Repealing Roe vs Wade will change the future of America forever.
Why are you agaisnt abortion?
Killing niglets is the only positive contribution the left makes to white civilization.
Makes me pro abortion more than anything... if it was not for free choice it would make US a 40 black already...
It's an unjust institution, just like slavery.
democrats are better at this race war thing
>lowest black unemployment the country has ever seen
The most important objective of the anti abortion "debate" is to get the left to admit to what abortion actually is.
Once they admit that they don't really care about innocent human life, then their claim to representing humanism is absolutely destroyed and with no credibility left they can be more easily hauled out of power.
It's really that simple.
Expose them for the hypocritical snakes they are, making them definitively evil by their OWN standards and then inflicting extreme punishments upon them.
They have built their entire strategy around being on the "moral high ground" when in truth, they were deep in the sewers swimming around in piss and shit. We should force them to drown in it.
Sex without the chance of reproduction is like poker with worthless chips. It changes the way people play the game and endangers society.
>implying abortion is the cause of that
>implying that even if it did, it could justify the astronomical number of innocent lives lost
>implying that the national GDP cut from the sum employment years lost from all those lives doesn't amount to trillions down the drain
I think all Americans should have forced abortions until the entire nation no longer exists
YAS rid ourselves of the weakest
you're so goddamn retarded
I meant slavery
>nigger spawn
Why don't you go to your local hospital and murder the babies if they are such a threat to you?
niggers already have as many childen as they can
wade vs roe repeal will only affect white race
that's why the left is losing it's shit about that possibility
btw if roe vs wade is repealed then all the affirmative action and all other gibs would be repealed as well lol
in the best scenario.. niggers will be returned to the slave status. they are good for nothing anyway. i'd fucking kill them out of mecry..
You're assuming they'll bring all those babies to term rather than performing back alley abortions(that endanger the mothers as well) and exacerbating their black on black crime rates even more. Moreover, abortion hasn't actually reduced the black share of the population. It's nothing but a band-aid for those who are unwilling to confront the problem directly and don't care what happens after they're dead. In other words, liberals.
How many black abortions equal a white abortion? There is no answer, you cannot weigh white lives that way. Sterilizing those who would seek abortions is a more ethical solution.
Abortion should only be made illegal for white babies, every other race im cool with.
You’re an idiot. It’s a woman’s choice if she wants to get an abortion or not. It would be different if the baby had an understanding of where it was but it doesn’t. It’s not even born yet. Why should a woman that was raped have to have a baby she doesn’t want? Think next time before you type something so stupid you shit house.
Also, why are you Ameribros opposing "ending police brutality" (aka preventing niggers from killing each other)?
There are more efficient methods
>It’s a woman’s choice
>caring about women
>"abortion isn't murder, since the baby isn't even close to being a huma-"