>Be me >Introverted shy guy >spend my free time either writing novels or scrolling Jow Forums >meet qt 3.14 >we have a lot in common >finally , a human being that i can relate to >get attached to the gf >''it's time annon'', the inner Jow Forumsack says >start redpilling her >tell her about the ZOG >mention white genocide >talk about the race IQ correlation >talk about Kalergi plan >try to impress her with my knowledge of Evola >name the Jew >she can't swallow the red pill >Autism scares her off >tfw no gf anymore
Thank you Jow Forums, you've just took a girl away from me.
Get off this board and enjoy your fcking life. The world as it was 100 years ago is long dead and autistically screeching at people and on poll is pointless. Do you think shy guys who cant speak to girls or ugly incels stand a chance against individuals who control the media the banks and the governments? No. No we dont.
Bentley Martinez
i met her at the uni , Sven.
Parker Rodriguez
this is where you lost it. are you retarted? why the hell you talk about jews with girl? even more gf. gf is allways one step from leaving you. >>start redpilling her >>tell her about the ZOG >>mention white genocide >>talk about the race IQ correlation >>talk about Kalergi plan >>try to impress her with my knowledge of Evola >>name the Jew >>she can't swallow the red pill
Ryan Powell
>captain save a hoe
Jace Sullivan
I red pilled the shit out of my gf ( she almost got killed in the london bridge attacked- after that she was more redpillee than me) in the end we realized boiling in anger at the state of the world wont change a thing
Jonathan Cook
Introvercy and shyness is genetic. You can't do shit about it. And you don't have to be an ugly to be shy or introverted.