Well...in an hour we will witness a global kek. Take a couple of boxes of beer, chicken wings and enjoy

Well...in an hour we will witness a global kek. Take a couple of boxes of beer, chicken wings and enjoy....

Attached: the end.jpg (1138x665, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Earth is flat and space is fake and gay

for the lazy

okay, so he just makes a hole and flies on.

Attached: 23425342324353421.jpg (768x768, 62K)

2018 RC is going to close within 0.015 LD of Earth. It might take out a satellite and cause a Kessler Syndrome cascade effect.

That would be so cool.

live in 64 mins

Attached: 1512825392205.jpg (495x495, 45K)

Attached: 1532641057381.jpg (720x720, 70K)

>full house
>global kek


Stop worshiping CGI pictures, goy.

Attached: math.jpg (954x661, 70K)

No its not you retard, distance to the horizon changes the higher you go, the horizon is a lot closer at sea level then on a plane.

I always knew I'd die while lurking Jow Forums. Hopefully future archeologist find our memes and surmise the site was some kind of all powerful digital cult.

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Attached: 1512957917917.webm (640x480, 2.66M)

how big is it senpai

Attached: 1534772515690.jpg (1000x1000, 161K)

If they are publicizing it, the asteroid is not going to hit us.

It would be a shit show. But one to behold.

Hurr I don't understanding perspective or geometry, space is fake and gay.

Attached: 1535747587603.png (449x500, 248K)

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finally a high score worth talking about

Attached: 4EC99618-B078-4AD0-A356-547199BFEAF6.jpg (750x553, 105K)

Don't take the b8. Don't let the flat earthers ruin every thread.


Attached: 1532363345396.gif (300x169, 863K)


still curved

Attached: 2018-09-08 16_03_52-(1) _pol_ - Well...in an hour we will witness a global kek. Ta - Politically Inc (1312x758, 47K)

As long as there's a short haired Sandra Bullock floating around in zero G in skimpy underwear, I would be okay with it.

Attached: 1534592755528.png (500x281, 233K)

whats this supposed to prove?
The buoy is less than 6.232022 km away, obviously.

drawing a curve doesn't mean there is one moron.

Better yet, just report them since it belongs on /x/ along with things like "dead world trees".

Attached: 1518471995089.jpg (2592x1936, 2.5M)

just self expressing what my mind sees when I see your webm. It your job to convince me otherwise.

>implying something will happen

>what my mind sees
that's the problem, your letting your mind trick your eyes.

>Outlining the curve doesnt mean a curve exists.

Attached: 52QX.gif (400x228, 1.47M)

That’s some insane zoom or telephoto shots.
What kind of lense and setup?

I didn't know my eyes could think

Attached: morons.jpg (442x478, 16K)


It's a Nikon P900

Exponential increase in the last 10 years, only a matter of time until one hits.

Attached: Total_fireballs (1).jpg (1184x782, 55K)

Attached: 1515496056120.png (830x467, 330K)

Heres one of venus from a P900

Attached: Nikon P900 VENUS.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Need a run-down. Is it going to hit? What damage can I expect? Are asteroids the space Jew?

you know that you could have said all that in one single message right? or are you the pure embodiment of autism, ADHD and retardation?

I’m off to look up that camera.

>dying while shitpoting

Attached: 1536018730283.jpg (490x535, 62K)

>or are you the pure embodiment of autism, ADHD
just these two.

Attached: 1512328798609.png (271x263, 63K)

if dubz it hits africa.

We might get a fragment like that one over Russia years ago, but a direct impact is unlikely.

Cool, looks like venus alright.

Do you know what protects us from all this space garbage? Is it the magneto sphere or what?

In what direction should a bong look to see this?

Attached: 1518694304289.webm (884x492, 1.24M)

Here's what's gonna happen.

The star will gorge itself on clay

Attached: 1506591588753.jpg (2261x1362, 1.01M)

Fuck off until 5 min countdown user

Attached: image.jpg (750x665, 52K)

It was gonna happen sooner or later

Attached: 1529871159103.png (225x225, 4K)


alright thanks. im stocking up on peanut butter just in case

>Tfw not afraid of death anymore
I come from the future, the asteroid will have a direct impact and will hit California,and will create some type of ebola virus that only infect chiness and water screencaps this

Attached: meow 2.jpg (882x714, 62K)

Yea? It looks like venus? Round, yellow, you know? The works.

Use digits to steer it to Earth?

Attached: 1522007418954.jpg (670x424, 152K)

Earth is round, the universe is flat.

I heard Jewish holiday this Sunday can a kike confirm? Possible rapture imminent.

No I wanna live user.

oh snap

>flat earther

Shark status = imagined.

Attached: 1534118503388.png (1024x678, 768K)

The Moon, mostly, in the geological timeline of things. Just the vast emptiness of Space keeps us from hitting shit.

New year's (Rosh Ha'Shana)

atmosphere, moon, small size

Not today user

Attached: 5a8fccd586f1fb5a2adc931fac0da60e92e5804904277fc68b50f96b6cf6a66b.gif (177x119, 239K)

Looks like you want the moon to hit your eye like a big pizza pie that's gonna be gory.

thnx I always wondered, because statistically we should be dead by now.

You bitch, we're all gonna die someday

Attached: 1204756477.jpg (500x500, 48K)

ahh what year is it in Hebrew?

direct hit to bongistan imminent
>needs license to die

statistically we get hit with a big one every 100 million years or so

How big is it? Would we see it pass with the naked eye? Where will it pass? When will it pass?


Attached: BLACK PINK WOJAK.png (808x805, 612K)

Oh shut it amerimutt.

5779 (תשע"ט)

Today's Hebrew date is:
Shabbat, Elul 28, 5778 Parshat Nitzavim.

If we point enough magnets at it maybe we can get it to hit the earth?

True but not gonna die this year.

>10 feet (3 m) across. It's about the size of a car


Nothing will happen


>in the range of 100-230 feet (32-71 meters)
>can't be seen with eye but with telescope
>half the distance of the moon from earth

Tunguska was probably that size.

Upwards, achmed

Thanks lads!

thats not what this site claims


i was mistaken
>Asteroid 2018 RC is somewhere between 100 to 230 feet (32 to 71 meters)

Digits make me feel comforted

Attached: C95CFCAE-D8CB-43D9-B715-F0B533952C79.jpg (236x251, 30K)

Rollan for Jerusalem/Mecca impact.

Attached: 1533003658837.png (351x369, 76K)

What is difraction?

You fucking faggot

Whats the next step of your master plan?
Crashing this asteroid, with no survivors.

Attached: 157869067.jpg (640x640, 184K)


yeah apparently there are two asteroids a big and little one so we both correct

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>asteroid hits north africa
>swedish election cancelled due to global catastrophe

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