Why do people support the police so much in America? I don't get it

Why do people support the police so much in America? I don't get it.

Americans definitely don't do support the police because the police are competent. The police are always getting in trouble.

I heard about a case where a single student in a high school was suspected of having drugs, and so a sergeant had his deputies search every student of that high school. As you can imagine, he got fired, because he violated the students' fourth amendment rights.

But it made me think... how motherfucking stupid do you have to be, to get a job in law enforcement, and think you could do something like that? What kind of standards do they have?

Americans don't support the police because they're "good". It's for political reasons.

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Babby's first redpill. The cops work for the Jews shepherding niggers and other undesirables away from the eruv and making sure white men with a penchant for violence are far away from the synagogues.

Where were you when you realized that the police are the paramilitary arm of American Jewry? Hint: Hollywood is the propaganda arm.

People like laws. It's pretty comfy knowing that the people you walk past on the street can't just brain you, that when you're on the road you know how fast everybody else is going, that when you get food from a restaurant you know the kitchens will be clean. But to have laws, you need police. And for most people the trade-off is worth it.

Puritanic anglo morality. Same with their attitude towards work, the human body and sexuality.

Hundreds of years of dealing with blacks.

You are aware your a nutter aren't you.
You have a justice system, it's not perfect, no ones is. Without it you just have vigilantes or crime mob control. That's reality, deal with it.

you have a justice system that serves paki rapists and establishment pedophiles. Thats the worst.

>I heard about a case where a single student in a high school was suspected of having drugs, and so a sergeant had his deputies search every student of that high school. As you can imagine, he got fired, because he violated the students' fourth amendment rights.

This was normal when I was in school and has only gotten worse. You have no 4th Amendment protections on somebody else's property as a subject in their indoctrination incubators.

Other than that, often times the type of people who support the police view them as the thin blue line between nigger infestation and bad elements coming into their neighborhood.

Which is often true. We have a huge problem with out of towners from the cities running around the suburbs at night breaking into cars and stealing them. Mostly niggers and spics. It used to be a safe place where you could leave the keys in your car and it would never get stolen. But after decades of welfare programs, we now have a bunch of 12-18 year olds mostly that have been subsidized by the welfare state their whole lives born to shitty parents, who now run around doing this nonsense and see nothing wrong with it.

The police are out there every day killing niggers, while you sit on Jow Forums and talk about it. They’re heroes

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No matter how dickish....
are the gatekeepers of society...
They are like electricity.
Everyone takes it for granted.
The moment it is gone, people flip the fuck out and come to realize how much everything depends on it.

Read some Dickens or “The Great Train Robbery”. Realize the police were invented to protect criminals from the public, not the other way around.

It’s the police or shotguns. Unfortunately, we have discovered recently the shotguns have more integrity.

Not in cities like Detroit where the citizens often support the criminals

Think about it. Strzok still has a badge and a gun. All i have is a room full of guns and a couple pallets of ammo.

I’m not necessarily pro-cop, just anti-stupidity. There’s zero evidence to support the popular narrative that cops systematically oppress black people.

I’ve met plenty of cops who were complete dicks. The police are like every other segment of society — some good people, some bad people, and a whole lot in between.

Detroit is a bad example. They are all one tribe.

just like any profession a small amount of people in it are pyschos and will abuse their power. most cops are just good hearted people that want to help serve the community. they have to deal with these stupid niggers on a daily basis and put their lives on the line for next to nothing.

Were not all meth smoking lunatics like you disgusting aussies. Some of us don't need cops checking our paperwork every two months to makes sure we've help paid for more Israeli wars.

Bingo bango. Only thing the cops can do is harass you or zip up your body bag, they literally can't protect you unless they live with you. I've been shot at by a nigger before, literally got the busy signal when I called 911 after. Complete joke.

>Schizo tier

fuck off pig. we have the right to bear arms and the american people can defend themselves. if you're rich, by all means, hire some goons to protect you. but I don't need pigs to protect me. harassment is the only thing cops are good at.

>most cops are just low IQ, insecure losers who were bullied in high school and now have the opportunity to strap on a badge and gun and get back at the world.
cops are angry brainlets

Its just another symptom of the Left-Left mentality that only started to fade with Trump.
The communists that infiltrated the US in the cold war pushed for liberal ideals that were currently illegal. Much like the small government advocating Right Wing and their adulation of massive military presence, they also were convinced a massive militarized police somehow represents small government, as communists fought for drugs, prostitution, homosexuality, etc., all of which was illegal.
Much like BLM now has right wingers convinced that its blacks on the left and cops on the right.
Take heart, though. Trump was a fuck you to the Bush family, meaning the Right is finally realizing a world empire heavily policed to crush dissent is not actually small government.
(As an aside, notice the growing 'Right' wing support of national Socialism. The Left continues their efforts to eradicate small government ideology. Do you really think the frog defeated the World Empire? They would much rather have international socialists fighting national socialists, and a limited government quietly forgotten)

I hate them because they're the most direct threat to our freedom, but I like them because they deter nigger behavior.

I support whoever makes nigger lives difficult.

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