Alex Jones, BTFO

Perma banned from everywhere, guess what kids?
The first amendment only protects you from government silence not companies

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Other urls found in this thread:

Marsh v. Alabama


The law can't protect you from getting two bullets in the back of the head, you think it'll protect you here?
We need new platforms, Pewtube has lost it's funding, Bitchute can't mine bitcoins anymore, we need ideas folks, Youtube runs on a deficit, how can we beat that?

Infowars YES!

It's about time Alex was de-personed. He belongs in a reeducation and torture gulag until he changes his bigoted ways. Most JUST I've seen handed out to a single man.

jones' bosses are jews, vendors are jews, kids are jews, ex-wife ijew, current wife jews, apple jews, nytimes jews. jew theater is jew theater.


This is great, it'll radicalise the base

Tears me up everytime


>The first amendment only protects you from government silence not companies

"Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple" -

BIG Tech can deny service to free speech because it's "alt-right", but the First Amendment prevents a business owner from denying service based on religious beliefs, violating the business owners free speech?

The mental gymnastics that are required to rationalize out what big tech is doing are at Olympic levels.

Talk about kajewki theater.

What are you going to do now that you can't yell and call people pedophiles? Absolutely nothing. Bend over and take take it like the bitch you are

When Alex is reinstated across the board once the November Elections is over maybe you will learn how corrupt and stupid the democrats are.

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With jews, you lose.

>tfw you'll never be this butt hurt that your awful canidate lost an election

I don't know why the left thinks this is a good idea for their agenda. All it does is give alex jones more publicity, and gives the right more sympathetic support from centrists
It's not like the left is going to gain support from anyone because they bullied some conspiracy theorist

Pro-LGBT companies hate him!

If the state is unprepared or unable to stop collusion of banking, media and technology industries in violation of securities, banking and antitrust laws, then its time to get extralegal.

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It is kind of annoying. The left fought for net neutrality yet they praise these companies for giving Alex Jones the boot. The right fought against net neutrality yet they complain about Alex Jones getting the boot.

We live in a digital age. We don't go to the town square any more. I'm against silencing anyone, left or right. I don't understand why these big companies can't work with these people who have gained so many followers to get them to take down the videos that contain hate speech or whatever down. All you're going to do is separate the left and right even more by silencing.

bankruptcy when

Things are getting out of hand. The commies need to be punished for this.

(((Suicide))) when?

yes but we know why - it's how all the lib tyrannists work

the USA is finished

This ony serves to prove him correct. Fucking shit man! How dense do you havr to be to ever think someone can be silenced and it wont come around to you eventually?

You don't understand what net neutrality is.

These companies are not going to underestimate us again in 2020. They are slowly putting policies and algorithms in place to limit all of our voices when it comes around. Also Jow Forums will become a mainstream normie battleground because this will be the only place we won't be silenced so everyone will come here to yell at us.

(((Suicide))) then rebooted again in a decade or two with some fresh cosmetic surgery and a name like Alan Baker starting when?

>being gay and harassing parents of murdered children are the same thing

Telling corporations what to do is socialism. Didn't you know Drumpftard?

I'm with Styx on this one. These sites are part of the public marketplace/forum now so it is a 1st amendment issue to de-person someone.

>Streisand effect


One stop closer to white genocide.

Good thing Drumpf got elected or I’d be worried

You'd almost think this is some big publicity stunt to try to lend some credibility to (((their))) controlled opposition.

FFS, goyim, read The Protocols.

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Dont Democrats do this to Republicans ally he time? Call them names and Insults baselessly? Seems a bit of a D O U B L E S T A N D A R D

>All it does is give alex jones more publicity,

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wow. It's weird, as Jones has always been anti racist, and never called out the tribe.

Just a reminder that this will lead to a landmark case and we’ll get to see Alex fucking Jones on the steps of the Supreme Court when they BTFO these “”””PRIVATE CORPORATION””” social platforms

It's ironic how the left screams about how bad capitalism is because Jamal who passed high school only on paper makes $8 an hour because hes unmarketable. But when the actual issue of corrupt capitalism comes around like companies having a monopoly, influencing how people think, and interfering with politics they eat that shit up thinking it's wonderful just because it favors them. These tech companies are monopolies that need to be either broken up or treated as public utilities at this point.

Kind of annoying? It's infuriating. Jones needs to get back on these platforms to show that people won't back down against censorship. Alex is not the first to go, but who's next? Just because he pulls in support for "alt-right" and "Trump"? Don't they understand that, even if they believe so hard in their utopia, silencing people is wrong?

AJ dropped the ball with that whole Sandy Hook thing. It's his own fault.

To the left net neutrality is them being able to watch netflix in 4k, it had nothing to do with the 'fairness' or egalitarianism of bits. Look at the fires tation that recently JOINED the net neutrality debate because their bits WEREN'T treated the same as everyone elses.

These are brainless flesh machines that operate on the basest levels of reality.

To them the concepts of 'net neutrality, 'freedom of speech' and integrity are only things that the late-night comedians speak about. The same comedians they watch only because everyone else does. To disagree or dissent is to be a persona non-grata, which is death to the NPC.

>dropped the ball with that whole Sandy Hook thing
Explain how, with videos to prove the things he said if your argument replies on them.

>Jones needs to get back on these platforms to show that people won't back down against censorship
How difficult would be to organise a group of volunteers (with no trust) that took his latest videos and uploaded them on pre-prepared accounts. Maybe with some random editing/filters to circumvent automated blocking.

It wouldn't early AJ any money but maybe it's more important than that now.

>It wouldn't earn AJ any money

Serves him for sucking theior dicks. They used him when they needed him, he turned his back on realy conspiracies and who runs the show, now they kikes are dumping him because he's not only useless but also a burden.

Oh no corporate Jews outing themselves by banning infowars.

They could not do something more potent to promote jones message

Damn what a bunch of pussies. Well at least we can look forward to Alex storming buildings and cucking CNN reporters.

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>name net nuetrality
Really didn’t read it did you? Just because nuetrality is in the name does not make it nuetral

>common sense gun control
If you are against, then you lack common sense

Thought crimes. Just be selective on your words.


We have yet to hear you magacucks complain about these companies. When disney merged with FOX, your orange emperor congratulated Murdoch. i didn't hear you complain about the danger of this monopoly. Why do you want the left to complain about it but yourself not only do nothing but support the party that encourages these mega corporations. You are just cucks who want to blame the left this the left that. Your orange emperor is in charge, why are you still crying?

>AJ dropped the ball with that whole Sandy Hook thing. It's his own fault.
I believe the Sandy Hook thing is just an excuse, the truth is elsewhere.

this This THIS, it’s all a stage show.

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Oh, please. You can’t talk about your fucking “silencing people” and also allow private corporations to operate. They can do whatever they want and refuse any customers or clients they please. He has plenty of outlets to preach to his shitbag followers. To be honest, I think he’s a fucking plague and deserves the death sentence. “Silencing”... lol, talk about special snowflakes.

Does the left really think this is helping to their cause? They made Jones a fucking martyr. Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg are hated by half of the internet now. They only reveal themselves as technological tyrants.
0/10 bait.

>All it does it give alex jones more publicity

If you would stop being such a brainlet for a minute you would realize that this is part of the (((plan)))

Good, AJ is cult leadet-tier conspiracionist moron, he should be banned from the Internet entirely

So much this. Are Trump supporters only good at victimizing themselves? Is there anything you guys actually want to contribute to your society or is it just that you want to fucking complain and pointy fingers? If you’re looking around and thinking everyone else is the problem, guess what that usually means.

>appeal to emotion

Not an argument

You realize “the left” doesn’t give a fuck about you plebs and your thoughts about their “cause”. You’re a minority and growing smaller every day. Trump is doing more than enough to drive the “left’s cause”. Fucking anti Americans disgust me.
>we want free trade and less government regulation
>mommy the companies are doing what they want and it’s not what I agree with
Hypocrites. Pathetic.

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Look at how shit Espn and comics are lately. Disney needs to stop.

Corporate bootlicking, a true american tradition

Not only they aren't stopping but now they own a lot more franchises

lol that flag

It's not anti-American to want free speech on what is considered the public square. Gov's primary purpose is to uphold our constitutional rights. Tech is a grey area because it's run by private companies but subsidized by public tax dollars.

The game is rigged in the left's favor and their hypocrisy is staggering, in principal if not in practice.

Discovered alex on shortwave in the mid 2000s so I'm good

>They made Jones a fucking martyr. Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg are hated by half of the internet now
build a fucking platform for your meme vitamin salesman or shut the fuck up then.

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Guess what? That state I’ll only protect you for so long. Nothing will stop private individuals from taking you out back and putting a bullet between your eyes when the state collapses and limp wristed queers like you are put down like feral dogs. Kys before someone else does.

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alex jones is just a gatekeeper, kike shill. what is their angle here?

His site hasn't been shut down. There is still a method to get his information out.

>You’re a minority and growing smaller every day
Trump`s approval is higher than Obama`s at the same moment of his presidency.
Also, you are a corporate bootlicker. When the corporations come for your commie idols and sanitize the left too, don`t cry. You made your bed.

>defends mega corporations
>defends censorship

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kek, it's always next year with you guys eh

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>Brits being slaves to power.
What a surprise. Do you need an internet loicense?

Nah. It`s always next year with you.
>Next year the revolution will come to the streets!
>We have been on late stage capitalism for 100 years! ANY TIME SOON!

so no new platform then, but lots of shitposts, got it.

At least here we can talk shit of minorities without being arrested. I can`t say the same for you, John Smith.

>watch me jump to this wild assumption that this user is a revolutionary communist
you're like programmed rats

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>mfw the left has been fighting you retards with a hand tied behind its back for over a decade and you actually started to think you were winning, but now that they're wailing on you with two fists of fury you're complaining that the fight isn't fair

>Thinking there is a giant Jewish conspiracy as Alex Jones is being silenced despite this

Yes. It’s what Kavanaugh is for.

Yeah but at some point all the publicity in the world don't mean shit if the main platforms for dispersing said media block you. There's no underground resistance here.

Get a lawyer and sue. Sue all the way to SCOTUS.

they're doing it to silence opposition to the democrats for the mid terms

imo every democrat and big tech leader should be arrested and brought to trial

It’s a false flag that is all going to plan. Tucker on Fox news and many others are talking about Alex, which will draw more people to HIS sites instead of main street’s. Kikebook, jewgle, and twatter will be just fine. Alex will always have a platform. Congress may or may not pass legislation banning censorship or making these corps regulated like utilities, it doesn’t matter either way. Either these corps have the power to control speech or big government gets even more power to control, either way conservatives lose. All the while, this will make Israel’s Alex Jones more popular than ever. It’s all going to plan and the goyim are doing exactly what is expected of them. This includes you summer newfags who don’t know or care that Alex is a kike shill, because you’re stuck in the good/evil paradigm of main street kike corps vs alex jones

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how about neo-nazi sites like The Daily Stormer

what the fuck the fucking donation form on his website didn't work

is paypal fucking him now too?

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worked after logging into paypal

>Alex Jones kike shill
>banned by all the kike platforms as a ruse goy!

sure, moshe, sure.

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they are really pushing for regulation
I think that all internet companies got overburdened with policing content and want to be left the fuck alone to make moneyby both left and right wing
they will ramp up censorship till they get regulated and then shut down all costly censorship departments
at least that what I would do
if anyone complains about muh nazis then you tell them to fuck off

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>the USA is finished
Yeah pretty much this

where can i raise a complaint regarding this in the way a ticket is made that some nigger has to handle?

Trump needs to start attacking them on the grounds of the "public good" (because they're basically the new public forum) and being common carriers. They're too important for the way people communicate nowadays for them to be able to arbitrarily ban whoever they want for political reasons and hide behind the MUH PRIVATE COMPANIES excuse. We're basically giving tech companies control of our right to free speech and free expression while roving anarchist thugs quite literally attack our right to free assembly with the tacit backing of local governments.

I think Jones is a goof but the coordinated effort to unperson him and stifle his ability to get his message out, dumb as I think it might be a lot of the time, should scare everyone because once the tech companies realize they can get away with it they'll keep doing it. It starts with Alex Jones, then expands to other prominent right-wing people, then general conservative ideas, then it'll be left wingers who threaten the establishment and eventually the normal person's entire abiility to speak and express themselves will require corporate approval; this speech brought to you and approved by Google.

Someone on MPC made a pretty good point too. Turn the libshit gun control argument on them with a first amendment twist. When the Constitution was written, speech was public squares and the media was a bunch of small indepedent journalists publishing their newspapers. The founding fathers never could've imagined giant media and tech conglomerates so why should we entertain their supposed rights? Alex Jones is closer to what the founding fathers would think of as "the media" than CNN.

Except he's not the only one banned, they are banning a bunch of other prominent figures on the right who only do good.

This controlled opposition meme is so lazy and reductive. It's like the left calling everything racist.

it does help their cause. silencing opposition is an effective tactic. if there's no legal pushback then the right are going to be severely damaged by this agenda.

>thinking multiple factions of Jews aren't always struggling against each other to become the top dog Jews
just sit back and enjoy the ride, because you have no say in the matter one way or the other.
poor confused goy. you're like a once-happy muscle cell that tragically learned a brain exists elsewhere in the body and sends you commands which you mindlessly obey. you used to be happy to do the work. what went wrong?
the existence of a command center you'll never get to join only bothers you because you weren't supposed to know about it in the first place. you were just supposed to work, to exercise, to plow, to reap.
you're like a dysfunctional muscle cell that became cancerous. as your ideology spreads out of control, it helps no one. it merely kills the entire body.
people like you should be wiped out for the good of everyone else.

Someone make a photoshop of Alex Jones with that before after picture of Stalin.

It's largely millennials and very late Gen Xers (who are no different from early millennials) who think like this. Anyone from the age of about 25 to 40 is under this mindset that because some corporation or tech company posted a picture of a fag flag once ore gives half-hearted approval of "woke" shit that they're on their side not realizing that they're only being played by people who desire nothing more than increased money and power and will turn on them in an instant if it means a half a percent increase in both.

Disney is probably more powerful than any government. Trump brought up trust busting a few times during the campaign and I'd love to see him go back ot it though. These media and tech conglomerates need to be broken up.