such a bizarre phenomenon. Was this always the case since ww2 or is it a product of your media?

also at least he is not hillary

Moron, but it's not like shillary or sandniggers would be better.
We were hardly aware of any other candidates here.

The whole world is caught between finding him hilarious because he's such a joke and being fucking horrified

leftists are not «whole world» faggot

i think even right winged people who arent in america are laughing at him desu

It was ok to shill for him in 2016 during the election, now it has to stop.
Think rationally about what he does, not suck his cock every chance you get.

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Everyone in my country thinks he's a retard and thought i was nuts for putting down a bet on him winning.
Now that I won my dosh it's time to look at it rationally and he is a retard and his fanbase is even worse.

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someone i knew thought he would be good because he is a business man but they quickly changed their mind after he won

close your fucking cock sucker u gypsy nigger faggot

Cool dude, clown president

I'm thinking that his position is quite unique in the sense that he made "Ruling the US" his vanity project.
Not sure if anyone else will be able to emulate it in the way he will. But I believe he'll be decent at his job and unfortunately, the media won't acknowledge that after 50 years or so.

I love you guys you're fucking funny

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See? He doesn't know how to respond without just gobbling up trumps dick.

Good for America (and Israel), bad for the rest.

Respond to what? You're not exactly giving an argument
>hue hue drumpf a stoopid dumb mutts huehuehuehue
It's cool that you think that but at least muster up enough coherent thought to make an actual argument

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i didn't vote trump in 2016 but will vote for him in 2020 just to see the libs faces when he wins again!!!!

Our mainstream media can't go one day without a Trump critical article, so I fucking love the man.

I really really like him, his rallies are a riot. Hope he actually manages to uncuck most Americans.

he seems stupid and senile. i don't believe you really let him lead your country, it must be some kind of show. is the deep state real?

He's boycotting T*rkey so that's great, I couldn't give two shits about his controversial relationship with Putin though. In fact, I much prefer that he's a Russian agent.

Best President since Lincoln.

Seems like a decent president who’s made some questionable decisions but overall not bad

West's last best hope.

We will win.

Says some dumb shit sometimes, but I mostly agree with the policies they do pass.
Got more done than Obama with significantly less war. Denounced drone strikes on US citizens almost immediately. Called the Iraq war a mistake.

This is my exact argument.
You suck trumps dick

There is no real controversy with Russia though, Muller hasn't got shit on him in a year. Even the guys brought to court are getting charged with retarded shit that has nothing to do with Russian collusion.
Russia isn't powerful enough to create a US puppet Government.

>Jow Forumskeks are so retarded they still can't into arguments
I see nothing's changed
shitposting is still plebbit tier

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I like the way he runs america. I'm usually annoyed when all of my co-workers talk shit about him.

Based af

Love him or hate him, watching lefties reeeeee constantly is entertaining.

Daily piece of entertainment

Hes is serving his purpose perfectly. He is the fall guy for the next great depression which will usher in the new era of American socialism.

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He's everything I ever wanted.
Love you DJ, don't forget about the SES and the FED!
I know you got this!

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Trump is the best thing that could have happened.. to America
And it would be a great example to every leader worldwide. but thats not gonna happen because no other leader cares about their country in the west. Expect Hungary

The right guy at the right time to turn the craziness around. If he s good depending on how much truth will be revealed and when he stops turning it around.

I think he's pretty funny and the fact that he triggers mass hysteria among leftists makes me love him, but he does come across as a total retard.

Trump needs to get the fuck out of Syria, else there's not way I will like him.

best goy


I fucking love this guy! If I was a us citizen I'd vote for him anyday! Also he's far far better than obuttfuck

Top guy.

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Trump is a kike

Better, than Obama. A person who really works. For any person born in the post-Soviet space, it is obvious that your left is just as bad and ideological as our Communist Party was. Very easily recognizable smell. We do not want the Communists any more, so if he can slow them down at least - it will be good.

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Pretty based. Too bad we're an enemies.

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People in GB randomly burst into laughter when they remember again that the mutts were retarded enough to elect this notorious mongoloid crook who has been a worldwide standing joke for 40 years plus.

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From an outside view, its pretty obvious the entire establishment is against him.Both political parties, the deep state, the media, the public service and the mainstream media. He's not just red pilled the entire US, but as more evidence comes out of 5-eyes collusion in 'the dossier' people are realising how big the Globalist cult really is...

I dont really care about him, I only dislike his fanbase

Literal God tier troll

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Burgers should be glad they have a chaos President who's more effective than Duterte.

still not sure if he's actually /ourguy/ or compromised by the deep state

Aftertaste of 90s optimism.
Brings back confidence in the Dollar
Makes me want to import American again
Escapes the explanations of economists and societal gurus.

He's an incompetent asshole.

I like him

Your country is a joke to the rest of the world user.

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