(((They))) are going after Ireland

>(((They))) are pushing (((diversity))).

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>fight the anglo for centuries
>end up adopting the suicidal ideology of the anglo willingly

and thats a good thing!

Nobody wanted this.
The government is completely controlled and corrupt.
We need a new Rising to take back the country.
(((They))) will never allow us to vote on immigration because most people don't want any more foreigners.

Mate, you've got a gay Indian as PM, it's literally his main mission to diversify Ireland.

>Nobody wanted this.
How naive, the MSM tells people what to believe. How many people do you know that actually think about politics/philosphy/... ? My guess is maybe 1 out of 20.

Answer me Sheamus !

Ireland should boot him out of office.

has gay paki PM just now realizes "they" are up to something jfc

He's extremely unpopular and both the left and right normies hate him.
He's half Irish so (((they))) could get him in without a riot happening.
If a full blooded foreigner became head of state the Republicans would burn down Dublin.
Problem is other parties are full of traitors like him too.

>How naive, the MSM tells people what to believe.
You could see that with the abortion referendum for example. People who are willing to vote for the killing of their own children will to the same to kill their own country/culture/... .

They already did come for you with the abortion legalization.

That broke my heart to see.
Ireland, please don't let Irish women kill unborn Irish children.

>If a full blooded foreigner became head of state the Republicans would burn down Dublin.
They wouldn't because the media would tell them that that would be raycis n shiet.

>Problem is other parties are full of traitors like him too.
Then get organized and join these parties to fight them from the inside or create new parties.
Nobody said it would be easy.

Most people I know are talking about the homeless crisis, hospital waiting lists, and Cervical Check scandals.
They complain about foreigners getting homes while Irish are homeless.
The media is not trusted by most people here.
We aren't Germany.

>White Irish =82% of population
>Non-white Irish = 9% of population
Can you morons even fucking read!?
No wonder why people call us potato niggers!!!
We're one of the whitest countries in the world, actually read the article morons!!

You're only independant because of commies, this is a long time in the making and you were too blind to see it

Not muh gingers. Keep those Nigs away from the gingers Irishbro... GAAAAAAH I'M SO ANGRY AND FILLED WITH HATE AAAAAAAAHHHH!

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Hard cases like Fatal Fetul Abnormalities, Rape, and disability.
People were given two extreme choices and pushed to one.

The one white nation I feel no sympathy for.

Gib nig Pepperoni!

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chase them out with a Shillelagh like the snakes, rats are just as effected by it if not more.

This is not good laddie.

I don't give a fuck anymore, the people of this country deserve what is coming to them if they don't do anything about it. If there was ever even such a thing as the 'rebellious' Ireland, well it's long gone now. And in its place we have a bunch of utterly complacent, apathetic and non questioning sheep. Maybe the Polish immigrants are our last hope

" Varadkar is the first Irish government leader of Indian origin and has visited the country on a number of occasions. He completed his medical internship at KEM Hospital in his father's childhood city of Mumbai."
I see, he has "visited" for many years while becoming a doctor....

a fucking foreigner rules you
at least with Obama they had to lie about it

Well I feel likewise for yours

>Most people I know
Is that a representative sample in your opinion ?

>The media is not trusted by most people here.
Almost everyone above 40 gets their news via the MSM, they don't need to trust them, the constant repetition of (((their))) talking points creates a climate in which (((their))) POV is sacrosanct. And believe me, people above 60 are extremely easy to influence via the MSM and above all, their main worry is muh pension.

The media is trusted nowhere anymore, doesn't mean they aren't able to dominate public discourse.

(((They))) have been raping Ireland tirelessly for MILLENIA YOU STUPID FUCKING POTATO FACE MICK and you know how frustrating it is to see my ancestral fatherland go up in flames because you europeans are SUCH FUCKING PUSSIES?

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Ireland will forever be slaves.
t. Amerimutt with tainted potato genes

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Brits out, Wogs in, that's what you all wanted right?

Wut ? That's basically NatSoc tire.

I see ya all flag, I know you got mozzarella up in there. Gib! Need some tomato sauce, too.

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Yeah it's called drinking fluoridated water, genius.

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You got a license for that opinion m8?

My nan is 70 and watches TV.
She is red pilled and never falls for (((their))) lies.

This sort of shit is why Northern Ireland doesnt want to unifyt. Noone has a problem with the people, but goddamn, you have a gay Muslim PM as the leader of a CATHOLIC CENTRIC COUNTRY, they are really going for the diversity angle with that shit.

Fun fact.
There's more whites in the republic than the north!

Ireland for the Irish.
White foreigners are still foreigners.

I dont believe that for even a second user. Also
>white foreigner
>theyre white so it doesnt matter if they are foreign
The fuck user, they are still foreigners, even if what you said was true you are far outnumbered by the amount of foreign people you have there.

I know too many expats who are the most Republican and anti immigration lads going
One of them came back for a visit and told me "Dublin is full of fucking brown people"

Feel the same way about you desu. All those years of oppression at your hands and now we get to laugh as your country slowly descends into a caliphate. Karma is a bitch.


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>Irish people perfectly happy to throw pipebombs and shoot each other over whether GOD BLUE or GOD RED is better
>won't expel foreign usurpers

Big think.

Why would a shitskin nation like yours care about white nations?

I know the Irish are divided on the IRA question but it's so sad to see a people who fought for their independence just replacing themselves with nigerians like all the rest of our cucked west.

>he believes in corrupt government statistics.
maybe look out your window instead.

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The conflict in the North had nothing to do with religion.

Why though?

More diversity means more immigrants which means more money for the asset holders, more globalisation, more foreign investment.
Having your language as the global language makes it more likely that some African or Asian will think about moving there rather than to Denmark..
Anyone who wants Ireland to remain Irish will be called racist.
The globalists need to be called out and driven out. They can go fuck around in North America or South America.

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God help this simple Canuck

The Irish weren’t fighting against other Irish who happened to have a different religion, they were fighting a foreign people who attempted to colonise their land, religion was just a more straight forward way of separating both sides into their respective factions.

The United States is arguably in a much worse position and has been for decades, The corruption of the Ireland by the kikes has only really been going hard since the mid 90s.