Were any of those old European wars worth it?

Were any of those old European wars worth it?

What was the fucking point of them?

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culling the population of brave men

The point was to demoralize the population into accepting a world government. Didn't work, obviously.

Utterly useless and cause of massive moral failing by all parties involved, like most wars.

chewing steak must have been a bitch

How long did he live for after that!?

43 more years. Those two bandages patched him right up.

how the fuck do you not bleed out from something like that back then? if you get a little paper cut you gush blood and i’m supposed to believe it was possible to lose your entire lower jaw and not bleed to death?

Sorry, but a big war was inevitable around this time. People had been predicting it for decades, because it was the nature of the arms race at that time (enormous sums had to be spent to keep up, and if they weren't used they became obsolete anyway).

The problem was not that the war broke out, but that the dynamics of the modern state, and its ability to borrow, allowed the war to go on for far longer than it ever should have.

So yeah, places like America with their war-profiteering and international banksters were as responsible as anyone. Without your aid the sides would've been forced to come to terms much earlier.

The tragedy is that Germany didn't win the war when it should have, and would've taken Paris if not for a bit of foul luck. If that had happened the world would be completely different (much better) today.

There was nothing planned about ww1.

>There was nothing planned about ww1.

I mean how it broke out and developed, not that there weren't military plans for an impending war, which there obviously were.

look at all this, what did it accomplish?

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divide and kike

clearly not because look at the state of europe now

all those men died defending something that wasn't even worth it

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To introduce the soiboi meme to Europe.

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Hopefully we can prevent more. Everybody wants to screech about nikes and twitter while real shit heats up though. Hopefully we can prevent more...

How dis he eat without lower jaw?

Yeah, Hitler would eventually have killed my family

>>There was nothing planned about ww1.
>I mean how it broke out and developed

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Did he get better? I have seen surgical wonders made after WWI. Didn't they put a prothesis?

Military staff always make plans for every war possible

You probably have secret plans to invade Lichtenstein or to wage a war against switzerland or Hungary just in case

I hope you die, jew.

No moreof that, the next time, side by side. all europeans.

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funnel. the real problem would be keeping the tissue moist. and the infections of course

If german jews didnt conspire and brought America into WW1, Germany would have won the first war and WW2 would never happened. I think brother wars is a thing of the past.

>Were any of those old European wars worth it?
Europeans have always fight themselves. We needed it to realize we have more in common and that is not worth fighting among us while out there is filled with non-whites and nothingness in outer space

>show about American soldiers
>American flag not even present
Wow rude

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I hope so. And I'm sure his sweetie still loved him when he got home.

>All Europeans in the text
>Complains Americans are missing
Please learn to read ameribro.
I do like you lot, but stop posting before thinking.

Pick 1, Mr. Morocco

But America isn't in Europe
I mean it does stem from European values and have a majority ethnically European population but we're not Europeans

>we didn't fight in those European wars
Found the Quintessential


Me on the right


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Ok then based
Also unrelated but the theme to that show is pretty kino youtube.com/watch?v=7uTAIpU0sa0

WW1 wasn't worth it.
WW2 occurred as a inevitable result of WW1's grievances, so it's arguable depending who you ask.
Franco-Prussia and prior were also worthwhile and necessary, as limited inter-peer warfare is the natural state of the European nation-state.

There's an old theory that because Europe is relatively more resource-scarce than more southern continents, the inter-conflicts made Europe sort of an incubator for military technology. Because of this, by the time they developed travel to the rest of the world, their weapons were so advanced that they easily destroyed anyone who stood in their way, hence the colonial era.

How the fuck does he eat
Poor guy

>What was the fucking point of them?
getting rich countries in debt and subjugation by the international banks

Every single person aside form me on this god forsaken planet is subhuman trash

I'd kill every last one of you cunts if I could

Interesting... any sauce on this?
Pretty much the opposite of Guns Germs and Steel.

Oh, i dunno, only the greatest culture and most impressive civilisation ever known to man. The greatest cultural force in our history, the Ancient Greeks, were perpetually at war. War is part of life; try to remove it and things will fall apart.

There's been no real European wars since WW2, which just so happens to coincide with the most rapid period of decline and degeneration in human history.

>There was nothing planned about ww1.
Germany was about to build a railway though austria-hungary and the ottoman empire to secure a steady flow of oile from the oilfields in the ME. Britain couldnt let this happen. World War 1 was about oil and greed, like any other war.

at least he could probably afford steak, leaf

>Sabbateans put on a full spread & court the Kaiser to give them their own state in Palestine.
>He says "No, the Jews are welcome in Germany for as long as they like."
The rest is history as they begin their pivot to the UK & America & execute operation rebuild Israel.
Imagine the day when everyone knows the real why every war is fought & formented

Let's eat!

>Military staff always make plans for every war possible

Yeah i know, but plans all went out the window within a few months during ww1. No one was prepared for what it would turn out to be, not even the most farsighted.


>The point

All great powers of the world, with ascendary america still being on the sideline were squeezed on one continent and could have won the world.
Imagine china, Russia and the US sharing the american continent bordering each other directly like a piechart in the current political climate.

Bankers created the wars

I'd imagine there was also a crap load of heat...mabey . Could've sealed up the worst of it.

Europeans (whites) are not even 9% of the world population, yet our history, culture, civilization created evrything beautiful, glorious, all the well being, the achievements.
From Julius Cesar, to Archimedes, from Newton to Napoleon, from Magellan to Charles Martel.

No more brother wars

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Dude, i like blaming the British as much as anyone, but the war had been going on a year before they got seriously involved. It could and should have been over before that, and would have been if Russians hadn't been ready for the war and divisions transferred to the East.

>You are worthy!

what bluepilled shit is this? its the jews, satanist, freemasons whatever you want to call them and british and russian royalty was deep into this shit. same as today with the royal family.

War is a human sacrifice. they need people emblazoned with masonic regalia to die at auspicious times for the agenda to progress.

In the battle of the Somme, British soldiers were told to walk slowly towards the enemy rather than run and take cover. This maximized death as intended.

Our own respective governments are our real enemy.

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the franco-prussian war is fun to learn about in hindsight.

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(((They))) wanted to shake up the world map, redraw lines. Sacrificed many of their own as a ritual to their god. Holocaust means to burnt ritual sacrifice in Hebrew

kek, I don't have the heart to give him a switch though.

If I ever have something like that happen to me, everyone that I know, knows that I'm just gonna off myself. No point in living when I'm a fucking eyesore to everyone around me.

The word itself is Greek rather than Hebrew. Other than that, spot on.

Fun fact
(((Poolan))) started ww2, by having kike's stealing German clay in Versailles (((league))) of nations. Opprest natives in Prussia, started the war against Soviets.
Refused any reasoning with Hitler in relation to the free city Danzig and corridor for the East Prussia. Has been kike breeding ground ever since stealing the clay from native Celts, Germans and Balts.
Got BTFO by Germans, then by Soviets.
The only (((nation))) to have ended stealing even more clay.
>How? Why?
(((Clue and answer))) here

>British soldiers were told to walk slowly towards the enemy rather than run and take cover.

not true

Yeah - I've heard this.

Its true

Absolutely in tune with the zeitgeist

All these generations without war gave us weak sòyboys, immigration by the thousands, lots of unemployment etc, so yes they were worth it.

I think the excuse they used was, walking slowly would throw off their artillery fire

in reality they were just thinning the ranks

Needs a Nintendo switch chop

>that pic

The fundamental principle underlying all justifications of war, from the point of view of human personality, is ‘heroism’. War, it is said, offers man the opportunity to awaken the hero who sleeps within him. War breaks the routine of comfortable life; by means of its severe ordeals, it offers a transfiguring knowledge of life, life according to death. The moment the individual succeeds in living as a hero, even if it is the final moment of his earthly life, weighs infinitely more on the scale of values than a protracted existence spent consuming monotonously among the trivialities of cities. From a spiritual point of view, these possibilities make up for the negative and destructive tendencies of war, which are one-sidedly and tendentiously highlighted by pacifist materialism. War makes one realise the relativity of human life and therefore also the law of a ‘more-than-life’, and thus war has always an anti-materialist value, a spiritual value.

There was no point. Monarchists will ignore this, as well as how the monarchs protected jews, established Jewish quarters and laws, and mixed sand nigger invaders into the population instead of removing them (Spain), all to increase their own wealth and power.

Every great war is an interest war between big, usually Western, powers, in which smaller countries get caught and end up permafucked

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lmao now thats a fresh meme

t. pacifist materialist

Im not a stupid cunt if thats what you mean

>if you get a little paper cut you gush blood
Not even remotely close to resembling the truth, you fucking pampered autist.

>t. defense company shill

>What was the fucking point of them?
The same as forest fires. It's sad to see a pristine forest go, but sometimes you have to let it burn through to get all the 'in the way, not doing shit' people out of the conversation. This is the same reason I'm generally against vaccination, car safety and containment of epidemics. All our safety conscious society has done is enabled millions and millions of morons to procreate without any natural checks or balances.

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>Im not a stupid cunt if thats what you mean

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german revolution of 1918... every war against communism is worth it.

i only clicked because the dude looks like raziel

>If that had happened the world would be completely different (much better) today.

I believe this too.
There would be no Nazis, no Bolsheviks, Europe would be so radically different it defies the ability to even begin to comprehend.

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thats true. German soldiers thought the British were drunk or gone insane because they just walked though the nomans land right into their MG fire. its documented from both sides.

>its the jews, satanist, freemasons

Oh shut up. Jews conspired to overthrow the Tsar. You're just looking stupid pushing this crap, as if European nation-states that had been preparing for war for 50 years weren't capable of going to war on their own.

These people took advantage of the war and used it to profiteer and push their agendas, they didn't create it, nor the conditions for it, which were inherent in the stupid, short-sighted nationalisms of the 19th century

I dont think fighting against other soldiers who I dont hate and who have no interest in fighting and dying for some corporate profits, just because "I was ordered to" is what an intelligent person does. You can frame it like "for honour" but - no. Its not honourable. Its fucking braindead is what it is

Who're you plagiarizing, fella?

>What was the fucking point of them?
Take a guess

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Why don't you have a guess you illiterate hick?

And yet both world wars gave us Weimar and Weimar 2.0 aka the present, while the relatively peaceful (in Europe) 1800s got us industrialisation and the British Empire.
Sounds like you bought into the Jewish propaganda to get our strongest and bravest young men to kill each other while the kikes made off with all the money.

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Yeha sure go and buy yourself another Nintendo.

just put it in google

The British Empire wasn't founded on pacifism lol

The onions is strong in this thread.

well now we NEED a new war to kill off the 75% NPC population
good job, hero
gonna be the biggest holy war this world has ever fucking seen

An aspect of the World Wars I find really depressing is the destruction of so many individuals. I'm reading Storm of Steel right now, and the author' descriptions of these brave or fascinating people (astronomers, poets, fathers, incredibly brave and lucky men) before briefly stating how and where they died is really jarring. The contributions those millions of young brave white men could have made to the world will never be known. What a waste of humanity's best.

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Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him, few know the truth. He was mortal once, as were we all.

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How the hell did pic related even happen that's insane

>not having read every scrap of literature ever written is equivalent to being completely illiterate
I see know why you have to copypasta to feel sophisticated.

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