Wife of CNN's Van Jones files for divorce


>According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Jana Carter, who is an attorney and the niece of former president Jimmy Carter, filed for divorce in Los Angeles County Court on Friday.


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two communist fucks

of course white women and black men marriage always ends in divorce

lol Mr Whitelash can't keep his wife satisfied.

hey, at least feminism is good for something now.


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This is a whitelash. This is a whitelash to a successful brotha, to a beatiful manahahahahhahah

Fuck the coalburner, the white race will not have you back. Good day.

>jimmy carter
not a single bullet fired, no war, nothing.

this racist nigger is married to a white girl?

top kek


he on the dl and she hate gays


What are the odds he kills her?

And she is middle-aged and most likely a roastie now, she can only find another BBC, maybe pop out couple of progressive kids, wonderful

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Did they birth an Obama thing?

damn that's rough, I remember how his own son asked him why he's lying on TV

>Fuck the coalburner, the white race will not have you back. Good day.
now shes a racist lol cnn

What's that

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Just one of the most delicious moments from election day.

Can women give birth to healthy children above 30 yo? I don't think so.

Should have married an asian women

I legitimately hope he murders her. Toll will be paid and he will go to prison. Double score

Or death

So did she shit out any communist Dalmatian kids?

I remember how upset this nigger got when Trump won!

I wonder how he'll try to spin this to make it trumps fault.

oh, Jana's (((white))) alright...

Jimmy Carter's niece.


Burn the coal, pay the toll.

Saw this one coming from miles away.

Meme: Sleep with niggers, problems get bigger


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This is a blacklash!

Now she has a whiterash

Only the Big White Cock can satisfy and tame the negro woman.

>because the alternative is BLACKLASH
Fucking Ebonics

>nigger that hates white people is married to a white bitch
Every. Single. Time.

He’ll probably kill her after she takes all his money

He will get another white woman. Black lives matter!!!

No white man is going to come near that old bag of a coalburning roastie!

Once you go black, you never come back!

Black down the aisle means divorce soon filed

She's tainted for life. No white bloke is going to go near that roastie!