The left are at it again

For fucks sake. Its a kids show, they dont give a shit about whether or not cranky the crane gets piped by other guys or not, they hardly even pay attention to the show.

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The show went to hell after season 6 or so, when it was bought by Americans.
Why must the mutt destroy everything good and pure?

I actually agree with this and you retards shouldn't have let us get involved. Blame Allcroft. She got greedy. Mitton was the real talent behind Thomas.

Bought by (((Americans))) FYI.

It’s not our fault your shitty culture is being taken over by Jews and subhumans. You cowards sit idly by and watch as Muslim subhumans rape your children and laugh in your face. Of course shit like this is going to happen and it’s only going to increase as you guys have made it abundantly clear you are to pussy to do anything and thus made yourselves easy targets. Globalist jews will take over your culture and shit all over it and you aren’t going to do a thing about it besides bitch and whine on the internet

>multicultural trains
>transgender trains
How the fuck is that supposed to work? Pretty sure they already had brown trains from the beginning.

They fuckin TRAINS???

I thought it already had women in the show, like Percy?

>It’s not our fault
Ever heard about Lybia and the arming of the taliban, al-qaeda, and the mujahideen?
I wonder who was behind that.
Not to mention all the revolutions that were caused directly or indirectly by your shitty country, whether it be the French revolution, the 1848 revolutions, or more recently in Libya and Syria among many others.

Stop blaming other people (us) for these shithole countries and their shortcomings. Man up faggot. International Jews are not our fault and you guys need to stop being so cowardly and throwing your countries and cultures down the garbage to appease these international Jews

thomas had seen everything, it was time for him to leave

>they dont give a shit about whether or not cranky the crane gets piped by other guys or not

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Can they bring back mini George Carlin, then I’d watch.

>their shortcomings
Are you fucking serious? That’s the equivalent of justifying murder by the other party’s weakness. See how that flies in any system of ethics.
>International jews are not our fault
Them holding as much power as they do is a symptom of the enlightenment system that you retards created and had to indirectly and later directly spread all over the world. Jews held next to no power in a the overwhelming majority of monarchies (which you faggots had to bring down because of such nonsense such as “muh tyranny”), but in modern democracies and or enlightenment-based republics they excel because it is such a shitty and corruptible system. They are like water leaking in through a shity roof. Who is to blame, the water or the roof? I think the roof.



>the war on men keeps going
btw we should meme some gay or tranny trains and blitz twitter with them

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I know they're adding an Indian train.
which makes sense with what i know about India
they like trains alot
like 1900s Britain levels of train love
it kinda borders on cult-like appreciation of trains

Strange I can remember people being called paranoid and crazy when they warned the gay agenda would later be pushed on kids. Not so crazy now.

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Yes lmao


>smacks lips



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multi ethnic inanimate objects...

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this was my favorite show as a kid :(

>remaking beloved classics to reflect a multicultural society
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, and every date has been altered.

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They aren't adding trans trains. They're slightly balancing the gender ratio. Recent seasons also had a resurgence of older characters like Daisy, Duck, Oliver and Toad. Henry and Edward are no longer part of the core "Steam Team," with Edward being moved to the Wellsworth Sheds after James trashed Tidmouth Sheds when his shitty brakes failed. They're just adding an African locomotive named Nia and a British one named Rebecca. And all because some child whines to a producer that Thomas never leaves Sodor and wanted stories in other places.

>Why must the mutt destroy everything good and pure?
Name ONE thing that Americans have ruined. I’ll wait.

Public bathrooms

Thomas the tank Engine

Absolute monarchy. Imperialism. A well established social hierarchy.

The English language

Heavy metal

Europe, twice.

Implying there is something else than (((Americans)))

Watched some new magic show on Netflix with my kids. Magic is kid friendly right?
>Literally half of his participants were transgender
Fuck these people trying to brainwash kids they are all evil

I mean, in all honesty who doesn't want to see Thomas at Sobibor

Does the Indian train derail constantly and hit poos who shit on the tracks?

Hopefully there will be meaningful stories of courageous young trains deciding for themselves before puberty which gender they want to be.

This so much.
Those fucking progresive and nu metal are pure shit

based chile

fucking everything of any value that has ever existed

just be creative and write a NEW FUCKING SHOW

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Thomas the tank engine you fucking cretin


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dude their fucking trains, they're already different colors....
what the fuck

It's important to open kids up to what will be a more and more diverse world.

>Implying Thomas wouldnt have been turned into a Paki if he got the BBC service

A future to look forward to

You have the option to choose anything in American history we've ruined, and from that gigantic, copious, overflowing banquet table, you chose "absolute monarchy and social hierarchy"?

>attack children because starting later lets people form their own opinions

You ruined it in other countries, not just yours, by literally bringing it to ruins. And why wouldn’t I pick those things? They were what made our civilization as great as it was.

The United States spawned Hollywood, and worshipped these illusions, even though they admitted it was all just glamours, to the point that they forced the exporting of this manufactured culture to every corner of the globe.
THIS is the true power of the current Jews, and it was gained through the desires of the Americans.

>Muh monarchs were not corrupt
Fuck off peasant.

Brits and WWII ruined imperialism faggot.

I hate this stinking fucking world.

Britain wasn't an absolute monarchy when America was founded retard.

Aside from the fact that defending social hierarchy is essentially defending a caste system full of self-absorbed nepotism, there's also the matter that Americans didn't destroy your antiquated monarchies, WW1 did, and we had as much blame for starting that hot mess as the Galapagos Islands. We wouldn't even have gotten involved if Germany hadn't shat the bed with the Zimmerman telegram.

World culture
European ethnic and cultiral pride

The only conductor is Ringo Starr.

Pretty funny though, my nephew watches it and every episode is about one of the trains wanting to be more useful and do well at an important task. The trains have no creative desires or non-utilitarian thoughts. I am a train, I must serve humanity by moving things around the tracks, to be useless is the worst fate.

I had a book as a child about a steam bucket crane, the crane was happy to dig and build construction and was sad about being obsolete compared to the new diesel construction equipment, so the steam bucket loader dug a foundation for a skyscraper and then was left in the basement, disassembled and turned into a steam furnace to heat the building.

White Europe, universities, pop culture, music, philosophy, ethics, political thought, Christianity
Should I go on?

>White Europe,
you ruined your own nation
boomer meme of "everyone needs a piece of paper"
>pop culture
pop culture is a jewish invention of the 1960s, it was never good. There was never a good pop culture.
you ruined it yourself, hollyjew only marketed and sold it. most modern genres come from the UK.
ruined by europe, espeically jew commies
ruined by europe especially jew commies
>political thought,
ruined by europe especially jew commies
Europe is responsible for the homosexual catholic church and all of protestism and the schisms and wars. Some baptists that escaped the hellhole of europe didn't do anything that wasn't already done.
>Should I go on?
please continue

Everything they touch turns to shit.

Some? Maybe. But it was an extremely rare occurence, and usually happened in constitutional monarchies. And compared to modern democracies... well, it's an incredible difference to say the least.
WW2 was a direct result of Wilson's agenda at the end of WW1 and the revolutionary sentiment in Europe inspired by America's 1776 revolution. Communism, democracy, Fascism and Nazism are all revolutionary.
No, they weren't. They are indeed responsible for much of enlightenment and constitutional thought, but your country embodied it when it was created. France, however was an absolute monarchy at the time and your shitty revolution directly caused the French one.
>muh nepotism
What a bunch of bullshit. Aristocracy is the government of the best, and aristocrats were the best both in terms of merit and in terms of genetics. Peasants still to this day aren't capable of running countries efficiently, simply look at any modern democracy.
The treaty of Versailles was heavily influenced by Wilson and his fourteen points, that is undeniable.
>We wouldn't even have gotten involved if Germany hadn't shat the bed with the Zimmerman telegram.
That is false. Wilson, while maintaining a policy of isolation for some time, was ideologically hell-bent on destroying the old Empires of Europe and redrawing the borders of Europe based on nationalism. The US was also looked upon as a heavily biased arbitrator by both the Entente and the Central Powers.

>monarchs can't be corrupt because there are no rules on how they spend their nation's money
so you're not wrong.
Just listen to this and you'll understand.


if it was such a great system why did it lose to republics/democracies?

Pro-tip: Don't let your kids watch TV.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Though, I know turning off the electric jew is a complete non-starter for most of you addicts.

>Guy literally advocates for untouchable brats having uncontested power over their own personal sandboxes
>And somehow thinks that this is better than a temporary position determined by actions taken against the populace you rule over

Marie Antoinette is snickering through a mouthful of cake.

Social and Racial Relations

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Might doesn't necessarily make right, and the mere scale and viciousness of the revolutions that occured in the 18th and 19th century was something utterly unprecedented and unexpected. Not to mention the ruthlessness of the revolutionaries at putting down any resistance what so ever. Not even the most cruel of monarchs could've ever dreamed of anything like the bolshevik counterrevolutionary measures, for example. Or the reign of terror in France for that matter.
Actually, he doesn't. He simply compares democracy and monarchy, but he himself advocates for a 'natural order', which is altogether completely different from both and is basically ancapism.
Also, monarchs weren't "brats". They were the very best of the intellectual and genetic stock of their countries, which is why they ruled over them. I would recommend you read a book called 'The influence of monarchs' by Frederick Adams Woods if you want a truly unbiased understanding of traditional monarchies.

It was spoilt as soon as the Fat Controller became Sir Toppam Whatthefuck. Have they wrecked Rupert Bear yet? That was full of gollies and the like. I can't imagine what the Beano & Dandy are like now. Probably pages of apologies for being male.

On the subject, pic related was my Snakes and Ladders from when I was little. It was slightly dark, though attractive, and slithering down a snake was a creepy experience. It became the awful, overly-bright Chutes and Ladders in the States. For some reason, we assume that little children can only appreciate one aesthetic. And so your railway set has fucking bright red blue and green tracks. Mad now.

Forgot pic related as I'm retarded.

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>Toe Mass le Tank Injun

It's much easier now. On-demand and lack of the godawful commercials which plagued the 80s makes it manageable. I can keep the kids away from the garbage and the filler. Odd Squad is excellent.

>They were the very best of the intellectual and genetic stock of their countries, which is why they ruled over them

Determined by WHO? Determined by WHAT? Their capacity to hold power given to them by a chain of ancestral command? That doesn't tell me they were "best" for the job, only that they were born into it and savvy enough- most of the time- to not completely fuck it up until their heirs took over.

If we were interested in the best persons for rule, we'd screen the population for traits determined favorable for rulers. We don't do that- in fact, no one does. But the closest thing we have to such a system is, surprise surprise, democratic elections in a republic, which putting aside all the partisanship and manipulation is fundamentally supposed to be a majority consensus on who is most qualified to be in a seat of power.

Franchise destroyed themselves when they went animated. Fuck Thomas, Lady Topham Hat, Annie&Clarabelle and especially Percy. No real white person's going to watch that new shit, even if it had a train named Adolf.
Sonsovbitches ruin everything.

>Determined by WHO? Determined by WHAT?
Determined by the fact that their ancestors came to power and managed to maintain it for a very long time, and also by studies linking intelligence to genetics, if you want to get into that. The royalty and aristocracy of Europe formed an intellectual elite which was unrivalled by any other social group.
>If we were interested in the best persons for rule, we'd screen the population for traits determined favorable for rulers.
Who's "we? What gives "we" the right to do that?
>is fundamentally supposed to be a majority consensus on who is most qualified to be in a seat of power
Oh God, don't tell me you believe that shit. Yes, it may have been set out as an ideal once by some certain thinkers, but it was never fulfilled and never will be in any democracy. The morally and financially corrupt, the sophists of the modern age will almost always win over those who are willing to take the harsh measures required to run a state and are open about it. Plato dismantled this nonsensical democratic idealism almost two and a half thousand years ago, but unfortunately there are those who still believe in this false system due to its nature of dealing in rhetoric and not true dialectic.

Your "intellectual elite" eventually led Europe into a war that destroyed an entire generation of men because of some damn foolish thing in the Balkans. Even if you want to pin the blame for WW1's aftermath on the U.S. (and good fucking luck to you) that only means the monarchies destroyed themselves indirectly by creating an environment that would rob them of all their power, rather than directly by attacking each other's nations to the point of mutual annihilation. If they were the intellectuals you claim, they would have seen the glaringly bright neon signs on the wall that would have warned them what a powder-keg they'd turned their continent into. They didn't, and for failing to meet that "intellectual elite" standard you're obsessed with, they were destroyed.Good fucking riddance to them.

I trust the democracy and the republic more than I trust the monarchy, because 200 men in a Senate are harder to corrupt than one man on a throne, and if they are corrupted, they can be cycled out in a matter of years to be replaced with someone else. What deposes the corrupt king?

>when your making millions out of sweatshops in the colonies

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Football,Basketball.Education have been ruined by American PC bullshit! Thomas the Tank Engine is ENGLISH!

The only TV show your child should watch is My Little Pony
otherwise they are being spoonfed liberal garbage.

So if I want to identify as a apache helicopter i can! Goddamn the memes were true.

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I didn't realize trains could even be niggers. Is the Gookchoochoo going to have slant eyes?

No, actually. The war wouldn't have happened were it not for revolutionary forces striking down Franz Ferdinand for absolutely no reason but their own thirst for violence and hatred of monarchy. That was the first act of aggression towards the remaining monarchies in Europe, the second being the Western powers' "defense" of Serbia when Austria demanded its rightful reparations for the death of their heir by Serbian army-trained insurgents. The Western powers were thirsting for this conflict and desperately wanted to dismantle the remaining absolute monarchies of Europe. For what other reason would France and the UK defend Serbia of all places?
And oh yes, please, you tell me you all-knowing American how they should've acted and how they shouldn't have defended their own interests. Captain Hindsight over here, Christ.
>I trust the democracy and the republic more than I trust the monarchy
Then you are genuinely foolish. If you think that the average person who is completely ignorant of state affairs and unqualified to make decisions regarding statecraft should have a say in who should rule over them, then I truly have no words for your idiocy.
>200 men in a Senate are harder to corrupt than one man on a throne
That is utterly ridiculous and plainly false. Absolute monarchs were completely incorruptible when it came to money because they had no use for more, given that they "owned" the entire country as it was, and would have to pass it down to their children, unlike a senator, giving them a sense of attachment and a reason to take good care of it.
Tell me, how many people in your senate have dual citizenship? How can you expect them to defend your country's interests first when so many of them have dual loyalties? Not to mention that the US senate is one of the most corrupt institutions to ever exist on the face of this earth, case in point; Hillary Clinton.

>and if they are corrupted, they can be cycled out in a matter of years to be replaced with someone else.
Replaced by someone equally as corrupt, you mean? Yeah, that does happen sometimes.
>What deposes the corrupt king?
There is no such thing as a corrupt absolute monarch, unless you're speaking in terms of morals. He holds the entire country, has every reason to take as good care of it as is humanly possible, and he has to pass it down to his children. There is almost nobody in the world that can bribe him. It simply doesn't happen.

>Jow Forums
>Everything else

Well you certainly did a number on japan they werent all yanking it to cartoons till you nuked them twice.