Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated, we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?
Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated...
Colton Cook
Elijah Flores
now that i have your attention,
IOTBW is happening again this year get in here:
Nathan Stewart
get in here, IOTBW is happening again this Halloween:
Asher Gray
No correlation. Gun laws are a farce and you're a fool for believing in them.
Levi Gutierrez
Easton Hill
Because the nigga in the middle will hit up some nigga on a corner that knows some nigga who obtained guns illegally and he'll buy it off the black market. Just like drugs. Just like child sex slaves.
Why can't Canadians understand this?
Bentley Ramirez
John Lewis
Disregard leaf nigger.
Connor Flores
It's OK to kill Jewish children
Jordan Rogers