Why are niggers like this?

Why are niggers like this?

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>you find the guy and fuck him up
what it really means is
>you and 6 of your hoodrat friends corner him at school and when you start losing the fight all 6 of the jackson boys jump in and stomp him into a paste

>I beat him up
>took his bike
>took his sneakers
>I was defending my ego
>>>>>technically I was defending myself

It boggles the human mind, OP

They're niggers, no great mystery here.

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fake and gay

post link or GTFO

Honestly is it really that bad having a bike stolen from you? Realise that the person stealing it probably needs it more than you, else they wouldn't be going through such lengths to get it. There is a positive side to every bad thing.

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>fresh out of jail
>won't call the police if in trouble because of mhu snitching
the absolute state of niggers in america

They dont have the iq to control their numbers with birth control so they're programmed to control their numbers with violence and child neglect

Jow Forums: >Even if the other dude did start it, it clearly wasn't self defence to take his stuff

also Jow Forums: >The Jews fucked over the Germans in 1918, so it was self defence to chuck a then 2 year old onto the train in 1943

A bike for a bike leaves the world full of people taking the bus

why do nigger live up to all their stereotypes?

No new ground to cover here. They have on average lower IQ’s. So reasoning is much more limited. Causation, planning, low time preference...These all require higher cognition levels. If we could just get normie whites to understand that no amount of money can fix this deficit, we could actually create policies that channel people’s abilities and talents correctly and with realistic expectations. The problem right now is that we think everyone can be a thoracic surgeon. Even I’m not smart enough to be one. But every SWPL and frizzy haired mullato chick coming out of universities believes that the system is the problem and not the actual raw human material. We are doomed.

In Amsterdam bikes are stolen and resold cheaply constantly, it's a circle that allows everyone to have a bicycle. So no, a bike for a bike actually increases bike use as people are effectively sharing bikes.

I would say that's how niggers think, but they don't think.

Still looks like a nigger though. Like those Albino blacks.

Not just niggers.
You are a pussy.

>Man throws rock
>Gets beaten to shit
>Court Applauds
>Man throws rock
>Man gets beaten
>Steals rock
>Steals every rock at his house
>Steals all the rock in street
>Court angry
>Blames man, he shouldn't have no rocks.

How can this be

Jesus loves you but only if you defend nigger behavior

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>curse is lifted
Except she probably still has tons of patches of black under her clothes. She probably wishes she could just have black skin like when she was a kid

Sometimes they can achieve honourary status

It's real, just checked.

guys he was just defending his pride, he dindu nuffin


link pls sir mr gipsy

You cock sucking idiot.

>want something
>work for it
>nigger isn't willing to work for it
>takes it from you
I guess he just needed it more, right guise?

Real red pill. The guy never threw a brick at him

No nigger has ever wished to remain black.

That's the problem with Black's, they chose to become stereotypes.

>nigga done thrown a brick at me
>fuck dat nigga up
>that nigga done told the po po

money can fix it

$50,000 to be sterilized on your 18th birthday

The thing is, knowing nigger behaviour, he probably stole the guy's bike first, the guy threw a rock to stop him and got beat up by him and two or three more niggers.

>18th birthday
death camps for every nigger not in africa

with a darkie leaching off each transaction, how wonderful

>He threw something at me so I put him in the hospital and on top of it stole all his shit
Yep, sounds like a nigger

On the expense of the people who bought them from shops

>That's the problem with Black's

Nice apostrophe you dumb chav. Who's the stereotype now? You probably voted for brexit too. Lowlife uneducated scum.

Here you go, Jorge da Padaria: >facebook com/humansofnewyork/photos/a.102107073196735/2518243821583036

shut up nigger

If you buy a bike from a shop you can probably afford to have your bike taken from you in the first place though.

I for example own a £1200 bike, but if someone stole it from me I could still afford to get to work, by car or train. For the person stealing it however, it could very well be their only way of getting to work.

take your lifted pinky finger and enormous wedge shaped nose elsewhere

because they are animals
they are 30,000 years behind in evolution
they have an average IQ of 85

>"stop calling me bike cuck"

The leaf has spoken! Let the cucketry begin!

that, or their next crack rock

I'm just glad I made you feel better about yourself pedophile.

Already found it thank you Roberto Carlos

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not only that but it's now like 3.2 bikes per person in the area because of all the stolen bikes floating around

one of the most spineless cuck comics ive ever seen goddamn

No taking the bait, Achmed.

but why did he throw a rock at him?

>you find the guy and fuck him up
Niggers are unironically the reason why we can't handle things like men anymore. Fragile/insecure negros feel the need to go all out and try killing people over shit that white men would punch once and move on over.
God help all the sub-humans if they ever get their wish of a world without police prosecution.. Bubba and Cletus would ride into the city and unironically fuck them all using old squirrel guns

Those barely known obscure corners of the world like New York.

Niggers steal bikes to go to work? Wtf are you talking about?

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Are you seriously comparing the crimes of the jews to throwing a rock at someone?

I would explain it to you, but first you need to count. Now, if I have one rock and I have another rock, how much rock can you put in a dime bag and what would be the price?
(Don't look at your Ma, figure it out for yourself)

>Sharing Bikes
What do they do in the intermission between having a bike and not having a bike?
Your communist math fails you once again halal crumpet

low iq, high testosterone

>one post same image
>will be posted once a day for a week
Stop joanposting faggot

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They had a meeting at work just to tell the niggers don't chimp out on rude customers. The niggers kept saying they wuz being disrespected.

> Stealing bikes
> Market gets inflated with bikes
> Bikes make no more money in the market
> Bike commerce stagnates
> Bike manufacturers stop making bikes
> Hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs
> More poor people
> More niggers
> "What should we fuck up next?" says Jamal
Get the fuck outta here, Charles Pinkyfinger


>going to work
pick one you literal cuckold

The world without police would unironically be safer.

flags check out

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Can someone explain what humans of new york is? My very liberal friend has been donating to them since he got out of college.

It's a bullshit scheme where everyday you learn about some new cosmopolitan, artificial cave dweller rat in New York and your takeaway should be that every human being is a special soul so love kikes, homosexuals, shitskins and front holes now.

Niggers lack conflict resolution skills. Niggers are hair-triggered into acting like an animal. I'll take everything the guy says at face value, and assume it to be true.

Guy throws big ass rock at him, like half a brick... Okay, shoot him. That's self-defense. I'd be on the guy's side at this point.

Also, he never says how close the rock was to actually hit him or if it connected or not, and if it was or was not intentional.

Taking the guys bike, and shoes are uncalled for in this situation. Fuck your pride, and ego I don't care about those things.

If I were the judge of this case I'd have not charged him with anything if he shot him right after the rock was thrown.

Nor would I charge him with any violence charges so long as he stopped when the guy was unconscious, although I doubt he did.

The charges he would have gotten if I were the judge would be theft of the bike, and shoes. & If he continued to beat him after unconsciousness I'd have put on attempted murder as well, although if in the heat of the moment he drew a gun immediately and shot him self-defense.

>a thief is stealing your bike so that he can get to work
Wow, that makes it perfectly alright to take my shit. I wish a nigger would.

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Manchester has just lost its mobikes. The fucking Chinese rant communist enough.

It's called keeping families together

Self defense means only using enough force to make yourself safe.

Once you gain the upper hand you can't just ground someones face into the pavement. It's excessive.

Now add stealing on top and yeah, you're just a nigger looking for an opportunity to chimp out. This guy should have been executed.

99% chance him and his gaggle of niggers ganged up on one person

She looks good new, great improvement

>Humans of New York

Ah yes, the most pretentious, egoistic drivel to ever have the misfortune of being put on the internet

She should get a nose job

what's so funny? I don't get it, why did the guy throw a rock at him, was it becasue he was stealing his bike?

The guy was just peacefully playing a round of "hit the nigger baby"

Idiot spotted.

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fuck is this

We need to manufacture this skin disease in the lab, and spread it among the darkies.

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>White boy got creamed

That's how you roll on the streets, both whites and blacks. You wouldn't know a single thing about it because you're a basement-dwelling, pathetic, suburban incel

>be white
>throw rock at black guy
>Get wrecked
>call the police
>have a white knight brigade on a samoan surfing forum defending you

>bikes stop being made
>hundreds of thousands lose their job
I think you might be overestimating how many people make bikes for a living.

>front hole
Honey, if you can't please my worst hole you don't deserve my best hole

back in caveman days this sort of action would keep you alive, get you good stuff and women too

>Self Defense
>Steal his shit

Yeah, no. I would just GTFO if I were in danger.

>lie about being a violent thief
Nope thats pretty much exclusively black culture.

Nobody threw a brick at him. He nearly killed a guy to steal his bike, went to jail and now lies about it to stupid shitlibs for oppression points which translates to gibs.

I see what he's trying to say here, that the small world the nigger lives in on the streets is one where shit like that is aceptable, but what about the normal world everyone else has to live in? What about the world of the person he crippled and then blamed for "ratting" him out to the proper authorities? We should not praise this shit, it's devalues the goddamn civilization we've constructed and will destroy it eventually all for the sake of lazy feelgood people talking down to people dealing with the shitstains of humanity on a daily basis.

>Why are niggers like this?

meanwhile in australia white meth heads will kill you for looking at them the wrong way.

It sounds like it was a kid throwing rocks which is a shitty and stupid thing to do but the guy went way too far. If he gave the kids a black eye nobody would bat an eye but he clearly went way too far. He's claiming the kid is a snitch and everything but the whole don't snitch thing only applies when there are no medical bills involved. Once you have to go to the hospital for being beat up you have no real choice but to talk to the police.

Yeah I mean that homeless guy is probably ecstatic about that pint of drain cleaner brand vodka he's going to drink for for selling my bike.

snitch implies you were involved in criminal activities and ratted your accomplice out for personal benefit.
the term is used way too much these days (criminals in australia will consider you a 'snitch' if they steal your car, you call the police, and they get caught).

>"""""Humans""""" of New York

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I completely agree with the nigger on this one. I should be able to find the guy that stole my bike and walk up and shoot him in the head. His homeboys too. We are quickly returning to a type of frontier justice, and the niggers won't like it when it happens.

>meanwhile in australia white meth heads will kill you for looking at them the wrong way.

Cite one time this has happened please...

Hey, you're the ones always complaining about family separation.

It's wonderful actually, among my friends they have had a sort of human re-birthing, they wouldn't mind killing a shitskin even just for existing if they can get away with it. 10 years ago and they would have been mentally handicapped to even imagine such an act, so effective was the disingenuous morality and ethics indoctrination during school years, both by the state apparatus and their guardians. The power of violence is what represent the free will, our society functions because this violence is monopolized by the state to direct that free will to a more efficient and beneficial coexistence among ourselves, and the mass collective of violence directed against barbarians holds more power to dominate than that which can be expressed by the individual. However, the state has betrayed society by inviting foreign objects which maintain their power of violence, while continuing to enforce the monopolization among the original citizenry. Slowly the mental barriers to kill are being eroded and it absolutely wonderful. Great civilizations are built on blood and death and we can rebirth it the same.

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