Was talking about how Obama Bush and Clinton did regime and how trump was out guy and not ever do it so we should vote for him. How do you justify his actions now user?
Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans With Rebel Venezuelan Officers nyti.ms
Was talking about how Obama Bush and Clinton did regime and how trump was out guy and not ever do it so we should vote for him. How do you justify his actions now user?
Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans With Rebel Venezuelan Officers nyti.ms
I wouldn't even bother m8 the trumpanzies are just a hunch of cucks, and they cannot even defend their orange turd of a president
>They support Venezuela and its current leadership
You brainlets sure are great humanitarians
You know it's funny if they weren't so full of shit they could easily turn this around by saying how poor ven is and how the people are being mistreated due to socialist. And how if we believe in the fair treatment we would do it for humantarism reasons.
But it takes like 50 right wingers to be even half as smart as one liberal, so you know, they wont do shit
Make Venezuela an American territory and give us infinite oil and cut off all ties with Saudi Arabia.
Also use them as stronghold to start murdering the source of the drug trade in Colombia
> this strawman i came up with said this, you all did this on jewtube
> but this latest bad thing is bad, me no vote for bad man
> we can't let him keep his hands on the loli codes
Fine, you can vote for Bernie again, by all means; everyone else will talk about Trump's first real war if it ever even happens
Trump administration, probably the guy stealing papers off Donnie's desk
>?We came, we saw, he died, haha"
Why would you even bother saving th-
ah there we go.