Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Perfect Milf Edition

>Must watch Chemnitz videos (censored after 400k views)

>Chemnitz Rundown in English


>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat, no fatties in Auschwitz)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Harass Journalists on Twitter
Join up with Friends and form communities
Get fit
Get a job
Don't be a pathetic mockery

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


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Can we reach some publicity with this?

Attached: Bpb.png (645x844, 196K)

last generation of german blondes [*]

Attached: smarter-german-a1-grammar-language-book.png (848x1200, 31K)

i ask again; guys, overall, how good/bad is it looking for us right now? btw, whats our view on armenians, got an eye on a cutie in my class

Lol, is this true?

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fill me in white brothers, what has happened in germany since chemnitz?

Attached: ayylmao.png (700x494, 331K)

>muslim dick is so small you cant even see the tip on the bookcover.
dont worry well be around for some time as it seems

>beschwert sich das deutsche ersetzt werden
>impliziert das sei etwas schlechtes

keep telling yourself that, armenian subhuman lover

Attached: german retard.jpg (1024x768, 131K)


> overall, how good/bad is it looking for us right now?


>whats our view on armenians,

I dont care.

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scat is life, scat is love, scat is lovelife

Attached: 6ZvBFXI.jpg (614x490, 45K)

opinion disregarded

>how good/bad is it looking for us right now?
I strongly advise to have a plan B.

>btw, whats our view on armenians, got an eye on a cutie in my class
Does she pass the paper bag test?

Attached: test-baf.jpg (371x136, 9K)

Dresden '45 and Rheinwiesenlager wasn't enough.

paperbag test? dunno, er was is 5/10 i guess

scat skin in the game intensifies

but i swear shes thicc
Endlösung der Shlomofrage wann...?

Quick Rundown for Chemnitz:

Attached: drache afd.jpg (900x450, 51K)

Redpill me on this guy.

Attached: 800px-Hans-Georg_Maaßen_01.jpg (800x1058, 128K)

Neither our friend nor our enemy

Reiner for Reichskanzler. Let's give him a new house on our souther border and let him scream "HAU AAAAAB" to anyone who wants to get into Germany.

Attached: etzala reichts.gif (524x360, 2.55M)

i'm working on a theme for kraut/pol/.
anyone interested? if so, any wishes?
>do dark theme, user
currently implementing functionality, colors and pics will be a snap of the fingers and can be adjusted by yourself for your liking.

Attached: krautpol-theme-2.png (1869x943, 427K)

Attached: krautpol-theme-op.png (1870x941, 515K)

>meine Kinder sagen

Attached: Begone+profligates+_790eb5cc0a0fe273568be6abaa9c1660.jpg (483x587, 52K)

>go on youporn
>click category German
>like half the videos involve pissing
sadly it seems to be that way

It's OK to be white/10


What's cool is that I am starting to learn German and I can totally read the pic in OP. Ah, I am easily amused.

> "HAU AAAAAB" to anyone who wants to get into Germany.
got an Idea
>get a Crane
>get Reiner Hooked
>move him to Fortres Ramstein
>poke him with a stick
>his fatty slob Voice is echoing from the Alps
>Americans freightenend
>they just heard a raging God
>they pack their shit and leave
>rest of american troop contigents get out before we could transport the Lord to them
>no besatzungsmacht anymore present in Germany

I just found a old wallet of minewith still some money in it which I used when I was in the Czech Republic as a kid.
Good, times
But I actually feel a bit dumb how I thought about Czechs at that time,...especially because the people I thought were Czechs were actually Vietnamese

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>Was machst Du
I'll deport them myself

Attack of the Clones

>centered content
we blog poster now

Attached: whywouldyoudothat.jpg?1318992465.jpg (292x302, 22K)

Germany doesn't deserve saving when such a majority are absolute degenerates and always will be

Are you 1/128 german?

Yes, why do you ask?

Just out of interest

Seems like lawful neutral or even slightly lawful good.

Attached: wiki.jpg (980x710, 228K)

She needs to exercise some sort of superiority over you, since she isn't our brightest bulb.
don't let a druggie tell you what's what.

Are you 1/128 German or something?

>i'm fine with white
will be the name of the first edition.

you'll be able to adjust the content to your liking.
i hate it to scan monitors from left to right.
i turned my monitors by 90° for coding.

Attached: krautpol-white-ok.png (1864x942, 411K)

you dodged a bullet

Attached: unknown (2).png (1360x512, 444K)

So Krauts, maybe Warsaw pact wasn't that bad after all.

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Is this a good metaphor for immigration, guys?

Attached: immigration metaphor.webm (576x432, 1.9M)

Hemingway was a drunk commie but I like what he once said

>There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self.

Keep that in mind mister neet with a Gabelstaplerschein without an university degree.

100% german for at least the last 300+ years.

so a degenerate is your excuse for abuse?

I'm not a degenerate you fool, I have just a different lifestyle.

The US was unironicly the problem
>The first guest workers were recruited from European nations. However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany didn't need any more laborers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. West Germany and Turkey reached an agreement in 1961.[8]

Dude wtf is that?

fun fact #1488
before the great shoahing of ML there was an extraordinary amount of bestiality
most of it was from Germany or Sweden

>1/128 german
k Dan

if you pivot your monitor it makes even less sense
screen real estate vs content and so on and so forth

Attached: 1348431765544.jpg (264x229, 30K)

delete everything on your computer

I lost like 39 IQ points by reading this.


Why he do that
>10-15 arabs run into german night club
>screaming "allahu akbar, we are arabs we will kill you all" equipped with metal bars, knifes and stones
>suprisingly nobody died
>police needs 30 minutes to show up
>not even national news

The light has gone out. Bring the nuke and illuminate us again.

Tell my how I'm a degenerate? Because I do coke occasionally or is it my sexual orientation that scares you? Take care of your own life first faggots.

300+ years huh?

Attached: Screenshot_20180908-165536.png (1440x2560, 381K)

>trying to be disgusted but all I do is laughing

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i love this guy

substance issues, hedonism, individualist, no loyal bone in his body.

Könnten unsere beiden Jungfrauen sich bitte endlich mal ein Zimmer nehmen ?Danke...

Part und Parcell , mein Freund

>Ausgangspunkt der Falschinformationslawine sei dieser Artikel in der ZEIT gewesen.
This is the author^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Attached: 1530392507600.png (600x600, 405K)

>Calling anyone faggot
lmao. Do you even read what you're posting?
>I'm not degenerate, its just how I live

I don't see any problems here besides the hedonism and I don't see myself as one.

I'm not a virgin, no idea about Sütti, he acts like an incel.

The turks were stopped in austria.

hot iron it seems
gets longer coverage than Chemnitz, which already seems to have fallen off the (((MSM))) cliff

>stupid estonian is gone
>this tay faggot shows up again
why can't we just have a nice and normal thread without these retards?

he started these threads

>this happens and no reaction
>Immigrant kills immigrant and massive protests in chemnitz

Germany is lost

i know that twitter account from some other context, but can't fucken remember what it was

a 17 y/o coal burner got paroled in Duisburg on Friday
also no manhunts
many such cases

the town where this happened is governed by "the linke" (the left), so no suprise. and the night club is mostly visited by university students.

he is a ZEIT "reporter"
probably more bullshit

>1/128 german
k Dan

What the hell is this meme? It is actually 25% though. Might be more than some "Germans" since '45.

Don't most krauts hate AFD? What makes you think they will ever get majority votes?

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yes, probably some mediterranian trafficking context via zeit

I´m sure you mean something else, but if Germany actually charged 17y/o girls for burning the coal, I would regain hope for the fatherland, even if they are paroled ;)

At least they deserved it

Its really sad, I would hope at least there will be some place where German speakers will be able too live their culture unimpeded, even just a small country

i was a leftie once, would for the the leftist party. i changed my mind as soon as i was exposed to ideas i never ever heard in my life.
i once wanted basic income and would hate inequality. then i was exposed to all the good information and realized how i just got it all wrong.
you can't just expect people to know everything from birth. knowledge is a discovery and not a gift given from birth on.

25% would be 1/4
1/128 is a pretty common margin of error among scientists doing science stuff y'know

coincidentally i found this peace in his very timeline

well you have to start somewhere
its all about ORDNUNG

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by more "german" blood in our streets
meanwhile those responsible for the current state just keep pulling an Einstein
they are either unwilling or inapt to solve the problems they created

>i once wanted basic income
We will get some kind of basic income in a few decades anyway. Automation and AI will destroy so many jobs that there is no other way to prevent mass riots.

>41,9% vote for legit commies

Attached: ingsland.png (1035x592, 135K)

our brainlets in charge have missed the bang a long time ago
they burn trillions of euromoney on electrical meme mobile research, yet we are still way behind China and the US, and renewable energy
when everybody else in the western world already has his very own autonomous sex slave we will still go to work til dropping dead

>less sense
you even know what you are talking about?
I've made an offer, you do not have to take it.
this is the way i browse 4chin and it's very comfy.
all i want is to contribute to this general. maybe some anons are interested.

Attached: krautpol-gomfy-browsing.png (1143x1821, 533K)

I have a pretty similar story. I am particularly shocked by the lies, disinformation and cover-ups that happened in my high-school education.

at least he posted it i guess.
7k followers. man, did he buy some?
most of his twatting is single digits retweet and barely any responses at all

Explain to me why Reinhard Heydrich looks more Jewish than Jared Kushner.

Attached: Khazar.png (1447x397, 584K)

Obviously we don't play any leading role in the development but it will be implemented quite rapidly here too.

>UKIP 2%
>Sargoy of Blackdad shills for it non stop
So THIS is the power of meme channels.

To be fair their voting system sucks

actually i do Hans
spend a couple grand on UX Designers over the years for all kind of different customer projects and i have seen lots and lots of ways of how not to do it

whenever i see a "journalist" twatter with followers its mostly other "journalists"
might be a king of these "people"

they will just keep dumping loans for a couple of more decades
especially big brands are shy of operative changes
did a contract for a three-letter german car manufacture recently
the system they bought was a complete fucking disaster
nothing worked and the people responsible nowhere to be found
they burned like a million and dumped it in the end
think they will try this anytime soon again?
cuz i don't

Erst mobbt ihr die Stars und interessanten Leute aus krautpol, dann vermögt ihr keine gescheite Diskussion oder Aktion zustande zu bekommen. Ihr seid der allerletzte Abschaum. Allen voran die sog. Tripfags, ihr seid das wahre Krebsgeschwür Deutschlands.

Ich bin raus. Bald komme ich aber wieder und poste neue Kerstins. Übrigens stalken ihre Agenten krautpol täglich und stöbern nach neuen Shitposts. Dass ihr nichts zustande bekommt, das sagte ich ja schon. Dementsprechend finden sich nichts interessantes.

Ich lass euch ein Video hier, weil meine über Jahre gesammelten Bilder und Videos interessanter sind als das, was ihr jemals denken oder sagen könntet.

Attached: nigga_burn_ass.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

any suggestions how to do better?
i'm still learning.