National orthodox religous jew here. Let's debate
National orthodox religous jew here. Let's debate
If you're orthodox and you actually support the state of Israel then you aren't orthodox at all.
What is the significance of the red heifer?
Gas your self like. No platform for semitism.
Are you aware you worship Lucifer?
Why do you think so? Our writings said very clearly that this land belongs to us, and it is clear that our return is the beggining of the end
It's complicated. With red heifer ash we can become pure again, and thus go to the temple mount etc.
Will you invite descendants of the tribe of Dan into Isreal when we come to take it?
What's your opinion on arabs?
Do you think that Hitler wanted to kill ALL the Jews?
>being a jew is a good thing
What does one do with red heifer ash, to make yourself pure?
I'm glad your prophecies are coming to fruition.
Thank you jews for leaving my country alone. The national pride has been nearly at an all time high. We’re even electing a fascist leader in 2020 who is the grandson of the great fascist Trujillo.
We even honored hitler in this years Carnival parade
Once again, thank you for leaving us alone.
Sorry that you jews are always killed when you come to the island for vacation
Arabs also have cut dicks, so it's great to have endless war with them at goyim expense. Don't forget to fund our nukes!
>The return to our homeland is the beginning of the end
Do you realize how evil and suicidal your own religion is? To think that returning to your homeland will bring death and destruction instead of peace and safety is completely backwards. What an evil "people" you are.
As far as I know the tribe of Dan as gone extinct. Of course if it is rediscovered, the land is as much theirs as it is ours
I have no opinion on a large group of people. Some are evil, some are good.
I think he wanted to kill all the jews in germany, but I'm no historian
Well I have no reason to prove that to you, we're not missionaries
End result of commie feminism in the West
Again it's complicated, but long story short you spread it in a lake of still water and take a good dip.
It will bring death and destruction, but also peace and safety. All the propecies are written clearly in the Bible. If you have complains go to God. We didn't make the order of things out
>Well I have no reason to prove that to you, we're not missionaries
I don't think you understand how many kinds of missionaries we have the US. The Jews are the worst, especially when we get Israelis.
Disgusting! Inept!
>It will bring death and destruction, but also peace and safety.
You even use Pilpul on yourself.... that's how mentally disturbed you Jews are. Very sad.
Yeah? What are they trying to prove to you?
We did not invent anything. It is all written very clearly in our holy texts.
Of course you invented your own holy text. Torah is just a cheap knock-off of the Zoroastrian "Avesta." Moses, Abraham, and the rest didn't historically exist. It's all made-up recreations of older Aryan mythos.
>Yeah? What are they trying to prove to you?
top kek
Hope you die painfully.
So, you think one day a rabbi came to all the jews, and somehow managed to convince them that their ancestors witness God in Sinai?
What do you think about the Talmud saying goyim are animals?
Also do you wear a kippa right now?
Do you follow and believe all of the teachings of the Talmud? Do you think every jew should have 2800 slaves when the Messiah comes?
Modern Jews descend from the Khazars, not ancient Israelites. Your ancestors converted to Judaism in 760 AD.. The oldest known Torah scroll is only like 1,000 years old...
Have holocaust proof? Have holocaust stories? Call 1/646/832/2038 ask for Joan. Thanks a bunch;)
Why do jewish woman love black guys so much?
Statistics show a white woman only has 8% chance of dating a black man
But a Jewish woman has a 43% chance of dating a black man
Do the Haredim still refuse to serve in the IDF because they don't recognize the state of Israel for religious reasons?
do you have a hidden personality
It doesn't really say that. There is a good lecture at the end of this video that explains it very well:
What can I say? If this is what God wants to happen, then this is good. If not, then it will not happen. My personal judgement doesn't enter here
Even if it is true, so what? Converts are as much jews as anyone else. Also this theory is only about ashkenazi jews.
>The oldest known Torah scroll is only like 1,000 years old
More like 2,000
Israel isn't even a real country LOL!!
>My personal judgement doesn't enter here
Oy vey, good thing it's pure coincidence o_o;7
Really? I have never seen in israel a couple of white and black. (maybe it's because I don't hang out much in places like tel aviv, probably more common there)
I don't know
What country can be more real the a country whose existence was declared by God himself?
I don't understand
>Also this theory is only about ashkenazi jews
Pic related.
It matters because Judaism is just a copy-cat of Zoroastrianism. The very concept of one single God comes from Aryans, not the Hebrews. Why do you want to follow a deception while rejecting the real thing?
>more like 2,000
no, user. the oldest known Torah scroll containing torah as we know it..not DSC.. is only like 1000/1500 years old despite the Jewish claim Torah is 4000+ years old
It's all a lie m8
You a good boy, din du nuffin
"Prophecy" doesn't count if you're trying to fulfill it yourself. There's a word for that and it's called a "plan." All this red cow 3rd temple crap is cringy as fuck, but what can you expect from a group of near east mutts who do everything in their power to cheat their """"""god.""""
>So what if its true?
you are what the bible refers to as the synagogue of Satan. as far as Christ is concerned Jews no longer exist according to jesus. they are replaced by the church.
TLDR you are a HERETIC and should be treated as so.
The Gods you worship are Archons siphoning your life energy
BS. The khazzars spoke a Turkic language not Hebrew.
And there we have it gentlemen. If any of you ever doubted that Hitler had a good reason for exterminating the vermin, now you can rest easy.
>our writings
>from the deceiver
>our land
No. Your wickedness will be your demise.
>Why do you want to follow a deception while rejecting the real thing?
Because I see no evidence not to consider judaism as "the real thing". Quite the oppisite, everywhere I look I see evidence that Judaism is true.
>the oldest known Torah scroll containing torah as we know it.
What are you trying to prove? Why do you expect old scrolls to survive thousands of years? Who would have kept this scroll from being burned or stolen, like many many others?
Why don’t uou denounce the cult you’re in, concert to Christianity and devout your life to evangelicalism doing missionary work so maybe God will forgive you for what your people have done to this world
It’s not too late be forgiven for the millions of sins your people constantly commit
>"Prophecy" doesn't count if you're trying to fulfill it yourself
We're not trying to fulfill a prophecy, we're trying to follow the commandments of the torah, one of them being building a temple for God in jerusalem.
Aren't Orthodox jews meant to cover there heads? Why does Kippah only cover a small portion of the head and not the whole head?
how come it seems like your girls are dancing into heaven
wew lad
then they'd have to work for themselves
Do you believe that Israel is a legitimate state?
If you would have read the bible, you would see that the messiah is actually the one that will avenge the blood of the jews by defeating our enemies.. doesn't sound much like Yesu does it?
pic related
>Because I see no evidence not to consider judaism as "the real thing".
It's a historical fact.
>everywhere I look I see evidence that Judaism is true.
like what?
>What are you trying to prove?
The stories of Torah aren't real. Torah is more modern creation which copies older Aryan scripture.
You're not even a jew. Stop larping.
I don't know what you're talking about. I am worshiping the God of Abraham Itzhak and Yaakov.
To make it clear, my own intuitive moral judgement tells me that slavery is bad. But the thing is, I really don't know what the world will be like in the end of days. Some say the Goyim will WANT to be our slaves! I trust in God to do what is right.
he did defeat your spiritual enemies, and had prepared for you an enternal Kingdom in hevean which the jews denied. Through faith in God and Jesus Christ all your enemies are defeated and you gain enternal life which is the greatest of all victories.
Because Christianity isn't true. The prophecies aren't fulfilled in Jesus (and if they were, there would have been world peace 2,000 years ago), and also the messiah isn't supposed to cancel the Torah. The Torah is eternal.
Who wants to to troll my recently immigrated Israeli Zionist friend Aiden?
Say that leif wants him back to the camp
Have fun..
I don't know of any halacha that says it need to be the whole head. On the contrary, if it was the entite head it would be harded to put in the teffilin (what the man in the pic I posted above is wearing), which are supposed to touch your head
Why has the message of Christ spread all around the world beyond any empire and why do we know that it is at least close to correct?
if God did appear and confirmed Jewish faith as true, wouldn't everyone convert and be Jews, thus there would be no goyim? Thus there would be no goyim slaves? why do jews always think materialistically and desire materialistic desires from God.
So much for peaceful Jews...
hmm, never really seemed that way to me
Of course. The most legitimate state. One that is not founded on the assertions of flesh-and-blood people, but on the promise of God himself.
>It's a historical fact.
Well, stating it is a fact isn't enough. You need to prove it. so far i've seen no evidence.
>like what?
Oh, I could go on all day. The state of israel for one. The fact that the jewish people survived toushand of years of persecutions.. The secrets in the bible.. If I tried to count all of them I would keep on typing until this thread is archived
>The stories of Torah aren't real. Torah is more modern creation which copies older Aryan scripture.
And you prove that by the absance of ancient torah scrolls? Who said there should be such?
Not really a debate-starting thought, but:
Should orthodox jews be mandated to do their military service for Israel just like any other citizen of Israel has to?
Okay, I was just wondering, I assumed that when they say to cover your head for fear of God that it would be refering to covering the whole head, it seems my assumption was wrong.
>The state of israel for one.
Zionists sacrificed their own people as an excuse to create Israel.
>The fact that the jewish people survived toushand of years of persecutions.
They were persecuted for being evil people. Why continue that tradition?
>The secrets in the bible
The Bible is a knock-off of Aryan scripture.
Why do you think I'm larping?
>had prepared for you an enternal Kingdom in hevean which the jews denied
Right. In judaism, a man that tries to be the messiah but doesn't sucseed (for any reason), is called "בחזקת משיח". Maybe Jesus was one of them, maybe not. Still, he didn't fullfil all the propecies, therefore he is not the messiah.
Answer my question. Why do you think the message of Jesus Christ has been so compelling to people everywhere regardless of provable blood lineage?
>With red heifer ash we can become pure again, and thus go to the temple mount etc.
No you can't. You haven't been pure since you exchanged the torah and tanach for Babylonian mysticism. The Children of Israel were carried off to Babylon and jews came back. The talmud has damned you. You shouldn't be looking forward to a Messiah because only 144,000 of you will make the cut, and none of those will be orthodox.
I believe that he was correct due to my countries history, culture, traditions and due to my own personal experience, along with teachings of the Orthodox Church and its Early Church fathers. But like all religions it still requires a lot of faith, which should never be pushed upon anyone, it should be up to the individual to find it for himself.
because it is divine truth
I do not come from the Orthodox side of it, but I agree!
>if God did appear and confirmed Jewish faith as true, wouldn't everyone convert and be Jews, thus there would be no goyim?
Perhaps, or maybe they would realise they have a different role on earth..
>why do jews always think materialistically and desire materialistic desires from God
Why do you think we do?
The one decided that it will be that way isn't a jew, he is God.
It's an hard question. I think if the army would create condintions suitable to ultra-orthodox jews then they should be recruited (for example seperating women and men). But we must not forget that we don't win wars because we have better guns, but because we have God. It is very important to do his commands, otherwise all our tanks are worthless.
You can't make this shit up, dude winks as he's saying it's forbidden to cheat non-Jews. Aha.
@ 12:25 in your video
Can you go into unbiased and neutral detail why some Orthodox Jews oppose the State of Israel and why you, supposedly, an Orthodox Jew are not against the State as it is right now? The more detailed the better.
Well, I really can't debate asserstion. Find some evidence and then we can talk.
Why do you think so? The Talmud is as much from God as the Bible is.
What's your end game for the Palestinians? Jordan can't take anymore, they're basically Mexicans for the Lebanese, and Syria is Syria.
is it likely that through centuries of persecution & the perversion of thought from the talmud you've developed a cultural mindset that sees other civilisations as a natural enemy/unintentionally seek to subjugate them
There is no debate. Just kill your self
>REV 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie--indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
This is literally true. 98% of "Jews" currently are Ashkenazi, and they derive from what is now Southern Russia, and their religion is Talmudism, which comes from Babylon. You aren't a Jew, your ancesters had as much relation to abraham as filipino's or eskimos.
The symbolism you fake Jews use is tells your real story. Your symbol is the star of remphan- a star whose center is a hexagon, which is the cube of Saturn. And a menorah is a representation of the city of atlantis. You people abandoned Judaism thousands of yours ago. At this point, you're just a polytheistic luciferian cult of frauds and edomites.
Evidence for which claim? Which claim would you like to discuss:
>Zionists sacrificed their own people to create Israel, and therefore modern Israel is the result of great sin
>Jews were persecuted throughout history for committing acts of evil
>The Bible is a knock-off of older Aryan mythos and scripture
Because jews desire a messiah that will bring victory over the enemies of the jews and liberate them, they expect the Messiah to be King of the jews and to rule over them and to bring forth a new age and era, these are all materialistic and earthly desires.
>Why do you think so? The Talmud is as much from God as the Bible is.
The Catholic religion has their own talmud- the catechism. The way you can tell your talmud is occultism is by the jewish penchant for raping children. Just like the catholics and saturnian religion throughout history, the rape and murder of children is a central practice of your religion.
Isn't the Talmud a collection of teachings and interpretations from various Rabbi's over the years though? (I may be completely wrong in my assumption)
>because it is divine truth
If I'm still alive when the time comes, we'll be on the same side. God bless you.
Maybe he winked, still it is written black on white in the talmud that it is forbiden.
Well, I will try. So during our exile, the ones we remained "jewish" were the ones who refused to change. Countless jews had become Christians, or secular, or muslim, and it was sort of traumatic for those who remained. Imagine that your son becomes Christian and leaves you. Due to this, we have developed a sort of paranoia for change. This is why ultra orthodox jews wear the some clothes (suits, hats, etc) that they wore 300 years ago.
That paranoia proved useful in remaining jewish, but sometimes the times demand that we move on, that we change. Coming back to Israel, establishing a state, returning to the old ways, this is true judaism. It's scary for them to move on, but we must, because the end of the exile is near.
Does the fact that neither the creation of, nor the funding of, comes at the consent of the American people register as unethical and immoral?
If someone else was going to pay in blood and silence, and Tikkun Olam wasn't on the table, what was the point of tricking the goyim (Talpiot et al) into giving all they had for the State of Israel, and still its not enough?
By all means, any people deserve a state, but only if you purchase it, if another continually purchases it for you then is it really yours? Not everyone is on the beneficial end of the deep state(s) that force the nation to be Zionist.
I personally love the Torah, but I want to know its creation truth now. The State of Israel can be taken away for a short while (for bad behavior), but the Torah remains, and whoever picks up it up begins the next Midrash, hopefully they don't use it to justify atrocious behavior that makes mitzvot into a joke.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for your time! I wish I knew more Hebrew Mysticism, but its hard to love a thing that betrays your host nation just to keep a thing alive.
Have a great day! :)
kek if you want to know about the oral tradition "rabbinical judaism" is then just ask me what it's like in the back car or the LIRR.
It goes worse than that when they get in to the occult with even more that they don't want us to know about.
What about the return of a prophet? If I recall correctly, aren't Jews not suppose to reclaim Israel until some prophet returns? Isn't that the main reason?
The Messiah must return you to the Holy Land. The current state of Israel is not legitimate Zion. Unless you consider Hitler the Messiah it wouldn't work
Do you attend Yeshivas?
What do you think about religions being brought down to a level where people are allowed to make their own intepretations of their religious books of choice, making themselves the masters of their faiths and thus relieving tensions between different subsets/groups in Judaism for example?
>Maybe he winked, still it is written black on white in the talmud that it is forbiden.
that's a lie. See, this is why no one likes jews.
I think israel should sacrifise democracy for staying a jewish state. We should take tha arabs under our wing, worry for them, but not let them elect prime-ministers who seek to destroy us. If you mean what do to about the terror, it is to be very voilent to the terrorist, punish them by death, make it very scary. Also we should spread some facts about how the quran itself says israel belongs to the jews, how jerusalem isn't mentioned in it etc etc. Lots to do
This is what my grandfather did, but he wasn't a missionary just an active member of his church
The redpill is when you understand that you have nothing to do with that patch of sand.
yes, it is true especially for ultra-orthodox jews who almost never interact with goyim (and even not much with secular jews), and a lot of what they know about goyim was written in times of persecution and fear.
Stop being materialistic.
I answered that argument before. Even if we aren't genetically jews, judaism doesn't say that people who are genetically jews are better in any way then people who converted to judaism.