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if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

If Obama taught us anything, he's black enough to do it

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it


Wtf is this shit


If Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Attached: 73734F47-80F5-43B1-B50B-0AFC833B16CA.jpg (1024x768, 162K)

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Attached: 1524699229710s.jpg (594x537, 72K)

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

For mutts: Shill kike globalist DNC Divide and conquer fluoride russian bots. As usual.
For non mutts: memes.

Attached: mutt fellow whites.png (594x479, 324K)

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Make this happen. It will be historical.


Half of the nogs voting trump will def vote for the gay nigger fish
Will trump lose bc of kanye?

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Not gonna lie, former Kanye voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Kanye crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

we want this to happen

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Why is he waiting until 2024


why do they have to get ALL the black presidents, selfish black leader hoarding bastards, GIVE SOMEONE ELSE A Go!!!
Why cant UK have a black fucking prime minister for once, I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF AMERICA HAVING ALL THE BLACK BOSSES

So he doesn't take votes away from Trump obviously

He will get the BTFO ouf his life, this will devastate him

Not gonna lie, if Obama has taught us anything, he's definitely black enough to do it

Poopity scoop

Bot malfunction.

You're a muslim nation already

If Kanye runs as an independent theres zero chance a democrat will win. No wonder shills are trying to bump limit this thread.

Dunning Kruger effect alone can only carry a man so far.

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I applause his efforts but he’s too thin skinned. He’ll blow up in an emotion tantrum the first time he can’t answer/counter a debate question.

if obama has taught us anything, he is definitely black enough to do it!

stop spamming this zionist nigger

Attached: kanye redpill.jpg (1197x892, 123K)

Why not 2020?