Why Christians worship God?

If God is benevolent, why did he make me born with crippling dysphoria and then make it a sin to be transgender and a sin to have a boyfriend?

If he is not benevolent then why do you worship him?

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Why didn't he make you a slug with no voice? Why didn't he add a extra inch to my 7 inch dong even though I got money, women and prestige?

Your suffering is arbitrary and only given meaning in a ordered universe.

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>If God is benevolent, why did he make me X
No one is forcing you to cut off your dick and have sex with men. If all that’s more important to you than what God wants don’t be mad when he sends you as far away from him as possible.

Gayshit is caused by demons. Never permit a succubus to fuck with your soul.

If God is all powerful then why does he let demons do that shit?

>No one is forcing you to cut off your dick and have sex with men.
clearly the mind and brain are just concepts and don't actually exist

Did you read the fucking same book I did?

We're -all- in an eternal state of sin. What matters is how we recognize and deal with it.

The problem is that your kind insist that everyone else must adjust their innate sense of morality to accomodate your sense of fulfillment.

You won't ever be a woman.

You don't have dysphoria, you're just confused and stressed and it's manifesting as some weird feelings.

Because of free will, which is just code for God being a spiritual Libertarian and He apparently thinks letting demons corrupt us is a greater good than a fascist spiritual world. This seems like a terrible idea to me, but I’m just a mere human.

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Do you honestly think I wouldn't rather have been born cis and straight?

I have a question.

Are you autistic?