2020 predictions

2020 predictions
look at it any way you want, if trump's the new Reagan it'll be a landslide

Attached: 2020.png (826x641, 90K)

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The real fun starts in his 2nd Term.

Attached: sharememe3435780430.jpg (320x320, 30K)

CT and RI are more likely to flip than NY

>new reagan
a kike puppet who's sundowning with alzheimers? checks out

not quite
in the governors race, trump sponsored GOP candidate Molinaro is trailing the democratic governor by one point

Yeah his alzheimers is getting so bad he has been playing the media and democrats for the past 3 years like a master.

Trump might be the "new Reagan" but this is not the America that elected Reagan
Also pic related is the BEST case scenario, you're getting too idealistic m8

Attached: 260towin.png (808x593, 85K)

>Illinois red
>NY red
>NH red
>VA red
>AZ red

what shit are you smoking?

Duh. It's pretty much a 100% guaranteed lock. I'm not even going to register at this point.

That is unless people get out and actually vote, turnout in some blue states was less than 60% in some cases

NH is close, trump lost by less than a percentage last year
Also AZ will probably stay red (at least until 2020)
The rest are retarded though, this lad made Colorado, NM, IL, OR red,wtf is he doing

hes gonna win bigger and more easily.

I sure see a lot more red in those states
wew lad

Attached: 990px-2016_Presidential_Election_by_County.svg.png (990x627, 460K)

actual realistic map

Attached: lXl42.png (1050x670, 122K)

Remove colored invaders and Illinois is red.

>New Hampshire still blue


Excuse me wise burger. Are you familiar with the concept of population density?

have you been to chiraq? the city alone dictates the outcome, and they HATE Trump there

can we just like...
nuke the blue states?

Isn't the election almost already decided by who gerrymanders the best?

you're being way too generous

Attached: 2020.png (1135x880, 146K)

Granite stater myself, it hurts
Our state's politics make no sense whatsoever
Just look at this fucking map, there's no predictability

Attached: nhelectionmap.png (601x506, 53K)

Considering up to 40% of the people in those states didn't vote...

this ones going in my cringe compilation
>bong poster shares a thought.jpg

Stfu leaf. AZ is a red state and will always remain one.

>Red NY.
I want to believe, but I don`t think it might be true user.

>Also red Minnesota.

At least the governor has been based beyond belief. Kelly should have won, but Aaron Day fucked it up.

Yeah but what do you know about people who don't vote?
Minorities don't vote much and neither do most young people, both groups couldn't be bothered
I couldn't imagine a convinced trump supporter not going out to vote unless they lived in cali

So no answer to my question that could've enlightened me, but rather a condescending comment to make you feel superior. Splendid.

why in ireland btw


Attached: removal.gif (200x300, 933K)


Red Minnie isn't unrealistic

Attached: minnesotaelection2016.png (1212x613, 90K)



Obama keeps helping the GOP take more of congress.

Going to college over here. My parents are both immigrants so I got a citizenship over here pretty easily

>presidential elections
Wtf are you smoking retard you can't gerrymander state borders

Democrats are the ones who don’t come out to vote dumbass

2020 is going to be extremely exciting because there's no real precedent.

Will Trump keep the Midwestern states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania? Will he expand his gains and take Minnesota?

Or will demographic effects begin to take hold, where Democrats take Arizona and Georgia? Alternatively, can he win a state like Maine that hasn't been red for decades?

I still think CO and VA are able to go GOP.

Mate, NH was actually leaning red according to Nate Silver before the election.

I don't think a sitting president has ever been voted out when the economy was doing well.

doesn't the amount of districts won by the candidate within one state decide on whether the state ends up republican or democract?
I was always under the impression that this is the system rather than an actual percentage of votes within the state.

Good call. The worst thing about NH is the cost of college here.

My dad had a place in Florida so I finished highschool there and went to university there. Are you returning after you graduate?

Trump lost CO by about 100k or 4% or CO's population
It's doable but not easy

Arizona isn't flipping, retard.

>Democrats are the ones who don’t come out to vote
And republicans won over a bunch after the Bernie/Clinton feud

he will never win it. dude weed has taken over

I think it's going to be this one, but with Georgia being blue.

Nope. Some states do that like Maine and Nebraska, but it's just raw votes.

PA would have been red since 1988 otherwise.

Trump isn't getting re-elected if there's no wall and Hillary hasn't been locked up.

"BUILD THE WALL!" was literally the rallying cry of his voter base.

What is he going to do in 2020? Use "build the wall!" again? Completely ignore the wall?

Whether you like it or not, the wall will have to be a part of 2020, and right now the best Trump can do is say "we didn't get the wall in my 1st term but maybe it will happen if you re-elect me!"

Sorry, too many 2016 Trump voters will tell Trump to fuck off if he gives us the same "you have to keep electing me if you want something!" that all the other politicians give us.

Trump isn't taking down the deepstate, he's playing footsie with them. Whenever Trump leaves office, whether it's 2021 or 2025, the deepstate will still be 100% intact and we will face their wrath when they control the presidency outright again.

You know how in lots of movies the good guys injure the bad guy and then go away without actually killing the bad guy and then he comes back to hurt them some more?

That's Trump. He managed to win the election and keep Hillary out, but he isn't doing anything to prevent them from coming back. The deepstate runs D.C. and Trump is afraid to act

The fuck is this pipe dream lel

Yeah I miss the hell out of it, Live Free or Die isn't a meme relative to the fucking EU
I can't describe it but there's just something in the air in America you don't get anywhere else. Maybe Trump's high energy radiates through the air
Also what part of NH were you from

Attached: nhwojak.png (1220x771, 136K)

The biggest problem with MN is that the cities (full of somalians) are deep blue, while the rest of the state is red. So basically they are being screwed by a bunch of immigrants that recently voted an incestuous woman for the senate.


Attached: 2016electionpop.jpg (1960x974, 401K)

Thanks for clearing that up

he is building the wall you retard

looks good.

He can't appropriate the funds himself. If people are mad there isn't a wall, they should vote in representatives who want it.

Governors race is getting tight in ny, even without Cynthia Nixon

This is probably the most realistic scenario in which Trump somehow wins.

>he thinks Trump will be the Republican nominee

not true. cuomo will sweep. ny is a commie shithole

Most realistic and honest, desu.

Well this place isn't going anywhere

Bennington originally. I live in Salem part of the year and Bennington part of the year.

Yes he can via executive order, fuck what the senate says

>Just vote in these other republicans haha!
Lmao, especially when Trump takes the decade old Republican rallying cry of "We can't do it because of x but we will sure do it when we can!"

LMAO have you ever been to Oregon or New Mexico? demographic wise they're literally bluer than California. The only reason California is blue is becasue of the densely populated coastal cities the rest of the state is
pretty red, but Oregon and New Mexico are "Deep MarianaTrench" blue. The democrats could appoint Beelzebub himself as their nominee for president and he'd win NM and Oregon.

Attached: Beelzubub.jpg (625x581, 193K)

If New York goes red I'll cry of joy.

OMG Riley's is in that picture, I buy all my shit there.

No fucking way. Hooksett is a nice town, that's where my mom is from.

>he's been playing them like a master
Say hi to @drawandstrike & Rex & Wictor you NPC faggot

Republicans keep getting arrested while the deepstate/media remain untouched. They get away with everything they do, and Trump is stuck playing defense.

Just look at fucking Jeff Sessions. Trump can't even start fighting the deepstate because he HIRED the deepstate to run the DOJ. He's still fighting someone HE nominated for fucks sake.

Why hasn't Trump replaced Sessions and Rosenstein? Because he fucking got played by the deepstate. There are top many deepstate republicans in the Senate who would not confirm a new AG.

It is actually Trump who keeps getting played, which is why all he can do is complain on Twitter while the deepstate keeps bitch slapping him.

I want to believe.
I hope Ocasia loses to the incumbent on november too. He is running as third party candidate (I think).

I suspect something like pic related will happen. There's no way in hell that New York, Illinois, and New Jersey will even come close to voting for him though. They've had too much 'enrichment'.

Before he made the "america was never great" comment I would've agreed, but if the Governor keeps making comments like that he's gonna be in trouble in November

>The real fun starts in his 2nd Term.
The fun will start when he get his 3rd scotus confirmed

That only affects local races.

The presidential race is done by states, and state lines don't get gerrymandered

VA will depend on this year's Senate race. If Stewart is able to beat Kaine, then it's possible to see a red VA in 2020, but never underestimate the shithole of NoVA, full of yuppies, yankees and shitskins that have turned VA from solid red to purple leaning blue

liberal new yorkers sadly agree with his comments. he will be fine

for a presidential campaign he's fucked though

I used to go to Belmont firearms but I've been through Hooksett
Nicest town I've been to is Deerfield. I drove through it accidentally and I swore I was in Montana or something
There was an "agricultural festival" which looked like a rodeo and more fucking rednecks than I've seen anywhere in the state. I might try to move there at some point

Unions pretty much keep those areas blue with their bullshit.

There's actually proposals to have the votes set up like that in certain states, I think it was in CA so that the winner of the district gets an Electoral vote. It's an attempt to chip away at the Democrats firewall by having CA lose votes in remaining R leaning districts. Hasn't been adopted yet. PA brought it up too but Trump won anyway.


gonna be a fucking holocaust, kek
luv it


I used to live in Alexandria, but I was a Copperhead unlike the other transplants.

a lot changes in 4 years, especially people and their views. Sadly, the media and the crazy violent liberals are doing an excellent job at changing citizens views on Trump and his administration, or, violently forcing them to vote Dem in the midterms and 2020. I've heard of a lot of people being forced by gun point or their family's lives to not vote Trump last election, and it's getting even worse in these midterms.

The map’s retarded as fuck for multiple reasons.

Remember these are the same kids who predicted Roy Moore would win by a landslide.

massive fraud that's why

I assure you it will. Close margins, but it'll flip.

This is my actual prediction, screencap this

Attached: nmrd2.png (1050x670, 123K)

Yeah, when they finally pick the type of wall they want to use.

Even if trump got a crew down there right now with trucks and materials it would take YEARS to finish the wall he envisioned (that we're going to end up paying for). Coupled with Farm owner and Native American protestors interrupting and slowing progress (that will make the oil pipeline protesting seem tame by comparison trump will be out of office and on his death bed before that wall gets finished.

How? Just by donations?

I'm grateful Janus v AFSCME by the way, maybe that will help

>he's building the wall, retard
No, he's repairing portions of the fence, retard faggoy

Imagine being this stupid

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I guess you can't read, because they're building portions of it in San Diego, and he's planning on shutting down the government if funding isn't included in the next budget

Hooksett is honestly just an aggregation of old families who fled Manchester as it degenerated over time.

Good luck with your studies user, I hope you come back as soon as possible!

We need to end offshoring, immigration, and Neoliberalism to kill the Unions backing of the Democrats. Without Unions, they have nothing but Hollywood and Wallstreet.


Stop it you fucking autists. The Midterms are two months, and if Democrats take the House they will Nullify Trump's agenda.

This is probably the most realistic one. Trump is doing an absolutely shitty job and people are waking up and realizing that. I myself was a former Trump supporter and after these past two years we seriously cannot let this guy have the nuclear codes. Once Mueller takes him down it'll be clear that his entire Russian puppetry was illegitimate and the RepuliKKKans will be barred from having a candidate in 2020. These digits verify everything I said.

Attached: accuratepreditiction.png (994x598, 75K)

>Trump can't appropriate funds
Correct, but he can threaten to go nuclear on Congress if they don't. By executive order Trump can make life hell for Congress if they refuse to cooperate.

If the wall was that important he would do it. Clearly it's not important enough.