GAME. This is supposed to be the ultimate book on getting laid which is important if you want to pass on your Aryan genes and in the long term establish conservative sex culture many whites will need BASIC SUCCESS with the current sex culture.

Can a nigga pls post a link to the book written by this brilliant kebab (anti jew and anti feminism).

Someone posted Adjustment Day earlier.

I have other Roosh books I can upload if you want.

Attached: 02-DSC_0133-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

5 kids 3 boys... These genes will live to impregnante at the very least 3 more women.

>5 kids 3 boys

What were the other two?


Literately beta shit. Ignore bitches make money= you get whatever women you want.

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Just pay $10 bones for the E-book, bro. It’s a great value for all the content you get.

>Literately beta shit. Ignore bitches make money= you get whatever women you want.
So are you richer or more alpha male than Brad Pitt?

Attached: Thot-Math.jpg (650x391, 227K)

>he wants me to spend money instead of relying on digital handouts.

Attached: 1d0.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Don't click that shit

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You don’t need a book on getting laid. You need a gym membership and maybe some basic cosmetic products if you have skin problems or whatever. You also need to be born with decent to good genetics. Anyone who buys a book on how to get pussy will NEVER get pussy.

>b-b-but I’m 5’6” and fat and women hate me

I literally know a guy who is 5’6” and fat and gets laid with a different cute girl every weekend. If your genetics are shit-tier, you need to learn how to talk to girls (a skill like any other). But you don’t learn how to do this from a book. You learn how to do this by trial and error. You also need to have a lot going on in your life - money, or an elite education, or an impressive skill, something, anything.

If this sounds like too much trouble to you, I get it. There’s always MGTOW.

If you need a book to get pussy your genes should not be spread, take a fucking hint.