Mental Health

This isn't the typical scientific talk about mental health instead it's a way to better yourself...all the "better yourself" threads turn into "preparedness" and especially "physical fitness" threads.

One of the best ways I've learned to work out issues and cope with things is to keep a journal. Write down your thoughts, what you did that day, exercise you did, etc...keeping track of what you do is a great way to better's the same idea as diabetics keeping track of their blood sugar so they can improve their diet/exercise routines.

You can even spice it up and make it an art journal, add water color paintings, drawings, etc to it. It will help you focus, take your mind off negativity and get ideas out of your brain and into/onto something else, like talking about your problems or ideas with a person.

Just an FYI, it's helped me a lot.

Attached: Travel Art Kit.jpg (3024x3024, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll just keep drinking like a man, but thanks

Stuff it down with some brown. Good man.

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I drink while making knives.

>prismacolor - magic rub
>magic rub
i want to have a magic rub too *lennyface*

Wish I could pancreas is fucked up so I can't.

I love some knives too...primarily CRK and Randalls...they are great subjects to paint too.

Decent gear but you're missing a metal eraser shield, a drafting leadholder, and have zero fucking paper in that kit. You throwing up tags with those waterpens and pigmas?


That's not my pic, just a random one. I use Kuretake colors and waterbrushes along with Strathmore 500 cotton paper. Will get sable brushes when I have the funds.

>no penholder, india ink or italic nibs for writing up your journal with
Fucking amateurs...I swear...

Attached: Calligraphy bugout kit.jpg (855x401, 88K)

Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus taught me to Journal. OP has a point

I wouldn't get too caught up on the gear used, I started watercoloring with cheapo supplies and they worked fine for a while, then started getting better.

For straight up journaling and record keeping I use Rite in the Rain paper along with Staedtler lumocolor permanent markers(or similar), pencils and perm. markers. I also typically use this setup while camping cause I live in a rain forest.

My personal belief is you can try anything for a week. You can always stop doing it next week but if you like it you can continue. 3 years ago I became a vegan, all started with trying it for a week and just not quitting.

Next week I'll try journaling. Thanks OP.

If you hav depression take Omega 3 for seven months.
Vitamins B1 and B12 are brilliant for the brain, esential.

YW, hope you enjoy the experience. Graphgear 1000 is an excellent mech. pencil if you decide to use pencil.

Im sticking with my melancholia.


>he doesn't have a kneaded erasor in his kit


Attached: Shiggy bob ross.jpg (500x375, 73K)

Buy a good tablet with a good pen like that microsoft one or a note8 or even something specifically for artsy shit if you're sure you're going to keep with it. I'm not anywhere near good yet, but it's fun to sit down and try to get better at something. Pic related is one I did recently while listening to a book, and I'm working on a Jow Forums children's book about a family of kids of diff raes who all live in a house and have a Sharing is Caring bowl that only the white kids pay in to while the negress takes most for herself even though she doesn't even help around the house and in fact makes it worse to live there.
Like I said not good at all but I'm getting better and there's something endlessly gratifying about being able to look back and say "I was worse than I am now". The desire for that feel is pretty much whiteness in a nutshell.

Attached: sketch1536098993706.png (1080x2220, 952K)

Gunpla is superior s o y boy cope
Its the rad version of tank autism

>confusing quality items with skill
What a nigger. I bet you were the kid who thought light up shoes made you run faster.
When I learned to play piano, I didn't invest in the best piano on the market, and the same is true with guitar, but I can confidently outplay anyone I meet.
When I worked at a music store, I could gauge a musician's skill simply by the way they talked about instruments. In order of worst to best, there were the faggots who would ask if there were any guitars in stock that had been handled by famous people (mojo faggots, I call them), to people who knew all about various pedals, amps, pickups, etc, to people who knew about the construction, to people who rarely asked much of anything.
If you can't take a shitty version of the thing you're good at and make it impressive by virtue of the skill you can run through it, you're not white at heart.
For instance, I've been learning to shoot using an inexpensive .22, and because my goal is skill not kit, I can already, after about 3 months of practice, outshoot any of the "bruh look at my $12,000 semi-auto BMG" faggots, and a good portion of the LEOs as well.

To be succinct, you're a faggot who will never gain skill in anything.

Have you tried using slightly more punctuation?
I hear it's pretty much whiteness in a nutshell.

Nigger I teach English.

scientology has lost it with L ron hubbard

>confusing quality items with skill
>posts some shitty fridge magnet pre-school drawing he did on a $700 smartfone
Caligraphy IS art, you dumb hick. It takes countless hours of practice to perfectly balance your composition for angle, stroke and tone without fucking up the rest of the worksheet with one slip of the pen. Just getting the negative space around the lettering to look unforced and natural is a zone of quiet mental peace you will never understand. It is the essence of artistic focus distilled into zen form.
Then you have to start all over again with a new hand. Followed by a infinitum.
>you're a faggot who will never gain skill in anything.
I've played guitar for over 40 years, so I can confidently call you full of shit on that one.
>If you can't take a shitty version of the thing you're good at and make it impressive by virtue of the skill you can run through it, you're not white at heart.
I'm white enough to know that if you're good at something, you should invest in decent equipment instead of trying to improve your abilities on some shoddy old piece of shit (something which will hold you back once you reach a certain level of competence, by the way). That's why I own an Epiphone FT150 and a Yamaha SLG 200n, and have no intention of ever visiting a music store for an upgrade.
>Nigger I teach English.
That's...Nigger. I teach English.
See what I did there? With the period mark?

If you seriously want to improve your childish art, then I suggest you start here
But then again, someone as arrogant as you probably doesn't need any help from a brainlet like me, right?

Italic nibs aren't particularly special. India ink is another way of saying "black ink." And you use a pen-holder so that ink doesn't get everywhere.

The items he suggested would last four years for twenty bucks. And italic nibs definitely make print look nicer.

based and blackpilled

The crux of the downfall of any race: come up with a good idea, get called a faggot by peers of same group

If you want to get ahead, bring everyone with you

no. no.fuck no. the master spreads the gift of madness. take your faggy pills and stick them up your ass. we cant let tards like you meddle in the masters affairs. now go play some games on your switch. the adults have things to discuss

>Caligraphy IS art
No shit, retard lol
I'm saying that your fascination with gear is a reliable predictor of your never cultivating any real skill. A caligrapher worth his salt could out write you with a Bic, and you wouldn't think "oh shit look at that skill", you'd think "I need to bust out my $300 something something pen!"
>played guitar for 40 years
And I bet you fret more over your pickups/brandnames/trivia than you ever did your actual skill. Hey prove me wrong, though. I'm usually pretty good at predicting this sort of thing but if I'm way off, post something.
>good equipment
Good equipment is secondary to time invested in gaining and growing skill. That's all I'm saying.
>That's...Nigger. I teach English.
I mean if you care, it would be: "Nigger, I teach English", but we're online, and I'm not grading.
>improve your childish art
yeah that's what I'm working on. Skill/technique first, theory second, equipment third, and only if it's warranted.

god forbid anyone every found it...

>I'm saying that your fascination with gear is a reliable predictor of your never cultivating any real skill.
You're ignoring the important part: the user you're responding to didn't suggest any gear beyond the bare necessities. You need some ink. India ink is cheap, black, standard ink. It is the most-basic, black ink that anyone buys. If you want a metaphor, are there expensive and cheap strings for guitars? There must be, right? "India ink" is whatever the kind of guitar strings that every guitar shop has the most of, in stock. An italic nib is just a nib. My personal favorites cost six dollars for a pack of five. A pen holder, while it can mean a lot of things, probably was in reference to either: a tube you put the pen in so ink doesn't get all over your pocket, or a little stand you put your pen on because if you put it down and it rolls it'll get ink everywhere across your paper.

I think you're making the dilettante's mistake that you're accusing user of. Yes: gear-faggery often demonstrates that someone is a novice. But you tiny bit of knowledge that that is true is what you're relying on to call someone else out on the internet, despite the fact that you have no clue what you're talking about and what the guy you responded to said isn't gear-fagging.

¡Wow! Is "Jow Forums" full of faggotes, or ¿what? ! I swear: ,sometimes, i can't; even. (Full stop)

Journal saved my life just saying. Just write 3 pages a day rain or shine no need to fag it up with watercolors like OP. There's no problem you can't solve by thinking about it and brainstorming solutions for it everyday.

Modern science does not admit the existence of demons, which means the "atheist" Satanists in academia who practice the magick of the Devil are deceiving us. I am plagued and possessed by demons, I figured as much all these years but now they are making it obvious to me with signs, curses, and premonitions they give me.

>your fascination with gear is a reliable predictor of your never cultivating any real skill
All I did was post basic calligraphy equipment. You know...the stuff you need to have in order to do calligraphy.
>A caligrapher worth his salt could out write you with a Bic, and you wouldn't think "oh shit look at that skill", you'd think "I need to bust out my $300 something something pen!"
I've never seen a $300 calligraphy pen. Please show me where to buy such a fantastical item.
And I bet you fret more over your pickups/brandnames/trivia than you ever did your actual skill
No, I just play. I haven't bought any new equipment (other than strings) in years.
>I'm usually pretty good at predicting...
>Predicts that someone with at least 40 years under his belt has the same immature ego as himself
Here's a few predictions for you...
1. I predict you are under 25
2. I predict you have a neckbeard and large piercings stretching your earlobes (possibly other piercings)
3. I predict you are skinny fat and are sensitive about your weight/appearance
>Good equipment is secondary to time invested in gaining and growing skill. That's all I'm saying.
No. You're not. You're starting from a whole load of unqualified judgements on a subject you clearly know nothing about and then projecting your own inadequacies onto people you've never met and know nothing about.
You should grow up some.
>I mean if you care, it would be: "Nigger, I teach English", but we're online, and...
That's first sentence is just a fucking mess. And it's not "Nigger, I teach English" because it's not a run-on in a sentence. It's 2 sentences. As in...Nigger. (which is an exclamation)...pause...I teach English.
And, FYI...I AM English.
>I'm not grading.
Thank Christ for that.
>Skill/technique first, theory second, equipment third, and only if it's warranted.
It IS warranted, you mung. You're trying to learn to draw on a fucking smartphone!!
That's like trying to learn Mozart on a kazoo.
Get some paper.

I drink out of the barrel of a loaded and cocked shotgun, pussy.

This is actually a good idea. I usually lose track of how i felt and thought X time ago and probably lose essential information that could help me understand myself more. I don't naturally have the inventive to write since i can remember my everyday tasks. The last time i wrote except for administrative stuff was in high school 2 years ago. I maybe rely too much on my memory

>Buy a good tablet with a good pen like that microsoft one or a note8
No. Buy a paper journal and some pens. It's much better for hand-eye coordination and memory retention. Digital interfaces are bad for memory.
Get a copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain ($1 in the bargain bin) and do all the exercises. Look in Bullet Journaling to see if it might help.

>I've never seen a $300 calligraphy pen.
Well hold up. You can use any italic or flex fountain pen for calligraphy, and those easily cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I mean, dude is a douche, but let's be honest.

Based. I tried keeping a journal two or three times but I never followed through because it felt gay and something like a 13yo girl would do.


your kippah is showing

Attached: 1535304986880.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

Too expensive, I already have a computer. user flaming meme fest works just fine for me you artsy fag.

OK, if you're including fancy gold plated fountain pens, then yes.
But I'm talking about normal pen holders, like pic related.
I have several, but none of them cost more than £5.
>no need to fag it up with watercolors like OP
Being able to draw allows you to put down ideas as images. Some things are easier to express in pictures, especially if they are emotive. What if you are sitting next to a lake watching the sun go down in a blaze of autumn colors? Are you gonna write that? Or draw it?
Again, check this out for how amazingly good at drawing you already are, but just needed to be shown how to release the inate talent we all possess.

Attached: IMG_0574_1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 55K)

>One of the best ways I've learned to work out issues and cope with things is to keep a journal.
I engage and maintain an internal dialogue instead.

Oh that's what you meant by "pen holder!" Maybe it's a british/american thing. We call that part the nib holder, or just the pen. I thought you meant pen holder like the little travel case I put all my shit in and is covered in ink, on the inside, because I'm lazy.

Does it teach you how to draw? I do have some musical talent but I can't draw for shit (except stick figures) and would like to express my inner artist. Unfortunately it seems that like with music, you are either born with the gift for drawing/painting or not

I’ve got an Etch a Sketch!

Attached: 0DAA56FA-C5E7-40B7-B63C-E44BE368EBB1.jpg (1024x836, 84K)

You're both fucking niggers. Do you not see the fucking brushpens in the image? Yeah, he damage controlled saying it wasn't his and claimed some other junk shit, but you're replying to each other based off of the image.

Dunning-Kruger, man. Brush based calligraphy is older than anything that requires fucking metal, and obviously more skill which is why Zen priests use fucking mops to draw circles.

Already 0/10, can't grade you any lower. See me after class.

>Maybe it's a british/american thing
Must be. I used to call it a pen, or a nib holder until I got corrected. I think the etymology comes from old English where the word pen has the same function/meaning as pin (sharp or pointed).
It doesn't so much teach you how to draw as teach you how to stop using the bad "symbols for objects" habits you picked up as a child. So you learn to look properly at what you see and draw that, rather than what your brain tells you a hand or an eye or a tree should look like (which will be childish and cartoon like).
You will be amazed at how quickly you progress, even if you just give it an hour a day. Within a week I was "holy fuck...I can draw"!!
A skill well worth learning, given the ease and speed of acquisition

>What if you are sitting next to a lake watching the sun go down in a blaze of autumn colors? Are you gonna write that? Or draw it?
Writing about a lake is pretty useless. Drawing it might be an interesting pastime, but it solves nothing.
> check this out for how amazingly good at drawing you already are, but just needed to be shown how to release the inate talent we all possess.
I'm an animator and drew comic books for 15 years. Drawing doesn't solve your real world problems unless your real life problem involves getting drawings done.
Just saying, writing 3 pages a day is an extremely useful redpill that should be on the top of everyone's list who feels lost and confused in life. Drawing doesn't replace it's function.

I wanna have a go at it but unfortunately your link is broken m8

>gonna write up my days shit in this A5 pocket book I keep as a diary.
>better just break out my 4" wide sable brush and a giant pot of paint
Yeah. Nah.
>Drawing doesn't replace it's function.
But it can be a useful adjunct.
Winnie ther Pooh wouldn't be nearly as memorable without E.H.Shepard
>a picture paints a thousand word
Is it? I found another link that works, but it's mostly code, and I'm not tech savvy, so as long as you don't mind...
Or just gust google:
Drawing on the right side of the brain free pdf.
One of the many links should do the trick.

Attached: pooh sticks.jpg (962x838, 179K)

>express my inner artist.
>you are either born with the gift for drawing/painting or not
What is this boomer tier faggotry doing on my Jow Forums? Everyone sucks at everything until they learn how to do it. Imaging being a buff bodybuilder and some asshole saying 'must be nice to be born with all those muscles'. Same for drawing. You make progress by doing it. Not magic or genes.

>being mentally healthy enough to be this organized
if only you knew how bad things really are

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