Roe v. Wade

How much do you think the feminists would freak out if it were overturned by the new Supreme Court?

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You want all those extra niggers to feed?

A ton. It would be fucking hilarious

But overturning US v Wong Kim Ark is more important so we can end this dreadful jus soli policy

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>if it were overturned by the new Supreme Court?
WILL it, though?

Abortion reduced crime. If you don't want abortion you're begging for tons of kids that will be born into shitty conditions and eventually become criminals.

Abortion should be illegal for white women pregnant with white children

Whatever you say.

>craving wishy washy measures of curbing inconveniences whether it's criminals or thots not wanting kids
>not taking ACTUAL measures to curb such problems
You're equally as bad as the other side.

white women would lose their collective shit because theyre the only demographic who advocates to be able to genocide their own children

Roe v Wade is such a shit show of a shaky case to begin with its shocking no one has revisited it.
The woman who was pregnant wasnt even raped nor did she get an abortion.
2 lawyers filed the case before even having found norma mccorvey aka jane roe.

its also a massive amount of government overreach completely trampling state's rights

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