He actually did it

He actually told Apple to move back to the United States. This is what everybody keeps saying. Why manufacture all your iPhones within China where they can steal all the designs and user data? Will Apple actually move back though? Doubtful.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fucking love this man


>Will Apple actually move back though?
fuck apple, foxconn makes all their shit anyways.
time for local industries to make their own products so the free market is not an oxymoron anymore





like he never used the china slave country to produce cheap crap to sell overpriced to dumbfuck obese Tv watcher himself
and like his kike daughter did
how stupid can the ameridumb get ?


>Obama, "Your jobs are gone, theres nothing you can do, you need to accept that their isnt a magic wand to be waves that'll bring them back
>Trump, "Stupid nigger, ill bring THEM BACK, tax foreigners, and MAGA,

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apple has already sold out to the communist chinese so it doesn't matter

you cheer to become the new corporate underpaid slave ?
you want the living standards of chinese cell phone chain worker ?

>back to North America
Sry leaf, back to the USA.

We have laws to handle that during times of unrest.

>Why manufacture all your iPhones within China where they can steal all the designs and user data?

Honestly it's because the Chinese can steal all they want they will never be able to mimic the quality. all those Chinese iphone knock offs are garbage and only retards and people into cheap Chinese tech would buy them. The Chinese are garbage merchants and everyone knows it.

iphones for 5000$, aw yes.

your post is disingenuous at best. Try thinking things thru before posting

Wtf are you thinking? That you'll be getting a discount?
You faggots won't see any tax breaks. Fuck you and Trudeux

everyone wins, no more Crapple products

t. scared chink leaf

>Democrats strangle businesses
>Forcing business owners to seek out cheaper labor overseas

Never change retard, you people get more adorable by the day.

>Structure the market in such a way that it is impossible to compete unless you outsource production because you'll just bankrupt yourself by going against cheaper competition
>Trump changes the market so you *can* compete when producing domestically by applying tariffs
>"Hurrr ur a hypocrite drumpf u made money under the old market system that means you can't change it"

Shut the fuck up you utterly retarded dogfucking leaf shitstain.

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Apple is a faggot

lol beat you to it. Probably because you were to busy looking for that pic.

>apple should make its products in america
>but not me ;)
77D parcheesy


>money actually stays in the US
>employees actually make a wage that can buy things
>but the number is higher
kys, the Federal Reserve has been inflating our currency since it was created.

If IC comes back to the west, the software industry will have a huge shortage of labour as embedded, EE, and comp eng guys move over to hardware.

This should hopefully cause another huge boom and push our salaries (most of the spergs on here are CS/EE) above doctors and traders.

Leaf i...

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We'll build them for export where goys like you will buy them. Kinda like how everyone outside of germany thinks Mercedes and BMW is luxury.
But to them they're garbage

Corporations could try not being greedy fucks. How much money are these companies bringing in and how much are their employees seeing? Apple is nearly at a trillion fucking dollars. An economy greater than most countries.

Holy fuck your ID
fucking kike AHHAHAHHAHA pottery

Lego should be producing their toys in Denmark instead of Mexico as well. Why make a bunch of drugsmugling beaners make your toys when we have unemployed people in our own country who are on government benefits because corporations would rather save a dollar by outsourcing jobs.

That's pretty impressive

whats your point ?
you want a production chain job ? did you ever see how this crap is produced to begin with ?
thats's now high quality job
that's fucking slave job
Trump and his whole family profited from the deallocation of industry to China for many years and now he talk like the whole production industry should come back what an hypocrite

Apple has been shit since Jobs died anyway, I hope they stay in China and some other company moves to US and takes their market share.

>JeW in Id.
>JeW opinion

The evidence is really piling up quickly there JewAnon.

i read the whole tweet thinking he meant apple fruit. dissapointed

no, they'll just increase costs to keep their (already insane) profit margins up. they are greedy fucks.

>jew logger

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So Trump is a retard that doesn't understand economics? The Republican Party put a socialist as their president for fuck's sakes, Marxism is taking over


Come on, now. It makes more sense economically to manufacture in Mexico. They're already mining the raw plastic used to make Lego after all

Silly drumphtards.The only way apple and co will bring manufacturing back to west is when they have 100% automation,and even then they'll have a bunch of street-shitters monitoring everything remotely from Bangalore.

Those coal job are still gone. Trump supporters are so dumb they think Obama was anti-america.

I've been trying to get sober but I had a dream last night I bought some apple cider :( why is it so hard

The internet would improve if all the poor niggers and beaners couldn't afford it anymore.

He is a genuinely pro-American President, hence the globalist freak-out over his administration.

Won't be buying Lego for my son until then

Just search for coal mining jobs.

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Nigga, Apple has been shit long before that. Hell, a lot of the very idiotic things that Apple did was the fault of jobs, beginning with fucking over the Apple II team and gimping the Apple IIgs into a fucking toaster to make the Macintosh look good. Then of course he pretty much demanded that the OG Mac line be monochrome and all in one only, once he got fired for his bullshit, the Macintosh II came out, wasn't an all in one, and had color capabilities. Only good decisions he made, were ones when he wasn't at apple, and probably some neat looking cases, and maybe OSX.

At least this will keep millenials away from public facing jobs.

They can keep their multi colored hair and piercings on the assembly line while proudly claiming they are """assembly engineers""" on twitter

Fucking kike

dems might as well be chinese agents


Top kek

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canada is obsolete and can only survive by becoming part of america. really, canada should be split in half (half way between the border to alaska, and the east coast of canada), and the new 2 states be called
>maple state

>Corporations could try not being greedy fucks. How much money are these companies bringing in and how much are their employees seeing?

Yeah, what's your point? Amazon has tens of thousands of virtual slaves within our borders. We have dozens of unions that would be willing to represent them. But fuck unions, amirite?

Another capitalist idea pushin' muh genius tax plans

Sure thing, yep still gone.

Attached: coal jobs.png (692x566, 28K)

You won't get any factories and you won't get any free iphones. Deal with it

Everyone wants a handout. As soon as they see a money move or presidential decree they crane their necks out.

>the chinaman ruffles its feathers in distress at the sign of danger to its nest.

Obama wanted to 'fundamentally transform' the United States. He went to a church with an explicitly anti-American pastor for twenty years. He consorted with the radical Bill Ayers, who was once photographed stepping on an American flag. He has expressed contempt for traditional Americans and the U.S. Constitution. He supports a globalist, anti-sovereignty agenda.

So either you are simply dishonest, or actually stupid enough to think that he isn't anti-American.

Unions didn't stop the jobs from leaving the country or the decreased wages. What is your fucking point?

fourth response to epin tag

fucking jew!!!!!!!

t. fish head

Republicans are so fucking retarded they cheer about slaving away in Apple factories and coal mines.

>shows increase since Trump's election
Wow all the coal operations didn't instantly reopen in one year.

shouldn't you be on reddit?

>ipod was awesome
>but wait let me bring up the lisa, see jobs was a moron after all

Unions are an extra layer of bureaucracy and that’s stupid, but if that’s what it takes to get a fair shake than we need em

Bet you think taking a knee at the football game has anything to do with the US military right? You guys are so far up your own ass you don't even know what sunlight is anymore.

Liberals have spoken out in support of Trump with the NYT article calling for that traitor to resign and you took that as an attack.

>uggghh how can anyone actually earn a living for themselves how gross

Gtfo JIDF.


Goodyear built a plant in China to capitalize on cheap labor. Not allowed to import their shitty tires into the US because they can't meet safety standards. Not industrial espionage, the formula and process was handed to them and they still can't get it right. Those are mainly sold in South America.

I didn't bring up the lisa, nigger

He has, and he was never happy to do so, hence, y'know, running for president on a platform of stopping that shit

Shit is almost half of what is was 4 years ago. Coal did not die because of Obama, hydro fracking and automation has been killing it.

So the neocons are almost gone what does it take to remove the neodems?

Trump should tax Apple imports at 10x

Jew + Igger

JEW NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!

chans new algorithm for exposing jews is getting bretty gud


How about learning a skill other than a willingness to sacrifice your body for 9$ an hour.

can donald trump go around killing people then pardoning himself right after? Is this an ability the president has


Did it occur to you, dumbass,
those jobs are gone because
fewer people want or need to
work them?

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is that your dad? he is awesome you should do a full video of him.

And that was Obama's point. Those jobs are gone so we need to pave the way for new ones. Obama was not just laughing at people because they had no jobs but want to support training programs to get people back to work rather then bring back coal.

>Not knowing the difference between being a businessman for profit and being a legit, country's own interest first politician.
Fucking leaf. Go suck off a maple tree.

This guy gets it

>Athey, a 34 year-old father of four who has only donned a miner's helmet for two years, says he plans to return to work in a mine as soon as possible.

>"It's the only thing I know how to do," he said. "I don't read and write."

>4 kids
>can’t read or write

The only people who want these jobs are basically niggers, and if you think Apple is going to want to pay more than 4 cents an hour to produce their overpriced trash you’re fucking retarded.

I voted for Obama and Trump. You have no idea who you're even fighting.

Trump is a god damn moron who doesn't understand trade and the advantages of comparative advantage.

NObody in america wants to sit hunched over a table for 12 hours a day assembling little circuit boards.

But people in SE asian actually don't mind, and they're paid less than our minimum wage.

We get cheap products, and this is good. cheap products create jobs all by themselves. If steel wasn't cheap, then we wouldn't have a car industry, for example. if semi-conductors weren't cheap, we would not have the massive electronics industry we have today. Cheap goods > 'jobs,' always.

Another example, only an insane person would think that we should impose tariffs on foreign oil and natural gas to help create more oil and gas jobs in the usa,

Constitution says his pardon power has no limits, but that kind of over use could easily buy the political will needed to impeach him.

Not Obama's point.

Obama worked to kill those jobs with nothing to replace them with. Trump is balls out working to revive high er paying work (eg. mfg jobs). Trump is a bigger dipshit than you (barely), but the fucker understands a decent paying job is the fucking foundation of any society and everything else is pandering, fantasy bullshit.

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They know how to make them if they produce them. It's only a question if China uses Apple brand or not.

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and still pay overpriced prices for shit products.

yeah nah i dont buy shit where it stands madein usa, baby killers and war mongeras. forget it. after iraq lie and war in 2001 all i do is shit onus products. not mention the us mentaletyto build shit so it brackes on youand your forced to buy again.

dont get me started on data collection by the us that puts china and thesoviet union to shame.

made in usa= utter shit

>mining the raw plastic to make lego
What do you mean? Has it gotten to the point where we are actually mining landfills for raw materials? I figured it would happen someday but not this soon.

I dont think it will happen but liberals complain about privacy and human rights yet they have no problem buying an iPhone from a factory that treats their workers like slaves and has to install anti suicide devices because workers keep killing themselves. Oh, and about that user data....

>NObody in america wants to sit hunched over a table for 12 hours a day assembling little circuit boards.

Yeah motherfucker, why would they when welfare pays them $12 to sit hunched over a beer or meth pipe.

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FYI Chinese labor is 10k a year. That shit ain't cheep anymore.

One of the reasons I keep shifting our manufacturing to Mexico is because they have free trade deals with the world. Also US manufacturers deliberately sabotage the product. The Chinese don't give a fuck so the quality sucks. My Mexican bro's like making shit, and do a quality product.

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No one's going to invest billions of dollars building such plants in America so they can employ druggies that won't show up at 10x the wage rate, what'll happen is they'll just move to Vietnam or some other such place

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Your brain was physically reconfigured by the alcohol over time to the point that it doesn't work correctly without it. Stay stay strong, you can do it.