Why did the CIA classify then sanitise

...This pamphlet by a man called Chan Thomas outlining a cyclical 6000-7000 year geological event which causes mass extinction and displacement:


The fact that they have done this isn't deniable - question is why. Is it possible it's true? What with all the stuff we're seeing now regarding lost history and all the stuff observed by the Graham Hancocks, Randall Carsons and Robert Schochs of the world - is all of our horeshit here ultimately pointless Jow Forums?

Why are so many billionaires planning on moving to Chile or New Zealand?

Attached: billionaire-escape-plans-of-us-flood-map-global-warming-co.jpg (3500x2208, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


If it's true that this happens every 6-7,000 years (which it isn't, geological and anthropological evidence shows otherwise) - that just makes humans even more awesome. The fact that we are able to advance so rapidly in such a short period of time means we're truly the only species deserving of higher life on this planet.


>this map shows that Florida will still exist almost in its entirety despite being insanely low swampland that would be the first to get flooded out

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When is this 7000 year cycle supposed to end, according to the author. Yes, I clicked the link and got the pdf, I just haven't read it yet.

>which it isn't, geological and anthropological evidence shows otherwise

Sure I'm happy to take your word for it, but could you help clarify that a bit?

>this map shows that Florida will still exist almost in its entirety despite being insanely low swampland that would be the first to get flooded out

I don't think this map is trustworthy at all I just included it because it came in some searches and I thought it was striking because Jow Forums likes maps - however - one observation about this is that during crust displacement some parts of the shelf are pushed up, others are pushed down.

I'm not a geologist however.



in the very near future

>near future
Next week, next month, next year, next decade, or next century?

Some interesting pieces - quote from Plato's Timaeus.

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There's nothing in it about it "ending" as a cycle.

What kinda name is Chan Thomas?

>that just makes humans even more awesome

I have a more negative take on this. What's the point of advancing civilisation if it keeps getting destroyed over and over again? The only way this could be positive is if the cycle can be broken and those that break it are the worthy ones.

If it's not true why is it classified?

From vedic stuff.

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You also can't find much on "Chan Thomas" on the internet.

Because we have human remains that date from the present time back to 300,000 years ago, and everything in between.

So either human development continues throughout these recurring floods but yet nothing of cultural significance survives...OR...humans reset every ~7-10,000 years and start all over.

There's no evidence to suggest either of these are the case.

The idea that there was a massive flood at some point, which wiped out ancient civilizations, isn't a new one. People have been finding evidence (not just biblical references) for a long time, but it's all fragmented.

It's all very interesting to think about, but there's nothing concrete at this point. And if there is/was, we haven't discovered it or it's been actively wiped clean.

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>europe will be entirely underwater
>elite are moving all niggers into europe
it all makes sense now.
refugees welcome.

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Some of the things in the vault that they had classified at one time are a mystery to me. I have wondered the same thing about some of the more strange things that they have in there. Why was some of it ever classified in the first place?

*I am not making a judgment about the pdf linked to in the OP. I haven't read it yet. But there is some crazy shit in the CIA vault that had been classified at one time.

>looks at map
>going to make it
let it happen goys!

Solon - 6 generations before Plato - having spoken to priests in Ancient Egypt who had documented information which has since been lost.

>There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest having been brought about by earth-fire and inundation.

>...all that has been inscribed long ago in our temple records, whereas you and other nations did not keep imperishable records.

>...the usual inundation visits like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education

Attached: hall-of-records.gif (800x1077, 101K)

>It's all very interesting to think about, but there's nothing concrete at this point.
Where is Frank when you need him?

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I have an inclination to believe in repeating historical cycles and epicycles.

>California flooded and gone
>some of Mexico taken out
>NYC flooded and gone
>huge chunks of Africa gone
>much of middle east flooded and gone
>Atlantis and Lemuria return

The rewards seem to outweight the losses. Let's hope it happens quickly so the shit doesn't have the time it needs to react and go to where the land will be fine.

This century.

Wait until the emus hear about this!

Even Maoris can't stop them.

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>this map shows that Florida will still exist almost in its entirety despite being insanely low swampland that would be the first to get flooded out
Some land will rise other will go under.


The kind an ancient egyptian frog God might pick in the insanity of this timeline?

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You realize the nigger hordes would just come to the parts that aren't flooded? They're already invading other lands.

If you all wanted to talk about a REAL conspiracy, you could talk about how Google is rigging the captcha used on Jow Forums. They're deliberately making it slow and tedious, and forcing people to check 15+ screens before making a post. They're doing it to slow down traffic and stifle discussion.

Ask yourself - why would Jow Forums, of all places, use the services of a fucking KIKE CORPORATION like Google?

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The European Union and Greater Israel btfo.

This would be an epic troll from God.

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>humans reset every ~7-10,000 years and start all over.

Seems to be this one - it doesn't wipe everything out it just does such horrific damage to civilisation - civilisation just unravels - in the chaos of survival after and the steady struggle of it, passing on information and education isn't that important - so people suffer historical amnesia save for a few myths.

>or it's been actively wiped clean.

Or what little information is left - if it isn't totally wiped clean (the premise here is that at least some places survived - Egypt for example) - is supressed to prevent a worldwide panic...?

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Zelandia, Atlantis, Mu and Leumaria.

All are real places and will soon be known to the world. What happened 12,000 years ago will also be known soon enough. Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock want you to know. Everyone wants you to know, the truth.

The moari killed off the moa the moa are like if you gave an emu the captian america serum.

Switzerland does okay - ever wonder why the Templars set up shop there?

There was more than likely civilziations all over the world lost by the Biblical flood approx. 13,000 years ago.

Saying we begin in Mesopotamia is like saying paleantologists have a complete fossil record and know all the dinosaurs that ever existed. It's bullshit. It scratches the surface, and the conditions for fossilization are so very specific that it's possible that 95% of all life that has ever existed here came and went without leaving a trace.

Doesn't include the shaft of Osiris, which many believe to be a tomb for the ancient Egyptian deity.


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At least L O N D O N is sunk

Still waiting for Frank and his message of Truth and Peace.

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Yes, all your horseshit is useless if you have no other skills and you live in a bunker of twinkies.

I am a geologist and the map is total crap, ow would the rocky moutains go underwater before fucking florida which is almost all below 200ft elevation?

That doesn't mean lost civilizations are impossible. Upright apes are 2 million years old, humans 200,000. Humans arrived during a glacial period, and as the glaciers retreated our closest ancestors spread across the world. Another glaciation began 120,000 , and humans supposedly didn't leave Africa until 70,000 years ago. I think it's more likely humans spread along with neanderthals and other members of the genus Homo during the interglacal 150,000 years ago, and it's possible a complex civilization sprung up then. Think of the advances humans made in 6,000 years - it's not out of the question humans have gone through cyclical periods of civilization and savagery before the present

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You remember all that shit people were talking about a few days ago about Atlantis' site possibly being the Richat Structure?

Sort of lines up with that map.

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>civilisation just unravels - in the chaos of survival after and the steady struggle of it, passing on information and education isn't that important

I call bullshit. Even the most basic and savage civilizations maintained oral tradition for thousands of years. If there WAS any semblance of an advanced society (even something like ancient Rome advanced), it would've survived.

And to be fair, that's what a lot of people suggest the Old Testament is. They think it's an elaboration of oral history that was compiled after a disaster.

But there are entire books and shows/documentaries on the links between Biblical accounts and actual, scientific evidence for these things.

And not to get all fedora-tier on you - but you realize you're giving almost the same pitch as The Architect in The Matrix? He told Neo this keeps happening, over and over - everything just resets and they start again.

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I've got a better one.

Do you know what these picture captchas are for? Basicly we are priming their AI-Detection program for their ZogBots that will be able to identify everything, cars, humans, roadsigns etc, these zogbots will monitor every movement of people, and we are helping them!

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Toronto sinks. hahha

Civilizations from 13,000 years ago would yield far more evidence than dinosaurs from 150,000 MILLION years ago.

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Almost everything regarding the Richat and Plato and his ancestor(s) description of Atlantis lines up with the Richat actually being the place.

Fucking crazy times we're living in.

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Shit moves up and down - some plates sink, some plates rise - violently - look at Japan:

>The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.


Also bear in mind - some of the shit's staying still - as the crust is displacing some aspects of it are the axes for its adjustment.

As for the glaciation - there may be other factors however the notion is some of the latitudes of places today are not the latitudes they were at prior. Some stuff settles at a higher latitude, some at a lower latitude.

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Cycles and epicycles in every facet of nature and society. Everything from solar cycles, to economic cycles, to seasonal cycles, to life cycles...why not this?

If it happens slow enough for people to react, guess where all the shit in London goes? THE REST OF BRITAIN THAT'S STILL ABOVE WATER. Now with bonus of less land!


At any rate, if this occurred, a mass die-off would have to happen because there simply would not be enough usable land for farming with to support our current global populations.

8 feet is way different than 10,000 feet, it's not impossible but it's going to take millions of years of tectonics. The guy just traced over a map of the world with no rhyme or reason, and made sure to include lemuria too - a fake atlantis for west coast new age hippies thought up in the 70s.

Yes I've heard that too, I'm a denizen of /o/ and we figured ages ago that they were using the data for self-driving cars to navigate roadways.

Boy, those zogbots are gonna be a force to reckon with when they start exterminating roadsigns, buses, and crosswalks.

Realistically, everything points to self-driving tech and not killer kike robots.

>fire hydrants
>traffic lights
>other cars

It's literally designed for this exact purpose nigga.

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Sure as shit looks like something wiped it clean - don't forget as the shifting crust starts to actually alter - atmosphere and oceans are still moving the same way they were - it sends 1000 mph winds and mile high walls of water sweeping over continents - shredding animals to buildings, burying whole cities under mud in the floors of oceans - slides all over it wiping it all out like an eraser.

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Literally nothing more than a volcano/caldera that caved in and slowly got eroded and filled by sand. The people who think the direction of the sand indicate any trace of water are dumb asses who do not realize how much sand is shuffled around on a yearly basis solely by the force of wind. There was indeed a river that once flowed further up north but it dried many millions of years ago.

Honestly, had you heard of this "Eye of Africa" before this year?

Idea was it was a handy geological formation for a civilisation.

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That's a structural dome, not even the strangest topography you get on earth. Seriously straw grasping at stuff like this is the best way to kill any serious inquiry to the possibility of lost civilizations

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poor japan and eastern europe

It'd have built something there if it were sufficiently close to sea level.

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All that map tells me is that 20 million faggots will move to the Midwest.

Chan thomas wrote a couple of books, both very good.

The adam and eve story and aftermath. One deals with the effects of low magnetic field on cell integrity, in low magnetic fields life falls apart into a cancer mush.

Archimedes didn't make this. It was all he could do to figure out the benefits of a screw.

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>portions of the rocky mountain range underwater
That map is fucking retarded

Why do all of the news articles about it claim that there is no settled science or consensus on what caused this anomaly, then?

Sweet location...

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because clickbait

Because mainstream news knows jack shit about science. They know it's a dome but not sure what made it - tectonic flexure, volcanism, a mantle plume, ect. "scientific consensus" is a buzzword

So if it's bullshit why classify something on it?

It's a fun question if nothing else - why has the CIA classified a pamphlet on it?

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Those type of things have existed for aeons bro, they are mechanical computers used to keep track of the position of the ship in comparison to the night sky but they were quite intricate mechanism that rarely survived the lenght of time, especially not when their main use was unto salty water which probably corroded them pretty fast.

ITT: Anonymous treads towards the ancient aliens theory before realizing there's already a show about this shit

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I'm not saying it's artificial - it seems far more reasonable it's a geological formation - however it's a sweet one for a civilisation if it's at the right sea level.

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The detection of humans will come next, faggot leaf


probably because of the stuff about elites he says. I skimmed it and his geology is really off

Yet only one has been found, and it's a solid 1,500+ years more advanced than anything else close to it.

I never said that. I do however think "lost history" is real, and what we think we know about world history only scratches the surface.

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>it would've survived

We're talking about the earth shrugging its shoulders here - something huge - you're talking 1000mph winds, mile high walls of water, shifting latitudes, freezing temperatures.

This isn't simply the lights go out - this is NYC and the ground it's built on washed under the sea and buried under a mile of mud.

You'd only survive in some places on the planet.

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I wonder how many centuries of natural reclamation it would take for a place like NYC to almost completely disappear except for a few vine encased ruins. Nothing else in the US other than cities would remain for any prolonged period. Everything else in suburbia is made from wood, gypsum, and cinderblocks.

>probably because of the stuff about elites he says

Shaky - you sure you have a fully-informed authority how the earth actually works?

Universal flood myths are something - I presume you're not saying it's all crackpottery - something happened.

Have you listened to any of Randall Carson's accounts of things? He seems pretty sound as a geologist.

It doesn't survive - you're not talking about the lights going out - you're talking about sweeping it off the surface of the earth in one sliding movement. It's not a human-scale disaster.

I like how this flood magically takes out part of the Rockies somehow, but leaves sea-level spots just fine

>and what we think we know about world history only scratches the surface.

I think we can all agree on that. But history is not about inventing crackpot theories and searching for shreds of evidence to prop up these theories. It's about finding things, and trying to explain their existence based on the discovery of other things that are related. The theories follow the discoveries.

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That's why when you post you have to randomly misidentify some of the images especially if it's a new one you've never seen before. Old common ones like storefront are the ones they use to check if you're a bot so identify those correctly, but all the rest, just randomly pick wrong ones to fuck with their data.

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Continents do change in elevation. I guess that's the key variable to this being more than just the ice caps melting and causing global flooding. This supposed event would have to be seismic on levels never seen before though.

I didn't say the map was accurate I just posted it because it was eye-catching. I think the idea is there's no sodding way you'd know what the earth's surface would look like after something like this, or what would be where, what latitude, what elevation it would be at after.

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Well, the pyramids survived the last one, for example. Has this global civilization produced anything that will remain intact?


To be honest I'd say the thing itself was made especially for a single trader who probably payed out the ass for the state of the art in term of tech from that time, since the bigger and more complex the mechanism was, more was the information they could contain. With that said the crushing majority of merchants rarely went that far in their travel, preferring to relay between two or three trade hub as to prevent the possibilities of thievery by pirates (the concept is as old as the act of trading over sea water) or marauders, and even then its nothing that a guy with proper experience and knowledge cannot pull off simply using a mundane sextant which fulfill the same purpose and is a far simpler mechanism so apart from a merchant who specialized in long term travel there isn't much use for such an intricate mechanism to keep track of the stars.

not without george soros's money to pay for boats theyre not.

People do find evidence like Puma Punku which like it or not has proof of machining.

>in the new polar areas

You remember the stuff Randall Carson was talking about - mile-high glaciers over Canada?

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Again, I'm not seeing the revelation here. There have always been doomsayers, this guy isn't unique. If there IS some cataclysmic hellstorm coming our way, inevitably, then what can be done about it?

There have always been rich people who tried to insulate themselves, either by climbing to the tops of mountains or building an Ark. Same thing is still happening today. We've got thousands of private bunkers buried all over the place, bracing for some massive nuclear Holocaust or bio-war.

Majority of people will die, a small number will survive. Or they'll all die and become extinct.

But when the waves come or the bombs drop, is is at that point irrelevant who knew what.

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Yes but then hitorians disregard conflicting data points to maintain the pre-established narrative, which is part of the problem with anything related to ancient egypt, gobleki tepe, gunung padang, etc. etc.

I do that but it wont help much, there is humans manually confirming the pictures later

I live on the sand dunes from an ocean that existed 250million years ago... I’m good on his map.

Some parts survive yes - ostensibly, apart from anything else - as the crust shifts some parts are axes for its adjustment so they're not swamped by sea or ripped to pieces by atmosphere - however they are adjusted in their latitude.

So what was once a verdant or lush part of the planet may start to freeze, or become unlivable and arid.

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Why do you all assume that an advanced ancient civilization didn't become obsessed with sustainability and didn't build everything out of highly recyclable/biodegradable materials making it much more likely for no trace of them to survive?

>There have always been doomsayers, this guy isn't unique.

Yup, there has always in ancient myth been an eschatological theme to it. You'd imagine stories of a terrible, cyclical destruction would pass on if nothing else.

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>tfw nz is about to get swole


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This is the same line towed by flat-earthers. It's very tempting to just say everything is a conspiracy and someone is always lying to you - but if you can't prove that's the case, then people just think you're a nut.

We know the planet has been morphing for billions of years. We know it's still changing.

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I can't imagine that the world can be inhabbited with all that radioactive garbage released for the next few thousands years...