Ready for a mind fuck?

1) If you google the definition of the word Lucifer, Wiki says this:
>As a name for the Devil, the more common meaning in English, "Lucifer" is the rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל in Isaiah (Isaiah 14:12) given in the King James Version of the Bible. The translators of this version took the word from the Latin Vulgate,[4] which translated הֵילֵל by the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized),[5][6] meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".
2) Ok. I knew that already, but I then Googled the Hebrew word הֵילֵל and got this:
>Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life (known as Hillel International or Hillel) is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, working with thousands of college students globally. Hillel is represented at more than 550 colleges and communities throughout North America and globally, including 30 communities in the former Soviet Union, nine in Israel, and five in South America.[4] The organization is named for Hillel the Elder, a Jewish sage who moved from Babylonia to Judea in the 1st century and is known for his formulation of the Golden Rule.
3) WTF. you start learning about these Jewish groups in every college campus...and you find...this:
>Adam Lehman was appointed chief operating officer in October 2015. Lehman had been senior vice president at AOL.
And this:
>On June 23, 2015, AOL was acquired by Verizon Communications for $4.4 billion.[3][4] In the following months, AOL also made a deal with Microsoft and acquired several tech properties, including Millennial Media and Kanvas to bolster their mobile ad-tech capabilities.
[Pic related] AOL Headquarters, 770 Broadway, New York City

Are you starting to get the picture yet?

Attached: 869BB4CB-4E9E-481A-8701-5AFBD3AF5E38.jpg (220x330, 48K)

This is what you get when you google the Hebrew for Lucifer.

Attached: 7E545C7F-8737-4DCC-9D3B-AB67AD23F830.jpg (1125x1748, 202K)

The hebrew word would be translated as heylel where 'ey' is pronounced as in 'they' and e is long. The whole word sounds like 'hey-lail'. Hillel is a different word.

Apparently Google doesn’t know that.
Who will I believe?
A trillion dollar search engine,
or an anonymous (((faggot))) on Jow Forums?

Post proof please

actually very interesting

Can you type it out in Hebrew correctly an post it?

Just copy the Wiki Hebrew word for Lucifer, and search that Hebrew word on Google.
See what you get.
This word: הֵילֵל

If it’s the wrong word, why is it directing you to this Jewish campus group, run by powerful people?

הלל is hillel
הֵילֵל is lucifer.
note the accents at the bottom of the strokes. like in any language, an accent on a letter means it's an entirely different word.

I would rather join scientology

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