Seriously , i just can't imagine that Europussies once were warriors and conquerors. I look at all these pussy faces and can't imagine that these people were once able to conquer or kill someone. How can anyone be so polite and kind? how is it possible? How can you be so non-confrontational?. I have been living in EU for couple of years. Every single European man that i have ever met would literally do anything to not get into conflict. You , Europeans would rather get murdered than to get into conflict. How can you be so weak?

Attached: crusaders-thirsting-near-jerusalem.jpg (1253x700, 133K)

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>1 post by this ID

Double sage.


Cause the world moved forward and theres no need to kill and conquer for fast rise to power. Diplamy is way more powerful. Too bad a mudshit like you still did not evolve past gentilic behaviour. What to do. No one with a moon on their flag can think

Attached: 1536352432379.jpg (528x377, 36K)

Butthurt, Bong?

Diplomacy* phone posting at work. Sorry

we put our best men down the meat grinders called ww1 and ww2. 99% of white people are as "worthy" as your avarage sandnigger or the like. this is the blackpill no one talks about.

post pic with timestamp stood in doorway plz

Attached: UStanks_baghdad_2003.JPEG.jpg (1920x1251, 383K)

>no one with a moon on their flag can think
What do you expect? The moon represents female spirituality and gynocracy. Of course they’d be stupid.

>theres no need to kill

That's where you are wrong Gypsy. When a horde of my brothers start raping your daughter you will realise that the world is not as pink as you think. You will realise that there is still need of violence. Europeans think just because it's twenty first century everything violent is left behind and we are living in the progressive colorful paradise with unicorns running around , but no, the world is still cruel , there are still people in the world who are ready to murder and who are ready to conquer and they are gonna conquer you.

Attached: Vercingetorix.jpg (2204x1469, 920K)

No need to kill and conquer like thet did 500 years ago*.
I d sink my fingers into your eye sockets without remorse

Attached: 1535820994880.gif (200x197, 2.21M)

Didn't Australia only send the best of the best during WW1 and they all got slaughtered?

I understand what you are saying , but that ''world'' exists only in your home. When you invite someone from the other world into your own home he brings his world into your home. But it's too late we are already in your house , we already brought our world with us and you can't even see it. Europe is doomed , what are you gonna do? kill all the Africans and Muslims? Deport them? NO ! you can't do anything. You are weak and you will pay for it. Nature intended it this way. It's Allahs will. We will prevail. MASHALLAH !!

Don't worry you'll learn soon enough

even a country like sweden probably lost a lot in the SS. people dont realize what an incredible loss it was. whatever happens with culture doesn't matter if we dont reinvent our genetic makeup and breed back some of the original family lines.

Because Hitler lost and the jews won.

Looking forward to seeing more arabcicles.

>Allahs will. We will prevail. MASHALLAH

Hell yeah brutha. Agree 350% percent .mash allah . Make him into paste

lol do you have any idea how badly you will get fucked up by the surveillance state if you start this shit. The only thing Muslims did was get /ourguys/ elected across the globe.Thanks i guess.

calm down mudshit
you won't fuck around for too long
and so smart calling us gypsies when all the sandniggers I've seen in my life looked exactly the same as the gypsies that ask me for change whenever I go by a bus stop. there's literally no difference. Ohh yes, they are not retarded enough to have a prophet like Muhadshit.

Try and fuck with us subhuman

Attached: dont play with us.jpg (684x960, 75K)


>white women, betas, elites etc meme alpha white men into killing each other in ww1/ww2
>fast foward in 2018 betas are reeeeing on pol trying to meme the remaining subjugated descendants of those alpha males into fighting for their beta paradise