How come you’re all for freedom of speech until it’s about something you don’t like?
Is Jow Forums (dare I say it) HYPOCRITICAL?
Freedom of action is not free from consequences. Apple user or fat fucking whale (Joan)?
Fuck off, disrespecting your country is bad as hitting your mother.
1 post wonder....
He’s a nigger!
He can kneel all he wants i dont care. What bothers me is when people buy into this
>cops are widespread killing niggers for fun
meme. Nobody even looks into the numbers for this, they just take a few instances and run with it. It blows my fucking mind how stupid people are. Most people dont look at stats and numbers, its frustrating really. If they did they would figure out that its all bullshit.
Don't bring your personal problems to work. This 'protest' is akin to a child knocking spaghetti off a high-chair for attention.
If you want to let Colin and Nike know how you feel call 1/646/832/2038
if they say that, hit em with the
>blacks commit %50 of the violent crime despite being only %13 of the population.
its not even a fucking meme, its reality.
and then the babysitter coming in and saying "oh you big strong boy. look at all the spaghetti you sacrificed for your tantrum. let me get you a big plate of cake!"
god dammit im a retard. thanks K12 schools.
I don't believe niggers should have equal rights.
Dumb fucking nigger, says he's being opressed by the man yet he fucks a white man with tits, niggers are so fucking retarded.
Because it doesn’t make sense. Wtf does the national anthem, football and the American flag have to do with police brutality? It’s an unclear, confusing and poorly executed protest which is why I believe so many are raging out over it.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants i dont give a shit but if you do stupid shit at your workplace you get fired thats it thats all
Because we have the FREEDOM to dislike something. You dumb bitch.
Have never seen anyone here want to silence them. Call them dumb/Think it's going to ruin niggerball/etc? Sure.
he has the right to say what he wants, just like the people who employ him can restrict what he says on company time in their uniform in their venue as part of their contract and organizations rules.
Seriously, they make a fuckton of money and the media fawns all over them. They can protest or fight for the right to party or whatever on their own time... Its not like they cant get a mic and a camera at a moments notice.
>libs don’t have the freedom to censor us
>we have the freedom to censor others
Estimated IQ: 86
Freedom of speech was an invention if the 1960's marxists to destroy the united states and was vanguarded by the Berkeley free speech movement.
Its current inplementation is a false right never present in the constitution.
He has every right to kneel during the national anthem and disrespect the country where he is able to earn millions of dollars a year to throw around a piece of animals skin (all somehow despite him being black and discriminated against).
And I have every right to ridicule him for it.
Lol. Trannyfucker
We just don't like niggers nigging. That's the difference.
That's all Nigpatrick is doing: Being an entitled nigger boy.
are you hard of thinking?
Because Jow Forums isn't for freedom of speech, and if you believe it is you've been conned
>multi million dollar ad campaign with Nike
>being censored
Who said he can't do it? I haven't heard that from anyone a single time even as a joke and you know it. People are saying he SHOULDN'T do it, because it makes him a hypocritical fag.
>1 post
He did it for Shekelstein's shekels.
He's free to be an entitled asswipe and we are free not to tune in for his shit.
>using a sport venue as a political soapbox
and they wonder why people aren't watching as much