
are fags even human

Attached: Supplier_Logo-FAG.jpg (1024x768, 19K)

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They make good ball bearings

No they're cigarettes

easy, no


that's pretty homophobic. self-hatred perhaps?


Yeah. They are. They're just perverts, some are pedophiles, some are only interested in men.

They're a sad bunch, like thots and whores.

hardy har har


not even close

Attached: FAG-6300_Series-Shields_67aa23e2-5154-42e6-a62d-d8a340565411_grande.jpg (556x535, 44K)

A lot of the people that are super homophobic are just self projecting.
OP is no exception.
He's probably a fag in denial.

oh fuck off

They're human, they're just fucking degenerate.

those are fighting words



fuck off

The OP image is the bearing company's logo.

They do make good bearings, but I always giggle when I order them.

I use fags in my mercedes. They do good work.

fags, niggers, kikes, Christians, Muslims and scientologist are not people

Hey man, I don't care you fuck that boipussy.
So you want to fuck man ass? Who cares?

Attached: 41yWQ1X04wL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 13K)

So what are you then?
A super intellectual atheist?

Attached: 13-wojak_00.w710.h473.2x.jpg (1420x946, 51K)

You're projecting real hard my dude.

of couse


Are you so jobless to care who fucks who?

it mates because they are the reason for the aids epidemic, all fags should be shot into the sun.

>it matters because they are the reason for the aids epidemic, all fags should be shot into the sun.

no more aids problem

I am working to create a better world and it will be illegal to be a faggot, anyone caught in fag behavior will be shot into the sun.

religion will also be illegal and any religious material will be burned and it's owner fired into the sun. all religious houses of worship I'll be torn down and all bank account of religious individuals will be confiscated for distribution to the superior non religious.

all individuals incarcerated or formerly incarcerated will be shut info the sun,

You should figure out why there are fags in the first place. Evolution is clearly against them so why are they still here? If you figure that out it will be much easier to get rid of them or maybe you don't want to get rid of them anymore once you find out.

women will stay at home and all feminist, LGBT individuals socalist and communist will be fired
into the sun.

aids isn't getting rid of them fast enough so the easiest way to that would be to fire them into the sun

That's not easy you dense faggot.


I'm loking at the big picture

I'm looking at the big picture

If the normies are NPC's, degenerates are goblins.


fags are good, more women for everyone else



I used to live in Joplin Missouri where they have/had a plant and we would go take picture by the sign in high school. It was this huge sign that you could see from the interstate. Just one big FAG sign. It was great.

oh fuck off

what about celibate fags
what about fags who marry women and have kids

smoke em if you got em

Barely. They are just deeply porn addicted people.

NPC's are lost, irrelevant and a blank canvas to relfect PC's actions.

Monsters (eg. goblins), work to threaten the NPC's with their evil (degeneracy).

But I don't watch porn and never wanted to have sex with a woman

"Straight" homophobes are more likely to get aroused by gay porn than normal straights....

>Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.

>Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.



There are higher levels of homophobia in those who have unacknowledged feelings of attraction towards the same sex.

>"Given the stigmatization of homosexuality, individuals perceiving low autonomy support from parents may be especially motivated to conceal same-sex sexual attraction, leading to defensive processes such as reaction formation"


Attached: 0d7.png (600x497, 128K)


there are no celibate fags
all fags must be fired into the sun
all fags must be shot into the sun
fuck off

no u

oh fuck off

No, they are a bearing manufacturer

>"Straight" homophobes are more likely to get aroused by gay porn than normal straights....
>>Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.
>>Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
>There are higher levels of homophobia in those who have unacknowledged feelings of attraction towards the same sex.
>>"Given the stigmatization of homosexuality, individuals perceiving low autonomy support from parents may be especially motivated to conceal same-sex sexual attraction, leading to defensive processes such as reaction formation"

These are the same people who claim that gender is a spectrum. So basically whatever comes out of their mouths is bullshit.

Attached: congratulations-youre-wgo9f3.jpg (500x373, 31K)

Look, you can deny it all you want, but being gay doesn't mean they're a different species. They're repulsive, degenerate, unethical creatures, but they're as red-blooded as the next guy.

the are definitely not human

Attached: D22294BC-B297-4DF2-AEA2-AD1F6020BB18.jpg (716x730, 64K)

trannies are not human

I remember the first time I saw the FAG factory in Germany, I knew that country was lost. Even pronounced in their language it's "eh-fag-eh", what a bunch of FAGs.

Germany Knows what's up


Believe me, user, I wish they weren't.

Sexuality is independent of gender. That being said: sexuality, race, gender, and almost every biological category is by definition on a spectrum. It's just that they are multimodal distributions.

Homophobia is just a kind of disgust that is partly conditioned by the Church. What is common sense has been shown empirically, that the only people who have a violent emotional response to homosexuality rather than a detached abstract opposition to the principle of it, are concealing some kind of homosexual desire.

you are wrong

that's a no from me dawg

glad to hear that.

do the same with a circumcising Mutt and his rabbi

fag-enablers unironically have 0 arguments for their destructive and degenerate lifestyle and how they default to projecting their unnatural habits onto others




Biologically there not humans as they can't reproduce. Next!


found the faggot

OP not human confirmed

Are you gaslighting as an anti gay activist or something? Everything you say sounds like it was designed to make people dislike you

Nothing wrong with male couples as long as they're faithful and otherwise decent.