Do you think it's true that Kaepernick is a faggot?
What did he mean when he said this to IBT?
No really? Hahahaha
Holy shit it's disgusting, that initial photo is Photoshoped to fuck.
Hey man privileged millionaires experience inequality too. Like this transsexual' penis was larger than Kanternicks.
You're a hateful bigot and likely closeted homosexual Nazi for trying to deny this beautiful woman's truth
Brace yourself for incoming claims that female penis and boi pussy ain't gay
Since the internet had no problem screeching about trannys on Alex Jones’ computer, I don’t see why there should be an exception to Kaepernick having actually FUCKED one. We could promote this.
please be real
It's your lucky day
Modern politics are so weird.
Why do we have a bunch of women (or pretend women) claiming to have fucked politicians? How is that relevant?
Did it also happen in roman or ancient Greece times?
>Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a whore that was fucked by Caesar, how about that???
Who cares about some fucking whores.
You can tell Kap is gay by hair facial hair alone. Step it up people.
this is why we kneel
Yeah, he looks arab and arabs are boy fucking faggots
Nightmare fuel
>we know he loves going on his knees
But he’s not gay. No way.
Tranny made claims around that same time of having relations with Kylie Jenner's bf. Both guys were obviously famous and this creature wanted publicity
Nike, tranny shoes
Nobody believes this, kike
Bet he's the bottom. Just do it Colin, just do it.
There was internet screeching for like 7 days about alex jones, where were you?
omg this can't be real
gay niggers ahahahahahaha
pol should spread this
the trick is pretend it's a good thing
"Kapaernick truly practices diversity and inclusiveness, even in his dating life! He is not too transphobic to date a transgender woman!"
>the male performers she worked with have had visible HSV-2 and HPV.
>not curable
>if true, Colin Kaepernick has HSV-2 and HPV
Nothing wrong with liking trannies. However, liking whores results in infected junk. Christian XXX has visible warts on his fucking balls and lower shaft and he does bareback. In a round-about-way Colin may have gotten HPV from Christian XXX. Does this make Christian /our/guy?
>Do you think it's true that Kaepernick is a faggot?
No, but he's realizing that he completely destroyed his sports career and has decided to become a pawn of the leftist media elite so he can keep his comfy rich lifestyle.
Lmao good b8
Did you read? He said the internet HAD NO PROBLEM SCREECHING
Most niggers have a boy or 2 on the side, even married coons. It's another dirty little secret of the nigger cRap ghetto culture. Of course when you ask niggers about it, they'll say, "I ain't be marrying him n sheeeiit dawg!" or "It's not like I kissed him on the lips homie" or "Der is just sumthin about dat booty so it really ain't gay". Nigger hamster wheels are very similar to what skank women do which is why niggers and women cannot be redpilled.
>completely destroyed his sports career
I never understood this. You put on a uniform, shut your mouth, do as you are told for a short amount of time, and you, your family, and your grandchildren and beyond are set for life by simply scraping off the interest your money has earned. Since he's not playing the Nike deal isn't going to extend like Michael Jordan's endorsements. It will fizzle and fade away. He would have been better off playing the game, retiring, and writing a book about his political beliefs/opinions. He chose a short term strategy with more fame, but less return.
It's like he thought internet points had a monetary value. The narcissism can pay off, but you have to be careful not to be defeated by your own narcissism. Should have taken the Vick route and housed dog fights. At least Vick is still remembered as an amazing player.
"She" has a massive hog... I've been told...
Isabella, 30, first spoke about the past relationship Saturday. “If I’m honest I have not been very good to my own heart. I’ve burdened her with heavy truths too great for it to bear. Today I tell the truth,” she tweeted. “During the@Tygascandal someone outed my connection w@Kaepernick7to discriminate against and persecute us because I’m a Trans woman.
“There is nothing wrong with loving a Trans woman,” Isabella continued. “It was my heart and soul he loved it wasn’t because of my sexuality. I have to thank@MichaelSamNFLmy publicist@misslainieand my grandmother for holding the truths I told them. It hurt me to lose our bond,” she said about Kaepernick, 28.
Isabella finished: “The persecution of Trans women and Trans attracted men is REAL! But I thank him for being there for me when I almost gave up he saved my life.”
Is that Steven Tyler? Didn't know he transitioned.
Lol wtf is this real?
And your Jewish for trying to sigmond Freud someone’s motives. Only Jews do that
Black men like to fuck men on the low.
Doesn’t this give him even more social justice points?
We'll never know unless vids surface. However, we know from the Miramax Richard Nanula instance that if you are famous your access to porn stars is high because all you have to do is contact an agent and it happens. Celebs often go this route because the repercussions the porn star may face for outing the client is greater than what a person that just hooks or a non prostitute civilian may face. The likelihood of blackmail is decreased.
I fapped to her a couple times
It also gives him incurable STDs.
I'm new here, how do I up vote this shit?
For real? This is like a bomb to fuck up liberal “intersectionality”.
That's why they go to prison
Here's a bunch of dindu's using ebonics
Fuck off & stop embarrassing us potato nigger!
This town needs an enema!
>Today at 6:33 AM
>Nerdy Brotha
>The usual lie racist white people make up to weaken our movements.
I subscribe to the conspiracy theory that thecoli was purchased by Jews to disseminate retarded political POVs to a bunch of clueless white kids who talk about rap while pretending to be blacks but DATS RAYCIS
You must be a new potato, yet so thin skinned
This is great because Nogs are as homophobic as they come.
Think the thugs on the local corner want to be rocking wear by a known cock slurper???
This is brill!
Watch Nike sales tank with the nogs over this!
hover over their ID and press alt+f4
HOLY FUCK, can't even imagine being THAT thirsty, disgusting.
My nokia doesn't have that button, is it a Nazi thing tho? Alt f4....alternitive f4skin?
eww i didn't knw that about Christian. Nasty fucker
Blacks are ignorant and type like they speak
>Its niggers alright, just read it aloud and its unmistakable
Kaepernick should endorse buttplugs
>He would have been better off playing the game, retiring, and writing a book about his political beliefs/opinions.
Would never have gotten this kind of attention for the simple fact that his career on the field wasn't strong enough.
>Nothing wrong with liking trannies
Degenerate faggot detected
It is quite literally every adult mainstream performer. Ever notice how some only have sex with 1 person on film who also only has sex with that 1 person? They're the smart ones.
If this is true the "black community" will drop him for being a faggot.
No they won't, Diddy continues to thrive as a "heterosexual" HIV+ black man. Some Jew will explain to them that it's normal and Trump is a racist so they better vote!
The bogs bow down to her
Come on you faggot, get real.
Reddit called, they asked us to keep you, you're too much of fag even for them.
Don't worry, /LGBT/ might have take you.
Based tranny
Congrats agent Tranny, you have done your job perfectly, now you need to take on the final assignment, its tough to say but you won't be coming back from this one. It's a suicide mission.
traps aren't gay tho
Kek is this the new Trumptard coping mechanism this week?
that's a lot of knowledge about tranny porn
He would have made more per year playing the game and the book would have been an added bonus. As of now he exchanged the per year salary for an upfront payment. Seeing as in a year or two political statements go out of style no one is going to care and he won't have a strong sports reputation to fall back on like Dan Marino has with Nutrisystem. He opted for cash now instead of the structured annuity payments so to speak.
Fucking kek.
Lol I love them "....called, they want their..." bits, your so funny! Like Chandler from Friends :^) just hilarious. Could I BE any more Read it! Lol! Am I right friend ?lol
I worked in the industry up until about a decade ago.
It's not a trap if if looks like a dube, just a normal abomination
Believe in something, even if it means bleeding it of your fronthole every day
Not gonna lie, but she's got a massive dong. I'm actually kind of jealous.
Flesh golems are ghoulish, macabre horrors standing 8 feet tall and weighing about 500 pounds.They walked and moved with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body. A flesh golem could not speak, although it could emit a hoarse roar of sorts. The golems wore whatever clothing its creator wished, though usually it was just a ragged pair of trousers and normally carried no possessions or weapons.
>Watches friends
Seriously, kys.
Just run the bath, get it nice & warm.
Pop some Valium/Xanex washed down with beer (wine in your case I suppose) & do a Delores Riordan, k.
Also, Why do we listen when females speak anyway? As though what they had to say was interesting, or insightful, or useful.
Jow Forums needs to start ignoring females and especially attention whores.
>Massive don't
Right wing death squad when people?
She fucked Tyga In the Asshole aswell HahHahahHaha
Mia Isabella wants her side of the story heard.
Just days after text messages showing an alleged affair between her and rapper Tyga—nude photos included—Mia has released the following statement:
"It's very sad that the idea of a man loving a trans person has to be considered a scandal when all people are equal—love always wins doesn't it? I live in a world in my mind where everything is a fairy tale of love. Saddening to see small-minded thoughts travel so quickly like wildfire not knowing if it's true or not. It's like wave crashing over me washing over me to see masses of humanity rise with pitch forks blindly following."
I consider this thread to be a situation where love wins
>"I love in a world where everything is a fairy tale"
the absolute state of Jow Forums
I seriously never understood how a porn career can speed up the aging process faster than a rock and roll career. She looks almost unrecognizable to when she entered the biz. If you want to check out a massive transformation see Charley Chase in the mid 00's to now. It's as if she is a different person who shares the same name.
Doesn’t this trap thot do this to every big athelete? She did it to Lebron, Odom and even brees. She makes shit up to seem relevance. Kap is fake as fuck but he likes loud nigs who ruin deals for him not turbo thots with dicks former dicks
holeeeeeee shit
just do eeeeeeeeit
If you're gonna date a tranny can't they at least look good?
that shit is frightening
lmao, which race has the highest prevalence of homosexuality?
protip: it's blacks
The penis is gay but personally all I’ve ever done to one is gently fondle it, no gayer than touching your own dick. Boi pussy is by no means gay half the time I forget I’m fucking a guy cause their asses and lower backs look just like a chick’s, they have the exact same hole too
Your a bigot if you won’t have sex with a trans girl. They are actually way cleaner and mentally stable then real women.
>gently fondeled benis
Gross dude