Is this how it works Jow Forums?
Is this how it works Jow Forums?
>If you don't kiss your wife you hate her.
>tradition and respect is meaningless goy! you gotta act like a nigger to make it in this world!
If you don't enforce a mono culture you get a nation of squabbling races and nationalities. Just like today.
Bring American Imperialism back.
Being oppressed is a uniquely American privilege. Go move to Kazakstan where they have no gibs or infrastructure and report back to us, user.
Well national sports events are social gatherings in which by default societies values get confirmed and reinforced. If disrespect to the flag and anthem becomes a habit in such occassions, yes social cohesion will suffer.
>americans think Borat was a documentary
If you don't bend over for the special darkies, the magic wypepo won't diversity
This is from the same people that believe in magic soil.
It's not about whether people stand or kneel for the song.
It's about the niggerlivesmatter movement having no legitimacy, and that anyone who supports it is a tool.