"Feliks" aka >"Jörg Matthias Claudius Grünewald" is jewing around on the german wikipedia and editing all negative articles around israel. He removes constantly all human rights violations of israel and discredits political opponents with his power as a "super admin". There is already a documentary about his influence and they think, there is a whole fucking network of them there!
After being confronted, he tried to be the victim, >old we already know method.
Same in English (((Wikipedia))). All media sites are infested by kikes. I caught a kike constantly fabricating false statements in an article and then when I kept trying to fix the article, he got an admin to ban me after he accused me of being a "sockpuppet" of another user from 5 years earlier. That was my first account and I barely had it for 2 weeks. He didn't even get punished at all for false info. Fuck Jews.
In order to speed things up, here is some sort of translation of this article:
(1) Feliks" is unmasked - How the Wikipedia monopoly is used for disinformation. By Dirk Pohlmann Published in: Erosion of Democracy , Campaigns / Targets / Newspeaking , Media Concentration Mediation of Media , Strategies of Opinion
Wikipedia has set itself the goal of creating a "free and high-quality encyclopedia and thus spreading lexical knowledge." Meanwhile, the online encyclopaedia ranks number 5 on the ranking of the most visited websites . So it is one of the most important sources of information on the Internet worldwide.
Despite its popularity, Wikipedia can not meet its own standards. Although criticism of the one-sidedness of important articles on politically relevant topics is increasing among authors and users, the problem cases have so far been interpreted as an inevitable consequence of the openness of Wikipedia, which is at the same time their secret of success. If everyone could join in, there would sometimes be problems.
But not the free access is the cause of one-sidedness, but the really very hierarchical structure of the online lexicon. It has made possible the hostile takeover of the project, which is seen in public as a model of open, democratic cooperation, by a group known as wikipedia-internally, the "Politburo," which we call the "junta." It prevails with "vandalism messages" in Wikipedia and penalizes bullying her, entries that run counter to her view and even the mention of our Youtube program "Stories from Wikihausen" with locks, sometimes immediately for life. The group has its own administrators, ie Wikipedia referee and is thus perpetrator, prosecutor, defense lawyer, prosecutor and judge in personal union. These are grotesque circumstances that do not correspond to the carefully maintained public image.
Nicholas Sullivan
(2) Wikipedia claims to belong to both the mass media, as well as to the social media. Meanwhile, Wikipedia has a dominant position and is de facto monopolist of dictionaries. The Brockhaus no longer exists, the Encyclopedia Britannica since 2012 only online, the business model of the printed encyclopedia is obsolete. Wikipedia is absolute.
Power, especially the power of a monopoly, is incompatible with democracy. From constitutional point of view is the monopoly position of a medium of the GAU (largest accident to be assumed). The Federal Constitutional Court has stated in several judgments on freedom of expression and the media system that this state must be actively prevented by the legislature that a monopoly runs counter to the purpose of the media, namely to guarantee pluralistic, balanced and state-wide reporting. The Federal Constitutional Court has also explicitly forbidden to extradite the related broadcasting of an interest group. The problem becomes even more serious when one considers that a dictionary has the pretension and appearance of objectivity.
Who dominates Wikipedia, monopolistically dominates the public definition of reality and can influence the political discourse relevant. Above all, the reputation of people is defined by Wikipedia. So used, the Wikipedia can be used as a powerful denunciationsinstrumen.
Noah Taylor
(3) It is not surprising that this concentration of power attracts people, groups, institutions and government agencies. When Markus Fiedler and I researched for our YouTube show "Wikihausen", who is champion in the manipulation of Wikipedia, we landed not in Russia, but in Israel. Alone the Israeli "Ministry of Strategic Affairs" (translated in German Wikipedia as the "Ministry of International Relations" !) Spends over $ 70 Million on a Campaign in the words of Director General Sima Vaknin-Gil " to create a community of militants "to stop the activities of" anti-Israeli activists "and" flood the Internet "with pro-Israeli content. However, this sum is only a fraction of the money spent by the Israeli military, state and private agencies and NGOs for these purposes, as we have shown in the 4th episode of Wikihausen .
Is this addressed in the mainstream media, which are worried about alleged Russian manipulation? No. Is legal and diplomatic action taken? No. Does Wikipedia even take care of this problem? No. But why are such dual standards possible? And what are their consequences? Nobody really cares?
While journalists publicly like to say that Wikipedia is not a reputable source for them, they really use Wikipedia extensively, not just for research. One of my colleagues was countered by his ARD editor even with a proposal for an investigative documentary on an ARD station with a Wikipedia phrase on the subject. What he reported on the basis of his research, but do not cover himself with the Wikipedia entry. And since Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia aimed at objectivity, the entry became a reason for refusal.
Wikipedia is a frequently used source, especially when it comes to personal research by journalists, simply because the entries in the online encyclopedia are always displayed first when searching Google.
Julian Butler
(4) And now the Wikipedia is even to be used as the truth scale of YouTube. For videos containing "conspiracy theories", Wikipedia entries are displayed as a fact check .
Unfortunately, this request falls into the category "bucks to gardeners" to make.
The lexical accuracy and impartiality of the Wikipedia is very different, depending on whether you enter the terms "differential calculus", "photosynthesis" or "Appendix 1391". Camp 1391 is a notorious torture prison of Israeli military intelligence.
"Appendix 1391" is one of the articles edited by the hyperactive Wikipedia author "Feliks". He has highlighted everything there is to know about the events in Camp 1391, such as the fact that prisoners are raped before or during the interrogation. That there are 1 x 1 meter black-painted cells without light, no running water, with a toilet bucket emptied once a week. With an air conditioner that is hot in summer and cold in summer. The reports of Abu Greibh's role model can be found in the Guardian , even in the taz , in the Spiegel , in Newsweek , in Haaretz , in a UN commission of inquiry, and in many other newspapers that still did journalism in the 1990s. Feliks has completely deleted all information previously recorded in Wikipedia about systematic human rights violations. Justification: Israel investigated the allegations and did not confirm them.
Brody Green
(5) Feliks Markus Fiedler was already in the research for his two films "The dark side of Wikipedia" and "censorship - the organized manipulation of Wikipedia and other media" noticed. He is one of the writers who does an incredible amount of work, so one wonders if they have no job, no friends and no family.
That's why we've been working more intensively together with Feliks. His main interest, as he himself states on his now largely deleted author page, is the Middle East since he witnessed "how a Kassam rocket came down." He has edited more than 150 Wikipedia articles on Israel, Palestine, Israeli forces, and topics that affect Israeli politics. He also has a second focus: Members of the Left. Feliks edited 51 MPs and politicians of this party. He also deals with alternative media and the peace movement. Since Markus and I have dealt with Annetta Kahane in our videoblog "Stories from Wikihausen", Feliks has also "edited" my Wikipedia article as a punishment.
The unmasking of Feliks was an investigative jigsaw puzzle that finally got us through a clue in which school he graduated from high school. In combination with other, we researched data brought us on his trail.
Blake Garcia
(6) It is now clear who Feliks is: He was formerly Jörg Egerer and has renamed after 2015 in Jörg Matthias Claudius Grünewald. Egerer is a civil servant, by profession Rechtspfleger and converted sometime in 2012 from the Catholic faith to Judaism. Egerer / Grünewald is a member of the Left, is assigned to the "anti-German", is a political friend of Klaus Lederer, was Bundestag candidate of the Bavarian Left and was attached there as Landesschatzmeister the executive committee. During his tenure, there were irregularities that were known after his resignation, but according to party members for party-political considerations were never enlightened legal. Donations receipts were issued to the "Forum of Communist Working Groups" which, despite its name, today belong to the left wing of the Left, but the money did not remain in the party but was passed on.
It is noticeable that Egerer / Grünewald either discredits entries to members of the left for proximity to his political positions by selective selection of detailed information, such as the members of the Bundestag Diether Dehm, Annette Groth, Inge Höger, Alexander Süßmaier, Kornelia Möller or Oskar Lafontaine, or positively, as with Klaus Ernst or Eva Bulling-Schröter, whose website he also looked after. The negative representation in Wikipedia by Feliks applies in particular to leftists who express themselves critically to the current Israeli foreign policy.
This could be related to the fact that Jörg Egerer was a frequent participant in Sar-El, a volunteer program of the Israeli armed forces for foreigners, but in which no service is rendered in active combat units. Several leftists have reported that there is a photo of Jörg Egerer in Israeli uniform with a Uzi submachine gun.
William Foster
(7) Egerer / Grünewald is also a lieutenant in the reserve of the Bundeswehr and a member of the "Bund deutscher Soldaten eV", where he is also a cash auditor. He has military parachute badges of the US Army, the Czech, Croat and Belgian forces. But none of the left-wing politicians we spoke to knew about this.
Jörg Egerer / Grünewald has selected his Wikipedia name Feliks for his own account for a secret service, Feliks Djerdjinski, who is responsible for the liquidation of, depending on the source, 50,000 to 250,000 political opponents as head of the Cheka and the NKVD.
That Egerer / Grünewald likes to exercise power and punish us party members have reported by a variety of Andes.
Michael Martinez
(8) His adaptation of the Wikipedia entry by Nirit Sommerfeld, a German-Israeli artist and peace activist critical of the militarism of sections of Israeli society and trying to build bridges to Palestinians, is particularly perfidious. Sommerfeld is Managing Director of the BIB (Alliance for the End of the Israeli Occupation), which she and the emeritus psychology professor Dr. med. Rolf Verleger, who was also a member of the Central Council of Jews.
Egerer / Grünewald discredits publishers in known-perfidious manner of Feliks and brings in particular Sommerfeld in the vicinity of the BDS movement (Boycott Deinvestment Sanctions, which calls for a boycott of Israel), of which it deliberately keeps away. Feliks insinuates in both persons a proximity to anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.
Egerer / Grünewald may be known because of his numerous visits to Israel, that participation in the BDS movement leads to an entry ban in Israel and is punished there with prison.
Joseph Kelly
(9 - final) This is not the worst measure of Jörg Matthias Claudius Grünewald. But it is amazing that he could still become a board member of the Jewish Beth Shalom community in Munich.
Markus Fiedler and I will publish further research as soon as we can prove it to the court, because Egerer has already tried in advance of our Youtube program to prevent his Enttarnung and announced to punish our publication of his previously anonymous act. Because that would lead to a "pogrom" against him. This victim-victim reversal is one of his favorite arguments.
We are very excited about how Wikipedia, the left and its Jewish community will respond to the knowledge of its anonymous ministry.
Adam Jackson
Yea they're everywhere...
Tyler White
(10) because pol can count to it!
Easton Cox
Exactly the same method is mentioned in the documentary!
He fears social consequences, if someone knew, where he is: > Jörg Matthias Claudius Grünewald > he works in or near munich/ germany > official, working for the government
Yea, this fucking face again. Martin Sholomo Schulz. Passed the elections like a fart. Also disappeared like one.
Joseph Morales
For too long I didn't heart or even bother about the guy from the documentary. He calls him self "Ken Jebsen" but claim his real name is Moustafa Kashefi (some claim that even this is not his real name) and is half Iranian. He used to work as a Radio moderator for the german state media but got kicked out for "anti-semitism".
Never cared about him because he either talked about conspiracy theories or his opinion as a not fully german from a muslim country is biased. What are his todays views on migration, the EU, demographic change, the left/right-wing, the parties in the german parliament ect.?
Carter Nguyen
>human rights violations of israel considering they're lies and fiction he's dong a good job
"Ken Jebsen" only released this documentary, he did not make it. I also took it a long time not serious, now the documentary is some sort of holy grail of wikipedia propaganda methods thruth.
As long as this half iranian is dropping thruth bombs like the english over germany in WW2, he is fucking legit.
Colton Reyes
>What is /pols/ opinion on that? That you fucks should build some camps
> defending own lost land cannot be called terrorism, even if sholomo disagrees, and even if they are sandniggers. > Stealing land from others can be called terrorism and oppression.